Using Background Replacement with the IVS Broadcast SDK - Amazon IVS

Using Background Replacement with the IVS Broadcast SDK

Background replacement is a type of camera filter that enables live-stream creators to change their backgrounds. As shown in the following diagram, replacing your background involves:

  1. Getting a camera image from the live camera feed.

  2. Segmenting it into foreground and background components using Google ML Kit.

  3. Combining the resulting segmentation mask with a custom background image.

  4. Passing it to a Custom Image Source for broadcast.

Workflow for implementing background replacement.


This section assumes you are already familiar with publishing and subscribing to video using the Web Broadcast SDK.

To replace the background of a live stream with a custom image, use the selfie segmentation model with MediaPipe Image Segmenter. This is a machine-learning model that identifies which pixels in the video frame are in the foreground or background. You can then use the results from the model to replace the background of a live stream, by copying foreground pixels from the video feed to a custom image representing the new background.

To integrate background replacement with the IVS real-time streaming Web broadcast SDK, you need to:

  1. Install MediaPipe and Webpack. (Our example uses Webpack as the bundler, but you can use any bundler of your choice.)

  2. Create index.html.

  3. Add media elements.

  4. Add a script tag.

  5. Create app.js.

  6. Load a custom background image.

  7. Create an instance of ImageSegmenter.

  8. Render the video feed to a canvas.

  9. Create background replacement logic.

  10. Create Webpack config File.

  11. Bundle Your JavaScript file.

Install MediaPipe and Webpack

To start, install the @mediapipe/tasks-vision and webpack npm packages. The example below uses Webpack as a JavaScript bundler; you can use a different bundler if preferred.

npm i @mediapipe/tasks-vision webpack webpack-cli

Make sure to also update your package.json to specify webpack as your build script:

"scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "build": "webpack" },

Create index.html

Next, create the HTML boilerplate and import the Web broadcast SDK as a script tag. In the following code, be sure to replace <SDK version> with the broadcast SDK version that you are using.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <!-- Import the SDK --> <script src="<SDK version>/amazon-ivs-web-broadcast.js"></script> </head> <body> </body> </html>

Add Media Elements

Next, add a video element and two canvas elements within the body tag. The video element will contain your live camera feed and will be used as input to the MediaPipe Image Segmenter. The first canvas element will be used to render a preview of the feed that will be broadcast. The second canvas element will be used to render the custom image that will be used as a background. Since the second canvas with the custom image is used only as a source to programmatically copy pixels from it to the final canvas, it is hidden from view.

<div class="row local-container"> <video id="webcam" autoplay style="display: none"></video> </div> <div class="row local-container"> <canvas id="canvas" width="640px" height="480px"></canvas> <div class="column" id="local-media"></div> <div class="static-controls hidden" id="local-controls"> <button class="button" id="mic-control">Mute Mic</button> <button class="button" id="camera-control">Mute Camera</button> </div> </div> <div class="row local-container"> <canvas id="background" width="640px" height="480px" style="display: none"></canvas> </div>

Add a Script Tag

Add a script tag to load a bundled JavaScript file that will contain the code to do the background replacement and publish it to a stage:

<script src="./dist/bundle.js"></script>

Create app.js

Next, create a JavaScript file to get the element objects for the canvas and video elements that were created in the HTML page. Import the ImageSegmenter and FilesetResolver modules. The ImageSegmenter module will be used to perform the segmentation task.

const canvasElement = document.getElementById("canvas"); const background = document.getElementById("background"); const canvasCtx = canvasElement.getContext("2d"); const backgroundCtx = background.getContext("2d"); const video = document.getElementById("webcam"); import { ImageSegmenter, FilesetResolver } from "@mediapipe/tasks-vision";

Next, create a function called init() to retrieve the MediaStream from the user’s camera and invoke a callback function each time a camera frame finishes loading. Add event listeners for the buttons to join and leave a stage.

