AWS Graviton Performance Testing: Tips for Independent Software Vendors
Publication date: September 15, 2021 (Document history)
This whitepaper is for decision makers and builders at independent
software vendors (ISVs) who are unsure about how to evaluate
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
The evolving price performance of Amazon EC2 instance types leads to
better performance at lower cost for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
customers. Using the example of
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AWS Well-Architected Framework
For more expert guidance and best practices for your cloud
architecture—reference architecture deployments, diagrams, and
whitepapers—refer to the
AWS Architecture Center
AWS Graviton
It can also provide a better experience for ISV customers. Many ISVs run their own performance testing efforts to evaluate the price performance of Graviton and to model the impact of unit cost reduction and performance-related reductions in fleet sizes on their bottom line. This paper provides an overview of Amazon EC2 performance testing best practices and common pitfalls to help you obtain reliable, actionable results.
This paper begins the discussion by introducing a set of key concepts (layers of a typical ISV software stack) and then moves to a discussion of performance testing steps and best practices (define, implement, instrument, run, and visualize performance tests).