We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for JavaScript v2.
We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

Class: AWS.CleanRooms

AWS.Service show all
API Version:
Defined in:


Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

Service Description

Welcome to the Clean Rooms API Reference.

Clean Rooms is an Amazon Web Services service that helps multiple parties to join their data together in a secure collaboration workspace. In the collaboration, members who can query and receive results can get insights into the collective datasets without either party getting access to the other party's raw data.

To learn more about Clean Rooms concepts, procedures, and best practices, see the Clean Rooms User Guide.

To learn more about SQL commands, functions, and conditions supported in Clean Rooms, see the Clean Rooms SQL Reference.

Sending a Request Using CleanRooms

var cleanrooms = new AWS.CleanRooms();
cleanrooms.createPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function (err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response

Locking the API Version

In order to ensure that the CleanRooms object uses this specific API, you can construct the object by passing the apiVersion option to the constructor:

var cleanrooms = new AWS.CleanRooms({apiVersion: '2022-02-17'});

You can also set the API version globally in AWS.config.apiVersions using the cleanrooms service identifier:

AWS.config.apiVersions = {
  cleanrooms: '2022-02-17',
  // other service API versions

var cleanrooms = new AWS.CleanRooms();


  • 2022-02-17

Constructor Summary collapse

Property Summary collapse

Properties inherited from AWS.Service


Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from AWS.Service

makeRequest, makeUnauthenticatedRequest, setupRequestListeners, defineService

Constructor Details

new AWS.CleanRooms(options = {}) ⇒ Object

Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.


Constructing a CleanRooms object

var cleanrooms = new AWS.CleanRooms({apiVersion: '2022-02-17'});

Options Hash (options):

  • params (map)

    An optional map of parameters to bind to every request sent by this service object. For more information on bound parameters, see "Working with Services" in the Getting Started Guide.

  • endpoint (String|AWS.Endpoint)

    The endpoint URI to send requests to. The default endpoint is built from the configured region. The endpoint should be a string like 'https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com' or an Endpoint object.

  • accessKeyId (String)

    your AWS access key ID.

  • secretAccessKey (String)

    your AWS secret access key.

  • sessionToken (AWS.Credentials)

    the optional AWS session token to sign requests with.

  • credentials (AWS.Credentials)

    the AWS credentials to sign requests with. You can either specify this object, or specify the accessKeyId and secretAccessKey options directly.

  • credentialProvider (AWS.CredentialProviderChain)

    the provider chain used to resolve credentials if no static credentials property is set.

  • region (String)

    the region to send service requests to. See AWS.CleanRooms.region for more information.

  • maxRetries (Integer)

    the maximum amount of retries to attempt with a request. See AWS.CleanRooms.maxRetries for more information.

  • maxRedirects (Integer)

    the maximum amount of redirects to follow with a request. See AWS.CleanRooms.maxRedirects for more information.

  • sslEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to enable SSL for requests.

  • paramValidation (Boolean|map)

    whether input parameters should be validated against the operation description before sending the request. Defaults to true. Pass a map to enable any of the following specific validation features:

    • min [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the min constraint. This is enabled by default when paramValidation is set to true.
    • max [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the max constraint.
    • pattern [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches a regular expression.
    • enum [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches one of the allowable enum values.
  • computeChecksums (Boolean)

    whether to compute checksums for payload bodies when the service accepts it (currently supported in S3 only)

  • convertResponseTypes (Boolean)

    whether types are converted when parsing response data. Currently only supported for JSON based services. Turning this off may improve performance on large response payloads. Defaults to true.

  • correctClockSkew (Boolean)

    whether to apply a clock skew correction and retry requests that fail because of an skewed client clock. Defaults to false.

  • s3ForcePathStyle (Boolean)

    whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects.

  • s3BucketEndpoint (Boolean)

    whether the provided endpoint addresses an individual bucket (false if it addresses the root API endpoint). Note that setting this configuration option requires an endpoint to be provided explicitly to the service constructor.

  • s3DisableBodySigning (Boolean)

    whether S3 body signing should be disabled when using signature version v4. Body signing can only be disabled when using https. Defaults to true.