Note that when joining a stage, we pass in a variable named segmentationStream. This is a video stream that is captured from a canvas element, containing a foreground image overlaid on the custom image representing the background. Later, this custom stream will be used to create an instance of a LocalStageStream, which can be published to a stage.

const init = async () => { await initializeDeviceSelect(); cameraButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const isMuted = !cameraStageStream.isMuted; cameraStageStream.setMuted(isMuted); cameraButton.innerText = isMuted ? "Show Camera" : "Hide Camera"; }); micButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const isMuted = !micStageStream.isMuted; micStageStream.setMuted(isMuted); micButton.innerText = isMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"; }); localCamera = await getCamera(videoDevicesList.value); const segmentationStream = canvasElement.captureStream(); joinButton.addEventListener("click", () => { joinStage(segmentationStream); }); leaveButton.addEventListener("click", () => { leaveStage(); }); };

Load a Custom Background Image

At the bottom of the init function, add code to call a function named initBackgroundCanvas, which loads a custom image from a local file and renders it onto a canvas. We will define this function in the next step. Assign the MediaStream retrieved from the user’s camera to the video object. Later, this video object will be passed to the Image Segmenter. Also, set a function named renderVideoToCanvas as the callback function to invoke whenever a video frame has finished loading. We will define this function in a later step.

initBackgroundCanvas(); video.srcObject = localCamera; video.addEventListener("loadeddata", renderVideoToCanvas);

Let’s implement the initBackgroundCanvas function, which loads an image from a local file. In this example, we use an image of a beach as the custom background. The canvas containing the custom image will be hidden from display, as you will merge it with the foreground pixels from the canvas element containing the camera feed.

const initBackgroundCanvas = () => { let img = new Image(); img.src = "beach.jpg"; img.onload = () => { backgroundCtx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); backgroundCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }; };

Create an Instance of ImageSegmenter

Next, create an instance of ImageSegmenter, which will segment the image and return the result as a mask. When creating an instance of an ImageSegmenter, you will use the selfie segmentation model.

const createImageSegmenter = async () => { const audio = await FilesetResolver.forVisionTasks(""); imageSegmenter = await ImageSegmenter.createFromOptions(audio, { baseOptions: { modelAssetPath: "", delegate: "GPU", }, runningMode: "VIDEO", outputCategoryMask: true, }); };

Render the Video Feed to a Canvas

Next, create the function that renders the video feed to the other canvas element. We need to render the video feed to a canvas so we can extract the foreground pixels from it using the Canvas 2D API. While doing this, we also will pass a video frame to our instance of ImageSegmenter, using the segmentforVideo method to segment the foreground from the background in the video frame. When the segmentforVideo method returns, it invokes our custom callback function, replaceBackground, for doing the background replacement.

const renderVideoToCanvas = async () => { if (video.currentTime === lastWebcamTime) { window.requestAnimationFrame(renderVideoToCanvas); return; } lastWebcamTime = video.currentTime; canvasCtx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight); if (imageSegmenter === undefined) { return; } let startTimeMs =; imageSegmenter.segmentForVideo(video, startTimeMs, replaceBackground); };

Create Background Replacement Logic

Create the replaceBackground function, which merges the custom background image with the foreground from the camera feed to replace the background. The function first retrieves the underlying pixel data of the custom background image and the video feed from the two canvas elements created earlier. It then iterates through the mask provided by ImageSegmenter, which indicates which pixels are in the foreground. As it iterates through the mask, it selectively copies pixels that contain the user’s camera feed to the corresponding background pixel data. Once that is done, it converts the final pixel data with the foreground copied on to the background and draws it to a Canvas.

function replaceBackground(result) { let imageData = canvasCtx.getImageData(0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight).data; let backgroundData = backgroundCtx.getImageData(0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight).data; const mask = result.categoryMask.getAsFloat32Array(); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < mask.length; ++i) { const maskVal = Math.round(mask[i] * 255.0); j += 4; // Only copy pixels on to the background image if the mask indicates they are in the foreground if (maskVal < 255) { backgroundData[j] = imageData[j]; backgroundData[j + 1] = imageData[j + 1]; backgroundData[j + 2] = imageData[j + 2]; backgroundData[j + 3] = imageData[j + 3]; } } // Convert the pixel data to a format suitable to be drawn to a canvas const uint8Array = new Uint8ClampedArray(backgroundData.buffer); const dataNew = new ImageData(uint8Array, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight); canvasCtx.putImageData(dataNew, 0, 0); window.requestAnimationFrame(renderVideoToCanvas); }

