Enable Playback Authorization on IVS Channels
A channel’s authorization requirement can be configured when the channel is created or later (using an update endpoint). Note that the steps are the same whether you want to enable or disable playback authorization.
Console Instructions
To enable authorization when creating a channel:
Open the Amazon IVS console
. Choose your channel’s region if you are not already on it. -
In the Get started box (top right), choose Create channel.
On the Channel create page, choose Custom configuration.
In the Playback authentication section, turn on Enable token-authentication requirement for video playback.
Follow the rest of the prompts to create a channel. (See Getting Started with IVS Low-Latency Streaming.)
To enable authorization by updating an existing channel:
Open the Amazon IVS console
. Choose your channel’s region if you are not already on it. -
In the left navigation menu, choose Channels.
Choose the checkbox for the channel you want to update, then choose Edit.
In the Playback authentication section, turn on Enable token-authentication requirement for video playback.
Click Save changes.
CLI Instructions
To enable authorization when creating a channel:
aws ivs create-channel --authorized --region <aws-region>
You can omit --region <aws-region>
if the region is in your local
AWS configuration file.
Here is an example response. Note that authorized
{ "streamKey": { "channelArn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789:channel/fbc789c1-2c56-4ce6-a30a-d99275dc4481", "value": "sk_us-west-2_abcd1234efgh5678ijkl", "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789:stream-key/62f15f1b-fe31-4127-b252-0666ac7f55a7", "tags": {} }, "channel": { "name": "test-channel", "tags": {}, "authorized": true, "latencyMode": "LOW", "ingestEndpoint": "jds34ksdg3las.global-contribute.live-video.net", "playbackUrl": "https://b37c565f6d79.us-west-2.playback.live-video.net/api/video/v1/aws.ivs.us-west-2.123456789.channel.oU4OKS4LA1Dz.m3u8", "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:123456789:channel/fbc789c1-2c56-4ce6-a30a-d99275dc4481" } }
To enable authorization by updating an existing channel:
aws ivs update-channel --arn arn:aws:ivs:us-west-2:693991300569:channel/742da049-fe9f-4f23-928e-c6753760a189 --authorized
This is just an example; you must specify your own channel ARN after
. As when creating a channel, authorized
in the update response.
API Request (Create and Update)
POST /CreateChannel HTTP/1.1 { "name": "<your channel name>", "authorized": true }
POST /UpdateChannel HTTP/1.1 { "arn": "<channel arn>", "authorized": true }