For both bulk load and batch load, all the errors and summary of the load is sent to the CloudWatch log group in your account.
To view the logs go to CloudWatch, click log groups from the left column, then search for and click
Batch Load: The logs for each load is saved under
CloudWatch log stream. -
Bulk Load using Import Task: The logs are saved under
CloudWatch log stream.
S3_ACCESS_DENIED: The server does not have permissions to list or download the given file. Fix the permissions and retry. See Create your IAM role for Amazon S3 access for help setting up the Amazon S3 permissions.
LARGE_STRING_ERROR: One or more strings exceeded the limit on the size of strings. This data cannot be inserted as is. Update the strings exceeding the limit and retry.
PARSING_ERROR: Error parsing the given value(s). Correct the value(s) and retry. More information on different parsing errors is provided in this section.
OUT_OF_MEMORY: No more data can be loaded in the current m-NCU. If encountered during import task, set a higher m-NCU and retry. If encountered during batch load, scale the number of m-NCU and retry the batch load.
PARTITION_FULL_ERROR: No more data can be loaded in the internal server configuration. If encountered during import task, the import workflow would change the server configuration and retry. If encountered during batch load, reach out to the AWS service team to unblock loading of new data.
Common parsing errors and solutions
Error template | Solution |
Invalid data type encountered for header val:badtype when parsing line
Incorrect Datatype provided. Check the documentation for supported data types. See Data formats for more information. |
Multi-valued columns are not supported |
The |
Bad header for a file in ' |
Both the Check the Data formats documentation for required fields by format. |
Bad header for a file in ' |
The header of the files does not have the required system columns. Check the Data formats for required fields by format. |
Relationship file in ' |
The header of the edge files does not have all the required system columns. Check the Data formats for required fields by format. |
Invalid data type. Found system columns from ' |
The |
Named column name is not present for header field |
The |
System column other than |
The |
Duplicate user column |
The file contains duplicate user defined property column names in the header. Remove all of the duplicate columns. |
Duplicate system column |
The file contains duplicate system column names in the header. Remove all of the duplicate columns. |
Invalid column name provided for loading embeddings: |
An incorrect name is used for the vector embeddings. |
"date" type is curretly not supported. "datetime" may be an alternative type. |
Use |
Headers must be non-empty. |
Headers need to be non empty. If the file has an empty line in the beginning, remove the empty line. |
Failure encounted while parsing the |
Likely reason is the number of columns in the row doesn't match the number of columns provided in the header. If you dont have a value for a column, provide an empty value. For example: |
Could not process value of type: |
There is a mismatch between the type of the value provided for that column in the row and the type specified in the header. In this specific case the column header is annotated with integer type but a is not parseable as an integer. |
Could not load vector embedding: |
The size of the vector does not match the dimension defined in the vector search configuration for the graph. |
Could not load vector embedding: |
Float and double values in scientific notation are currently not supported. Also
Could not process value of type: date for value: "2024-11-22T21:40:40Z". |
The values in columns of type 'date' must not contain time. For instance, "2024-11-22T21:40:40Z" is not a valid value for the 'date' column since it contains the time component '21:40:40Z'. Change the column type to 'dateTime' or remove the time from the column values. |
Please check if you are loading lines longer than 65536. |
The CSV format does not support lines longer than 65536 characters. Check if some lines are unexpectedly longer than 65536 characters, and fix those. Also check for properties with long string values and consider excluding those. For files with vector embeddings, if vector embeddings are too long then consider shortening the precision of floating point values. Alternatively, try the Parquet format to ingest data with long lines. |