For reference, here is the complete app.js file containing all the logic above:

/*! Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ // All helpers are expose on 'media-devices.js' and 'dom.js' const { setupParticipant } = window; const { Stage, LocalStageStream, SubscribeType, StageEvents, ConnectionState, StreamType } = IVSBroadcastClient; const canvasElement = document.getElementById("canvas"); const background = document.getElementById("background"); const canvasCtx = canvasElement.getContext("2d"); const backgroundCtx = background.getContext("2d"); const video = document.getElementById("webcam"); import { ImageSegmenter, FilesetResolver } from "@mediapipe/tasks-vision"; let cameraButton = document.getElementById("camera-control"); let micButton = document.getElementById("mic-control"); let joinButton = document.getElementById("join-button"); let leaveButton = document.getElementById("leave-button"); let controls = document.getElementById("local-controls"); let audioDevicesList = document.getElementById("audio-devices"); let videoDevicesList = document.getElementById("video-devices"); // Stage management let stage; let joining = false; let connected = false; let localCamera; let localMic; let cameraStageStream; let micStageStream; let imageSegmenter; let lastWebcamTime = -1; const init = async () => { await initializeDeviceSelect(); cameraButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const isMuted = !cameraStageStream.isMuted; cameraStageStream.setMuted(isMuted); cameraButton.innerText = isMuted ? "Show Camera" : "Hide Camera"; }); micButton.addEventListener("click", () => { const isMuted = !micStageStream.isMuted; micStageStream.setMuted(isMuted); micButton.innerText = isMuted ? "Unmute Mic" : "Mute Mic"; }); localCamera = await getCamera(videoDevicesList.value); const segmentationStream = canvasElement.captureStream(); joinButton.addEventListener("click", () => { joinStage(segmentationStream); }); leaveButton.addEventListener("click", () => { leaveStage(); }); initBackgroundCanvas(); video.srcObject = localCamera; video.addEventListener("loadeddata", renderVideoToCanvas); }; const joinStage = async (segmentationStream) => { if (connected || joining) { return; } joining = true; const token = document.getElementById("token").value; if (!token) { window.alert("Please enter a participant token"); joining = false; return; } // Retrieve the User Media currently set on the page localMic = await getMic(audioDevicesList.value); cameraStageStream = new LocalStageStream(segmentationStream.getVideoTracks()[0]); micStageStream = new LocalStageStream(localMic.getAudioTracks()[0]); const strategy = { stageStreamsToPublish() { return [cameraStageStream, micStageStream]; }, shouldPublishParticipant() { return true; }, shouldSubscribeToParticipant() { return SubscribeType.AUDIO_VIDEO; }, }; stage = new Stage(token, strategy); // Other available events: // stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED, (state) => { connected = state === ConnectionState.CONNECTED; if (connected) { joining = false; controls.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { controls.classList.add("hidden"); } }); stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_PARTICIPANT_JOINED, (participant) => { console.log("Participant Joined:", participant); }); stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_PARTICIPANT_STREAMS_ADDED, (participant, streams) => { console.log("Participant Media Added: ", participant, streams); let streamsToDisplay = streams; if (participant.isLocal) { // Ensure to exclude local audio streams, otherwise echo will occur streamsToDisplay = streams.filter((stream) => stream.streamType === StreamType.VIDEO); } const videoEl = setupParticipant(participant); streamsToDisplay.forEach((stream) => videoEl.srcObject.addTrack(stream.mediaStreamTrack)); }); stage.on(StageEvents.STAGE_PARTICIPANT_LEFT, (participant) => { console.log("Participant Left: ", participant); teardownParticipant(participant); }); try { await stage.join(); } catch (err) { joining = false; connected = false; console.error(err.message); } }; const leaveStage = async () => { stage.leave(); joining = false; connected = false; cameraButton.innerText = "Hide Camera"; micButton.innerText = "Mute Mic"; controls.classList.add("hidden"); }; function replaceBackground(result) { let imageData = canvasCtx.getImageData(0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight).data; let backgroundData = backgroundCtx.getImageData(0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight).data; const mask = result.categoryMask.getAsFloat32Array(); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < mask.length; ++i) { const maskVal = Math.round(mask[i] * 255.0); j += 4; if (maskVal < 255) { backgroundData[j] = imageData[j]; backgroundData[j + 1] = imageData[j + 1]; backgroundData[j + 2] = imageData[j + 2]; backgroundData[j + 3] = imageData[j + 3]; } } const uint8Array = new Uint8ClampedArray(backgroundData.buffer); const dataNew = new ImageData(uint8Array, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight); canvasCtx.putImageData(dataNew, 0, 0); window.requestAnimationFrame(renderVideoToCanvas); } const createImageSegmenter = async () => { const audio = await FilesetResolver.forVisionTasks(""); imageSegmenter = await ImageSegmenter.createFromOptions(audio, { baseOptions: { modelAssetPath: "", delegate: "GPU", }, runningMode: "VIDEO", outputCategoryMask: true, }); }; const renderVideoToCanvas = async () => { if (video.currentTime === lastWebcamTime) { window.requestAnimationFrame(renderVideoToCanvas); return; } lastWebcamTime = video.currentTime; canvasCtx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight); if (imageSegmenter === undefined) { return; } let startTimeMs =; imageSegmenter.segmentForVideo(video, startTimeMs, replaceBackground); }; const initBackgroundCanvas = () => { let img = new Image(); img.src = "beach.jpg"; img.onload = () => { backgroundCtx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); backgroundCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }; }; createImageSegmenter(); init();