  • s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint ('legacy'|'regional')

    when region is set to 'us-east-1', whether to send s3 request to global endpoints or 'us-east-1' regional endpoints. This config is only applicable to S3 client. Defaults to legacy

  • s3UseArnRegion (Boolean)

    whether to override the request region with the region inferred from requested resource's ARN. Only available for S3 buckets Defaults to true

  • retryDelayOptions (map)

    A set of options to configure the retry delay on retryable errors. Currently supported options are:

    • base [Integer] — The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. Defaults to 100 ms for all services except DynamoDB, where it defaults to 50ms.
    • customBackoff [function] — A custom function that accepts a retry count and error and returns the amount of time to delay in milliseconds. If the result is a non-zero negative value, no further retry attempts will be made. The base option will be ignored if this option is supplied. The function is only called for retryable errors.
  • httpOptions (map)

    A set of options to pass to the low-level HTTP request. Currently supported options are:

    • proxy [String] — the URL to proxy requests through
    • agent [http.Agent, https.Agent] — the Agent object to perform HTTP requests with. Used for connection pooling. Defaults to the global agent (http.globalAgent) for non-SSL connections. Note that for SSL connections, a special Agent object is used in order to enable peer certificate verification. This feature is only available in the Node.js environment.
    • connectTimeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after failing to establish a connection with the server after connectTimeout milliseconds. This timeout has no effect once a socket connection has been established.
    • timeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity on the socket. Defaults to two minutes (120000).
    • xhrAsync [Boolean] — Whether the SDK will send asynchronous HTTP requests. Used in the browser environment only. Set to false to send requests synchronously. Defaults to true (async on).
    • xhrWithCredentials [Boolean] — Sets the "withCredentials" property of an XMLHttpRequest object. Used in the browser environment only. Defaults to false.
  • apiVersion (String, Date)

    a String in YYYY-MM-DD format (or a date) that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in all services (unless overridden by apiVersions). Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.

  • apiVersions (map<String, String|Date>)

    a map of service identifiers (the lowercase service class name) with the API version to use when instantiating a service. Specify 'latest' for each individual that can use the latest available version.

  • logger (#write, #log)

    an object that responds to .write() (like a stream) or .log() (like the console object) in order to log information about requests

  • systemClockOffset (Number)

    an offset value in milliseconds to apply to all signing times. Use this to compensate for clock skew when your system may be out of sync with the service time. Note that this configuration option can only be applied to the global AWS.config object and cannot be overridden in service-specific configuration. Defaults to 0 milliseconds.

  • signatureVersion (String)

    the signature version to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration). Possible values are: 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'.

  • signatureCache (Boolean)

    whether the signature to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration) is cached. Only applies to the signature version 'v4'. Defaults to true.

  • dynamoDbCrc32 (Boolean)

    whether to validate the CRC32 checksum of HTTP response bodies returned by DynamoDB. Default: true.

  • useAccelerateEndpoint (Boolean)

    Whether to use the S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoint with the S3 service. Default: false.

  • clientSideMonitoring (Boolean)

    whether to collect and publish this client's performance metrics of all its API requests.

  • endpointDiscoveryEnabled (Boolean|undefined)

    whether to call operations with endpoints given by service dynamically. Setting this

  • endpointCacheSize (Number)

    the size of the global cache storing endpoints from endpoint discovery operations. Once endpoint cache is created, updating this setting cannot change existing cache size. Defaults to 1000

  • hostPrefixEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to marshal request parameters to the prefix of hostname. Defaults to true.

  • stsRegionalEndpoints ('legacy'|'regional')

    whether to send sts request to global endpoints or regional endpoints. Defaults to 'legacy'.

  • useFipsEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. Defaults to false.

  • useDualstackEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables IPv6 dualstack endpoint. Defaults to false.

Property Details

endpointAWS.Endpoint (readwrite)

Returns an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.


  • (AWS.Endpoint)

    an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.

Method Details

batchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves multiple analysis templates within a collaboration by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).


Calling the batchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  analysisTemplateArns: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.batchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

    • analysisTemplateArns — (Array<String>)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationAnalysisTemplates — (Array<map>)

        The retrieved list of analysis templates within a collaboration.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the analysis template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template within a collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template in the collaboration was last updated.

        • schemarequired — (map)

          The entire schema object.

          • referencedTables — (Array<String>)

            The tables referenced in the analysis schema.

        • formatrequired — (String)

          The format of the analysis template in the collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "SQL"
        • sourcerequired — (map)

          The source of the analysis template within a collaboration.

          • text — (String)

            The query text.

        • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

          The analysis parameters that have been specified in the analysis template.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of parameter.

            Possible values include:
            • "SMALLINT"
            • "INTEGER"
            • "BIGINT"
            • "DECIMAL"
            • "REAL"
            • "DOUBLE_PRECISION"
            • "BOOLEAN"
            • "CHAR"
            • "VARCHAR"
            • "DATE"
            • "TIMESTAMP"
            • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
            • "TIME"
            • "TIMETZ"
            • "VARBYTE"
          • defaultValue — (String)

            Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

        • validations — (Array<map>)

          The validations that were performed.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of validation that was performed.