Create a Webpack Config File

Add this configuration to your Webpack config file to bundle app.js, so the import calls will work:

const path = require("path"); module.exports = { entry: ["./app.js"], output: { filename: "bundle.js", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"), }, };

Bundle Your JavaScript files

npm run build

Start a simple HTTP server from the directory containing index.html and open localhost:8000 to see the result:

python3 -m http.server -d ./


To replace the background in your live stream, you can use the selfie segmentation API of Google ML Kit. The selfie segmentation API accepts a camera image as input and returns a mask that provides a confidence score for each pixel of the image, indicating whether it was in the foreground or the background. Based on the confidence score, you can then retrieve the corresponding pixel color from either the background image or the foreground image. This process continues until all confidence scores in the mask have been examined. The result is a new array of pixel colors containing foreground pixels combined with pixels from the background image.

To integrate background replacement with the IVS real-time streaming Android broadcast SDK, you need to:

  1. Install CameraX libraries and the Google ML kit.

  2. Initialize boilerplate variables.

  3. Create a custom image source.

  4. Manage camera frames.

  5. Pass camera frames to Google ML Kit.

  6. Overlay camera frame foreground onto your custom background.

  7. Feed the new image to a custom image source.

Install CameraX Libraries and Google ML Kit

To extract images from the live camera feed, use Android’s CameraX library. To install the CameraX library and Google ML Kit, add the following to your module’s build.gradle file. Replace ${camerax_version} and ${google_ml_kit_version} with the latest version of the CameraX and Google ML Kit libraries, respectively.

implementation "${google_ml_kit_version}" implementation "${camerax_version}" implementation "${camerax_version}"

Import the following libraries:

import import import import import

Initialize Boilerplate Variables

Initialize an instance of ImageAnalysis and an instance of an ExecutorService:

private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding private lateinit var cameraExecutor: ExecutorService private var analysisUseCase: ImageAnalysis? = null

Initialize a Segmenter instance in STREAM_MODE:

private val options = SelfieSegmenterOptions.Builder() .setDetectorMode(SelfieSegmenterOptions.STREAM_MODE) .build() private val segmenter = Segmentation.getClient(options)

Create a Custom Image Source

In the onCreate method of your activity, create an instance of a DeviceDiscovery object and create a custom image source. The Surface provided by the Custom Image Source will receive the final image, with the foreground overlaid on a custom background image. You will then create an instance of a ImageLocalStageStream using the Custom Image Source. The instance of a ImageLocalStageStream (named filterStream in this example) can then be published to a stage. See the IVS Android Broadcast SDK Guide for instructions on setting up a stage. Finally, also create a thread that will be used to manage the camera.

var deviceDiscovery = DeviceDiscovery(applicationContext) var customSource = deviceDiscovery.createImageInputSource( BroadcastConfiguration.Vec2( 720F, 1280F )) var surface: Surface = customSource.inputSurface var filterStream = ImageLocalStageStream(customSource) cameraExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()

Manage Camera Frames

Next, create a function to initialize the camera. This function uses the CameraX library to extract images from the live camera feed. First, you create an instance of a ProcessCameraProvider called cameraProviderFuture. This object represents a future result of obtaining a camera provider. Then you load an image from your project as a bitmap. This example uses an image of a beach as a background, but it can be any image you want.

You then add a listener to cameraProviderFuture. This listener is notified when the camera becomes available or if an error occurs during the process of obtaining a camera provider.

private fun startCamera(surface: Surface) { val cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this) val imageResource = R.drawable.beach val bgBitmap: Bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, imageResource) var resultBitmap: Bitmap; cameraProviderFuture.addListener({ val cameraProvider: ProcessCameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get() if (mediaImage != null) { val inputImage = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees) resultBitmap = overlayForeground(mask, maskWidth, maskHeight, inputBitmap, backgroundPixels) canvas = surface.lockCanvas(null); canvas.drawBitmap(resultBitmap, 0f, 0f, null) surface.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); } .addOnFailureListener { exception -> Log.d("App", exception.message!!) } .addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() } } }; val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_FRONT_CAMERA try { // Unbind use cases before rebinding cameraProvider.unbindAll() // Bind use cases to camera cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, analysisUseCase) } catch(exc: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Use case binding failed", exc) } }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this)) }

Within the listener, create ImageAnalysis.Builder to access each individual frame from the live camera feed. Set the back-pressure strategy to STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST. This guarantees that only one camera frame at a time is delivered for processing. Convert each individual camera frame to a bitmap, so you can extract its pixels to later combine it with the custom background image.

val imageAnalyzer = ImageAnalysis.Builder() analysisUseCase = imageAnalyzer .setTargetResolution(Size(360, 640)) .setBackpressureStrategy(ImageAnalysis.STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST) .build() analysisUseCase?.setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor) { imageProxy: ImageProxy -> val mediaImage = imageProxy.image val tempBitmap = imageProxy.toBitmap(); val inputBitmap = tempBitmap.rotate(imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees.toFloat())

Pass Camera Frames to Google ML Kit

Next, create an InputImage and pass it to the instance of Segmenter for processing. An InputImage can be created from an ImageProxy provided by the instance of ImageAnalysis. Once an InputImage is provided to Segmenter, it returns a mask with confidence scores indicating the likelihood of a pixel being in the foreground or background. This mask also provides width and height properties, which you will use to create a new array containing the background pixels from the custom background image loaded earlier.

if (mediaImage != null) { val inputImage = InputImage.fromMediaImag segmenter.process(inputImage) .addOnSuccessListener { segmentationMask -> val mask = segmentationMask.buffer val maskWidth = segmentationMask.width val maskHeight = segmentationMask.height val backgroundPixels = IntArray(maskWidth * maskHeight) bgBitmap.getPixels(backgroundPixels, 0, maskWidth, 0, 0, maskWidth, maskHeight)