            Possible values include:
          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the validation.

            Possible values include:
            • "VALID"
            • "INVALID"
            • "UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons for the validation results.

            • messagerequired — (String)

              The validation message.

      • errors — (Array<map>)

        Error reasons for collaboration analysis templates that could not be retrieved. One error is returned for every collaboration analysis template that could not be retrieved.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • coderequired — (String)

          An error code for the error.

        • messagerequired — (String)

          A description of why the call failed.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

batchGetSchema(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves multiple schemas by their identifiers.

Service Reference:


Calling the batchGetSchema operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  names: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
cleanrooms.batchGetSchema(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the schemas belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

    • names — (Array<String>)

      The names for the schema objects to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • schemas — (Array<map>)

        The retrieved list of schemas.

        • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

          The columns for the relation this schema represents.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the column.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the column.

        • partitionKeysrequired — (Array<map>)

          The partition keys for the dataset underlying this schema.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the column.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the column.

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The analysis rule types associated with the schema. Currently, only one entry is present.

        • analysisMethod — (String)

          The analysis method for the schema. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique account ID for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the schema.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name for the schema. The schema relation is referred to by this name when queried by a protected query.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • descriptionrequired — (String)

          A description for the schema.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema was last updated.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of schema. The only valid value is currently TABLE.

          Possible values include:
          • "TABLE"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • schemaStatusDetailsrequired — (Array<map>)

          Details about the status of the schema. Currently, only one entry is present.

          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the schema, indicating if it is ready to query.

            Possible values include:
            • "READY"
            • "NOT_READY"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons why the schema status is set to its current state.

            • coderequired — (String)

              The schema status reason code.

              Possible values include:
              • "ANALYSIS_RULE_MISSING"
            • messagerequired — (String)

              An explanation of the schema status reason code.

          • analysisRuleType — (String)

            The analysis rule type for which the schema status has been evaluated.

            Possible values include:
            • "AGGREGATION"
            • "LIST"
            • "CUSTOM"
            • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
          • configurations — (Array<String>)

            The configuration details of the schema analysis rule for the given type.

          • analysisTyperequired — (String)

            The type of analysis that can be performed on the schema.

            A schema can have an analysisType of DIRECT_ANALYSIS, ADDITIONAL_ANALYSIS_FOR_AUDIENCE_GENERATION, or both.

            Possible values include:
            • "DIRECT_ANALYSIS"
        • schemaTypeProperties — (map)

          The schema type properties.

          • idMappingTable — (map)

            The ID mapping table for the schema type properties.

            • idMappingTableInputSourcerequired — (Array<map>)

              Defines which ID namespace associations are used to create the ID mapping table.

              • idNamespaceAssociationIdrequired — (String)

                The unique identifier of the ID namespace association.

              • typerequired — (String)

                The type of the input source of the ID mapping table.

                Possible values include:
                • "SOURCE"
                • "TARGET"
      • errors — (Array<map>)

        Error reasons for schemas that could not be retrieved. One error is returned for every schema that could not be retrieved.

        • namerequired — (String)

          An error name for the error.

        • coderequired — (String)

          An error code for the error.

        • messagerequired — (String)

          An error message for the error.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

batchGetSchemaAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves multiple analysis rule schemas.

Service Reference:


Calling the batchGetSchemaAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  schemaAnalysisRuleRequests: [ /* required */
      name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      type: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM | ID_MAPPING_TABLE /* required */
    /* more items */
cleanrooms.batchGetSchemaAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains the schema analysis rule.

    • schemaAnalysisRuleRequests — (Array<map>)

      The information that's necessary to retrieve a schema analysis rule.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the analysis rule schema that you are requesting.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of analysis rule schema that you are requesting.

        Possible values include:
        • "AGGREGATION"
        • "LIST"
        • "CUSTOM"
        • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRules — (Array<map>)

        The retrieved list of analysis rules.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the associated collaboration.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • namerequired — (String)

          The name for the analysis rule.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the analysis rule was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the analysis rule was last updated.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          A policy that describes the associated data usage limitations.

          • v1 — (map)

            Controls on the query specifications that can be run on configured table.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be listed in the output.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

                • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

                  Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

                • functionrequired — (String)

                  Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "SUM"
                  • "SUM_DISTINCT"
                  • "COUNT"
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                  • "AVG"
              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

              • joinRequired — (String)

                Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

                Possible values include:
                • "QUERY_RUNNER"
              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

              • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

              • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

                • columnNamerequired — (String)

                  Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • minimumrequired — (Integer)

                  The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • typerequired — (String)

                  The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • custom — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables custom SQL queries on a configured table.

              • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

                The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

              • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

                The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
              • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

                A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

              • differentialPrivacy — (map)

                The differential privacy configuration.

                • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                  The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

            • idMappingTable — (map)

              The ID mapping table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in an INNER JOIN statement.

              • queryConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The query constraints of the analysis rule ID mapping table.

                • requireOverlap — (map)

                  An array of column names that specifies which columns are required in the JOIN statement.

                  • columns — (Array<String>)

                    The columns that are required to overlap.

              • dimensionColumns — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

      • errors — (Array<map>)

        Error reasons for schemas that could not be retrieved. One error is returned for every schema that could not be retrieved.

        • namerequired — (String)

          An error name for the error.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The analysis rule type.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • coderequired — (String)

          An error code for the error.

        • messagerequired — (String)

          A description of why the call failed.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new analysis template.

Service Reference:


Calling the createAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  format: SQL, /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  source: { /* required */
    text: 'STRING_VALUE'
  analysisParameters: [
      name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      defaultValue: 'STRING_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      The description of the analysis template.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

    • name — (String)

      The name of the analysis template.

    • format — (String)

      The format of the analysis template.

      Possible values include:
      • "SQL"
    • source — (map)

      The information in the analysis template. Currently supports text, the query text for the analysis template.

      • text — (String)

        The query text.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

      The parameters of the analysis template.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of parameter.

        Possible values include:
        • "SMALLINT"
        • "INTEGER"
        • "BIGINT"
        • "DECIMAL"
        • "REAL"
        • "BOOLEAN"
        • "CHAR"
        • "VARCHAR"
        • "DATE"
        • "TIMESTAMP"
        • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
        • "TIME"
        • "TIMETZ"
        • "VARBYTE"
      • defaultValue — (String)

        Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisTemplate — (map)

        The analysis template.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the analysis template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the associated collaboration of the analysis template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier of a member who created the analysis template.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the analysis template.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was last updated.

        • schemarequired — (map)

          The entire schema object.

          • referencedTables — (Array<String>)

            The tables referenced in the analysis schema.

        • formatrequired — (String)

          The format of the analysis template.

          Possible values include:
          • "SQL"
        • sourcerequired — (map)

          The source of the analysis template.

          • text — (String)

            The query text.

        • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

          The parameters of the analysis template.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of parameter.

            Possible values include:
            • "SMALLINT"
            • "INTEGER"
            • "BIGINT"
            • "DECIMAL"
            • "REAL"
            • "DOUBLE_PRECISION"
            • "BOOLEAN"
            • "CHAR"
            • "VARCHAR"
            • "DATE"
            • "TIMESTAMP"
            • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
            • "TIME"
            • "TIMETZ"
            • "VARBYTE"
          • defaultValue — (String)

            Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

        • validations — (Array<map>)

          Information about the validations performed on the analysis template.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of validation that was performed.

            Possible values include:
          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the validation.

            Possible values include:
            • "VALID"
            • "INVALID"
            • "UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons for the validation results.

            • messagerequired — (String)

              The validation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createCollaboration(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the createCollaboration operation

var params = {
  creatorDisplayName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  creatorMemberAbilities: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  members: [ /* required */
      accountId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      displayName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      memberAbilities: [ /* required */
        /* more items */
      paymentConfiguration: {
        queryCompute: { /* required */
          isResponsible: true || false /* required */
    /* more items */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  queryLogStatus: ENABLED | DISABLED, /* required */
  creatorPaymentConfiguration: {
    queryCompute: { /* required */
      isResponsible: true || false /* required */
  dataEncryptionMetadata: {
    allowCleartext: true || false, /* required */
    allowDuplicates: true || false, /* required */
    allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNames: true || false, /* required */
    preserveNulls: true || false /* required */
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createCollaboration(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • members — (Array<map>)

      A list of initial members, not including the creator. This list is immutable.

      • accountIdrequired — (String)

        The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

      • memberAbilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

        The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

      • displayNamerequired — (String)

        The member's display name.

      • paymentConfiguration — (map)

        The collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

        If the collaboration creator hasn't specified anyone as the member paying for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

        • queryComputerequired — (map)

          The collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator for query compute costs.

          • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether the collaboration creator has configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

            Exactly one member can be configured to pay for query compute costs. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a TRUE value for more than one member in the collaboration.

            If the collaboration creator hasn't specified anyone as the member paying for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a FALSE value for the member who can query.

    • name — (String)

      The display name for a collaboration.

    • description — (String)

      A description of the collaboration provided by the collaboration owner.