Overlay the Camera Frame Foreground onto Your Custom Background

With the mask containing the confidence scores, the camera frame as a bitmap, and the color pixels from the custom background image, you have everything you need to overlay the foreground onto your custom background. The overlayForeground function is then called with the following parameters:

resultBitmap = overlayForeground(mask, maskWidth, maskHeight, inputBitmap, backgroundPixels)

This function iterates through the mask and checks the confidence values to determine whether to get the corresponding pixel color from the background image or the camera frame. If the confidence value indicates that a pixel in the mask is most likely in the background, it will get the corresponding pixel color from the background image; otherwise, it will get the corresponding pixel color from the camera frame to build the foreground. Once the function finishes iterating through the mask, a new bitmap is created using the new array of color pixels and returned. This new bitmap contains the foreground overlaid on the custom background.

private fun overlayForeground( byteBuffer: ByteBuffer, maskWidth: Int, maskHeight: Int, cameraBitmap: Bitmap, backgroundPixels: IntArray ): Bitmap { @ColorInt val colors = IntArray(maskWidth * maskHeight) val cameraPixels = IntArray(maskWidth * maskHeight) cameraBitmap.getPixels(cameraPixels, 0, maskWidth, 0, 0, maskWidth, maskHeight) for (i in 0 until maskWidth * maskHeight) { val backgroundLikelihood: Float = 1 - byteBuffer.getFloat() // Apply the virtual background to the color if it's not part of the foreground if (backgroundLikelihood > 0.9) { // Get the corresponding pixel color from the background image // Set the color in the mask based on the background image pixel color colors[i] = backgroundPixels.get(i) } else { // Get the corresponding pixel color from the camera frame // Set the color in the mask based on the camera image pixel color colors[i] = cameraPixels.get(i) } } return Bitmap.createBitmap( colors, maskWidth, maskHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 ) }

Feed the New Image to a Custom Image Source

You can then write the new bitmap to the Surface provided by a custom image source. This will broadcast it to your stage.

resultBitmap = overlayForeground(mask, inputBitmap, mutableBitmap, bgBitmap) canvas = surface.lockCanvas(null); canvas.drawBitmap(resultBitmap, 0f, 0f, null)

Here is the complete function for getting the camera frames, passing it to Segmenter, and overlaying it on the background:

@androidx.annotation.OptIn( private fun startCamera(surface: Surface) { val cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this) val imageResource = R.drawable.clouds val bgBitmap: Bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, imageResource) var resultBitmap: Bitmap; cameraProviderFuture.addListener({ // Used to bind the lifecycle of cameras to the lifecycle owner val cameraProvider: ProcessCameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get() val imageAnalyzer = ImageAnalysis.Builder() analysisUseCase = imageAnalyzer .setTargetResolution(Size(720, 1280)) .setBackpressureStrategy(ImageAnalysis.STRATEGY_KEEP_ONLY_LATEST) .build() analysisUseCase!!.setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor) { imageProxy: ImageProxy -> val mediaImage = imageProxy.image val tempBitmap = imageProxy.toBitmap(); val inputBitmap = tempBitmap.rotate(imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees.toFloat()) if (mediaImage != null) { val inputImage = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees) segmenter.process(inputImage) .addOnSuccessListener { segmentationMask -> val mask = segmentationMask.buffer val maskWidth = segmentationMask.width val maskHeight = segmentationMask.height val backgroundPixels = IntArray(maskWidth * maskHeight) bgBitmap.getPixels(backgroundPixels, 0, maskWidth, 0, 0, maskWidth, maskHeight) resultBitmap = overlayForeground(mask, maskWidth, maskHeight, inputBitmap, backgroundPixels) canvas = surface.lockCanvas(null); canvas.drawBitmap(resultBitmap, 0f, 0f, null) surface.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); } .addOnFailureListener { exception -> Log.d("App", exception.message!!) } .addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() } } }; val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_FRONT_CAMERA try { // Unbind use cases before rebinding cameraProvider.unbindAll() // Bind use cases to camera cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(this, cameraSelector, analysisUseCase) } catch(exc: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Use case binding failed", exc) } }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this)) }