    • creatorMemberAbilities — (Array<String>)

      The abilities granted to the collaboration creator.

    • creatorDisplayName — (String)

      The display name of the collaboration creator.

    • dataEncryptionMetadata — (map)

      The settings for client-side encryption with Cryptographic Computing for Clean Rooms.

      • allowCleartextrequired — (Boolean)

        Indicates whether encrypted tables can contain cleartext data (TRUE) or are to cryptographically process every column (FALSE).

      • allowDuplicatesrequired — (Boolean)

        Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can contain duplicate entries (TRUE) or are to contain only non-repeated values (FALSE).

      • allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNamesrequired — (Boolean)

        Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can be joined on any other Fingerprint column with a different name (TRUE) or can only be joined on Fingerprint columns of the same name (FALSE).

      • preserveNullsrequired — (Boolean)

        Indicates whether NULL values are to be copied as NULL to encrypted tables (TRUE) or cryptographically processed (FALSE).

    • queryLogStatus — (String)

      An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the collaboration.

      Possible values include:
      • "ENABLED"
      • "DISABLED"
    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • creatorPaymentConfiguration — (map)

      The collaboration creator's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

      If the collaboration creator hasn't specified anyone as the member paying for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

      • queryComputerequired — (map)

        The collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator for query compute costs.

        • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

          Indicates whether the collaboration creator has configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

          Exactly one member can be configured to pay for query compute costs. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a TRUE value for more than one member in the collaboration.

          If the collaboration creator hasn't specified anyone as the member paying for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a FALSE value for the member who can query.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaboration — (map)

        The collaboration.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A human-readable identifier provided by the collaboration owner. Display names are not unique.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the collaboration provided by the collaboration owner.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • creatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          A display name of the collaboration creator.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the collaboration metadata was last updated.

        • memberStatusrequired — (String)

          The status of a member in a collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "INVITED"
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "LEFT"
          • "REMOVED"
        • membershipId — (String)

          The unique ID for your membership within the collaboration.

        • membershipArn — (String)

          The unique ARN for your membership within the collaboration.

        • dataEncryptionMetadata — (map)

          The settings for client-side encryption for cryptographic computing.

          • allowCleartextrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether encrypted tables can contain cleartext data (TRUE) or are to cryptographically process every column (FALSE).

          • allowDuplicatesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can contain duplicate entries (TRUE) or are to contain only non-repeated values (FALSE).

          • allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNamesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can be joined on any other Fingerprint column with a different name (TRUE) or can only be joined on Fingerprint columns of the same name (FALSE).

          • preserveNullsrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether NULL values are to be copied as NULL to encrypted tables (TRUE) or cryptographically processed (FALSE).

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the details necessary to create a configured audience model association.


Calling the createConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredAudienceModelArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  configuredAudienceModelAssociationName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  manageResourcePolicies: true || false, /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The configured audience model is associated to the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • configuredAudienceModelArn — (String)

      A unique identifier for the configured audience model that you want to associate.

    • configuredAudienceModelAssociationName — (String)

      The name of the configured audience model association.

    • manageResourcePolicies — (Boolean)

      When TRUE, indicates that the resource policy for the configured audience model resource being associated is configured for Clean Rooms to manage permissions related to the given collaboration. When FALSE, indicates that the configured audience model resource owner will manage permissions related to the given collaboration.

      Setting this to TRUE requires you to have permissions to create, update, and delete the resource policy for the cleanrooms-ml resource when you call the DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation resource. In addition, if you are the collaboration creator and specify TRUE, you must have the same permissions when you call the DeleteMember and DeleteCollaboration APIs.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • description — (String)

      A description of the configured audience model association.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredAudienceModelAssociation — (map)

        Information about the configured audience model association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • configuredAudienceModelArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model that was used for this configured audience model association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

          When TRUE, indicates that the resource policy for the configured audience model resource being associated is configured for Clean Rooms to manage permissions related to the given collaboration. When FALSE, indicates that the configured audience model resource owner will manage permissions related to the given collaboration.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createConfiguredTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new configured table resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the createConfiguredTable operation

var params = {
  allowedColumns: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  analysisMethod: DIRECT_QUERY, /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tableReference: { /* required */
    glue: {
      databaseName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      tableName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createConfiguredTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the configured table.

    • description — (String)

      A description for the configured table.

    • tableReference — (map)

      A reference to the Glue table being configured.

      • glue — (map)

        If present, a reference to the Glue table referred to by this table reference.

        • tableNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the Glue table.

        • databaseNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the database the Glue table belongs to.

    • allowedColumns — (Array<String>)

      The columns of the underlying table that can be used by collaborations or analysis rules.

    • analysisMethod — (String)

      The analysis method for the configured tables. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

      Possible values include:
      • "DIRECT_QUERY"
    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTable — (map)

        The created configured table.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name for the configured table.

        • description — (String)

          A description for the configured table.

        • tableReferencerequired — (map)

          The Glue table that this configured table represents.

          • glue — (map)

            If present, a reference to the Glue table referred to by this table reference.

            • tableNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the Glue table.

            • databaseNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the database the Glue table belongs to.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was last updated

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The types of analysis rules associated with this configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule may be associated with a configured table.

        • analysisMethodrequired — (String)

          The analysis method for the configured table. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
        • allowedColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

          The columns within the underlying Glue table that can be utilized within collaborations.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new analysis rule for a configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule can be created for a given configured table.


Calling the createConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRulePolicy: { /* required */
    v1: {
      aggregation: {
        aggregateColumns: [ /* required */
            columnNames: [ /* required */
              /* more items */
            function: SUM | SUM_DISTINCT | COUNT | COUNT_DISTINCT | AVG /* required */
          /* more items */
        dimensionColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        joinColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        outputConstraints: [ /* required */
            columnName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            minimum: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
            type: COUNT_DISTINCT /* required */
          /* more items */
        scalarFunctions: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedJoinOperators: [
          OR | AND,
          /* more items */
        joinRequired: QUERY_RUNNER
      custom: {
        allowedAnalyses: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedAnalysisProviders: [
          /* more items */
        differentialPrivacy: {
          columns: [ /* required */
              name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
            /* more items */
        disallowedOutputColumns: [
          /* more items */
      list: {
        joinColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        listColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedJoinOperators: [
          OR | AND,
          /* more items */
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.createConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the configured table to create the analysis rule for. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The type of analysis rule.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"
    • analysisRulePolicy — (map)

      The analysis rule policy that was created for the configured table.

      • v1 — (map)

        Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

        • list — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

          • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

          • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

            The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

          • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns that can be listed in the output.

          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
        • aggregation — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

          • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

            • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

              Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

            • functionrequired — (String)

              Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

              Possible values include:
              • "SUM"
              • "SUM_DISTINCT"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "AVG"
          • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

          • joinRequired — (String)

            Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

            Possible values include:
            • "QUERY_RUNNER"
          • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

            Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

          • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

          • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

          • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

            Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

            • columnNamerequired — (String)

              Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

            • minimumrequired — (Integer)

              The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

              Possible values include:
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
        • custom — (map)

          A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

          • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

            The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

          • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

            The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
          • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

            A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The differential privacy configuration.

            • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The analysis rule that was created for the configured table.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy that controls SQL query rules.

          • v1 — (map)

            Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be listed in the output.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

                • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

                  Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

                • functionrequired — (String)

                  Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "SUM"
                  • "SUM_DISTINCT"
                  • "COUNT"
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                  • "AVG"
              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

              • joinRequired — (String)

                Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

                Possible values include:
                • "QUERY_RUNNER"
              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

              • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

              • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

                • columnNamerequired — (String)

                  Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • minimumrequired — (Integer)

                  The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • typerequired — (String)

                  The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • custom — (map)

              A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

                The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

              • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

                The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
              • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

                A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

              • differentialPrivacy — (map)

                The differential privacy configuration.

                • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                  The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of configured table analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createConfiguredTableAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a configured table association. A configured table association links a configured table with a collaboration.


Calling the createConfiguredTableAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createConfiguredTableAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the configured table association. This name is used to query the underlying configured table.

    • description — (String)

      A description for the configured table association.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The configured table is associated to the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Currently accepts a membership ID.

    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the configured table to be associated to. Currently accepts a configured table ID.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The service will assume this role to access catalog metadata and query the table.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTableAssociation — (map)

        The configured table association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The service will assume this role to access catalog metadata and query the table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured table association, in lowercase. The table is identified by this name when running protected queries against the underlying data.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the configured table association.

        • analysisRuleTypes — (Array<String>)

          The analysis rule types for the configured table association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new analysis rule for an associated configured table.


Calling the createConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRulePolicy: { /* required */
    v1: {
      aggregation: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
      custom: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
      list: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.createConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the configured table association. Currently accepts the configured table association ID.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The type of analysis rule.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"
    • analysisRulePolicy — (map)

      The analysis rule policy that was created for the configured table association.

      • v1 — (map)

        The policy for the configured table association analysis rule.

        • list — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

        • aggregation — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

            The allowedAdditionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

        • custom — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The analysis rule for the configured table association. In the console, the ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule is referred to as the collaboration analysis rule.

        • membershipIdentifierrequired — (String)

          The membership identifier for the configured table association analysis rule.

        • configuredTableAssociationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableAssociationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured table association.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy of the configured table association analysis rule.

          • v1 — (map)

            The policy for the configured table association analysis rule.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

                The allowedAdditionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

            • custom — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the configured table association analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The creation time of the configured table association analysis rule.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The update time of the configured table association analysis rule.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createIdMappingTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an ID mapping table.

Service Reference:


Calling the createIdMappingTable operation

var params = {
  inputReferenceConfig: { /* required */
    inputReferenceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    manageResourcePolicies: true || false /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  kmsKeyArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createIdMappingTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping table.

    • name — (String)

      A name for the ID mapping table.

    • description — (String)

      A description of the ID mapping table.

    • inputReferenceConfig — (map)

      The input reference configuration needed to create the ID mapping table.

      • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the referenced resource in Entity Resolution. Valid values are ID mapping workflow ARNs.

      • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

        When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

        When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • kmsKeyArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services KMS key. This value is used to encrypt the mapping table data that is stored by Clean Rooms.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idMappingTable — (map)

        The ID mapping table that was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the ID mapping table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID mapping table.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID mapping table.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the referenced resource in Entity Resolution. Valid values are ID mapping workflow ARNs.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID mapping table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the ID mapping table.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID mapping table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID mapping table was updated.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID mapping table.

          • idMappingTableInputSourcerequired — (Array<map>)

            The input source of the ID mapping table.

            • idNamespaceAssociationIdrequired — (String)

              The unique identifier of the ID namespace association.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of the input source of the ID mapping table.

              Possible values include:
              • "SOURCE"
              • "TARGET"
        • kmsKeyArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services KMS key.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createIdNamespaceAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an ID namespace association.

Service Reference:


Calling the createIdNamespaceAssociation operation

var params = {
  inputReferenceConfig: { /* required */
    inputReferenceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    manageResourcePolicies: true || false /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  idMappingConfig: {
    allowUseAsDimensionColumn: true || false /* required */
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createIdNamespaceAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID namespace association.

    • inputReferenceConfig — (map)

      The input reference configuration needed to create the ID namespace association.

      • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

      • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

        When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • name — (String)

      The name for the ID namespace association.

    • description — (String)

      The description of the ID namespace association.

    • idMappingConfig — (map)

      The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

      • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

        An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

        Default is FALSE.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idNamespaceAssociation — (map)

        The ID namespace association that was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for this ID namespace association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of this ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID namespace association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID namespace association was updated.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • idMappingWorkflowsSupportedrequired — (Array<map>)

            Defines how ID mapping workflows are supported for this ID namespace association.

        • idMappingConfig — (map)

          The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

          • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

            An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

            Default is FALSE.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createMembership(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a membership for a specific collaboration identifier and joins the collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the createMembership operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  queryLogStatus: ENABLED | DISABLED, /* required */
  defaultResultConfiguration: {
    outputConfiguration: { /* required */
      s3: {
        bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        resultFormat: CSV | PARQUET, /* required */
        keyPrefix: 'STRING_VALUE'
    roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
  paymentConfiguration: {
    queryCompute: { /* required */
      isResponsible: true || false /* required */
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createMembership(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the associated collaboration.

    • queryLogStatus — (String)

      An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the membership.

      Possible values include:
      • "ENABLED"
      • "DISABLED"
    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

    • defaultResultConfiguration — (map)

      The default protected query result configuration as specified by the member who can receive results.

      • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

        Configuration for protected query results.

        • s3 — (map)

          Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

          • resultFormatrequired — (String)

            Intended file format of the result.

            Possible values include:
            • "CSV"
            • "PARQUET"
          • bucketrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

          • keyPrefix — (String)

            The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The unique ARN for an IAM role that is used by Clean Rooms to write protected query results to the result location, given by the member who can receive results.

    • paymentConfiguration — (map)

      The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

      Not required if the collaboration member has the member ability to run queries.

      Required if the collaboration member doesn't have the member ability to run queries but is configured as a payer by the collaboration creator.

      • queryComputerequired — (map)

        The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

        • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

          Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

          If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

          An error message is returned for the following reasons:

          • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

          • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • membership — (map)

        The membership that was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the membership.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership's associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership's collaboration.

        • collaborationCreatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • collaborationCreatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • collaborationNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the membership's collaboration.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the membership was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the membership metadata was last updated.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "REMOVED"
        • memberAbilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"
        • defaultResultConfiguration — (map)

          The default protected query result configuration as specified by the member who can receive results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The unique ARN for an IAM role that is used by Clean Rooms to write protected query results to the result location, given by the member who can receive results.

        • paymentConfigurationrequired — (map)

          The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

          • queryComputerequired — (map)

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

            • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

              If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a privacy budget template for a specified membership. Each membership can have only one privacy budget template, but it can be deleted and recreated. If you need to change the privacy budget template for a membership, use the UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Service Reference:


Calling the createPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation

var params = {
  autoRefresh: CALENDAR_MONTH | NONE, /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  parameters: { /* required */
    differentialPrivacy: {
      epsilon: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
      usersNoisePerQuery: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
  privacyBudgetType: DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY, /* required */
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.createPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget template is created in the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • autoRefresh — (String)

      How often the privacy budget refreshes.

      If you plan to regularly bring new data into the collaboration, you can use CALENDAR_MONTH to automatically get a new privacy budget for the collaboration every calendar month. Choosing this option allows arbitrary amounts of information to be revealed about rows of the data when repeatedly queries across refreshes. Avoid choosing this if the same rows will be repeatedly queried between privacy budget refreshes.

      Possible values include:
      • "NONE"
    • privacyBudgetType — (String)

      Specifies the type of the privacy budget template.

      Possible values include:
    • parameters — (map)

      Specifies your parameters for the privacy budget template.

      • differentialPrivacy — (map)

        An object that specifies the epsilon and noise parameters.

        • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

          The epsilon value that you want to use.

        • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

          Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      An optional label that you can assign to a resource when you create it. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. When you use tagging, you can also use tag-based access control in IAM policies to control access to this resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • privacyBudgetTemplate — (map)

        A summary of the elements in the privacy budget template.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the privacy budget template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget template was updated.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          Specifies the type of the privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • autoRefreshrequired — (String)

          How often the privacy budget refreshes.

          If you plan to regularly bring new data into the collaboration, use CALENDAR_MONTH to automatically get a new privacy budget for the collaboration every calendar month. Choosing this option allows arbitrary amounts of information to be revealed about rows of the data when repeatedly queried across refreshes. Avoid choosing this if the same rows will be repeatedly queried between privacy budget refreshes.

          Possible values include:
          • "CALENDAR_MONTH"
          • "NONE"
        • parametersrequired — (map)

          Specifies the epsilon and noise parameters for the privacy budget template.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The epsilon and noise parameters.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you specified.

            • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

              Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes an analysis template.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  analysisTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

    • analysisTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the analysis template resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteCollaboration(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a collaboration. It can only be called by the collaboration owner.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteCollaboration operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteCollaboration(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the collaboration.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the information necessary to delete a configured audience model association.


Calling the deleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier of the configured audience model association that you want to delete.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier of the membership that contains the audience model association that you want to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteConfiguredTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a configured table.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteConfiguredTable operation

var params = {
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteConfiguredTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the configured table to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a configured table analysis rule.


Calling the deleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier for the configured table that the analysis rule applies to. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The analysis rule type to be deleted. Configured table analysis rules are uniquely identified by their configured table identifier and analysis rule type.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteConfiguredTableAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a configured table association.


Calling the deleteConfiguredTableAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteConfiguredTableAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the configured table association to be deleted. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes an analysis rule for a configured table association.


Calling the deleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the configured table association that's related to the analysis rule that you want to delete.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The type of the analysis rule that you want to delete.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteIdMappingTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes an ID mapping table.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteIdMappingTable operation

var params = {
  idMappingTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteIdMappingTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idMappingTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID mapping table that you want to delete.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping table that you want to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteIdNamespaceAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes an ID namespace association.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteIdNamespaceAssociation operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteIdNamespaceAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID namespace association that you want to delete.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID namespace association that you want to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteMember(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes the specified member from a collaboration. The removed member is placed in the Removed status and can't interact with the collaboration. The removed member's data is inaccessible to active members of the collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteMember operation

var params = {
  accountId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteMember(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier for the associated collaboration.

    • accountId — (String)

      The account ID of the member to remove.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteMembership(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a specified membership. All resources under a membership must be deleted.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteMembership operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deleteMembership(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deletePrivacyBudgetTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a privacy budget template for a specified membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the deletePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.deletePrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget template is deleted from the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for your privacy budget template.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves an analysis template.

Service Reference:


Calling the getAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  analysisTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

    • analysisTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the analysis template resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisTemplate — (map)

        The analysis template.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the analysis template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the associated collaboration of the analysis template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier of a member who created the analysis template.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the analysis template.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was last updated.

        • schemarequired — (map)

          The entire schema object.

          • referencedTables — (Array<String>)

            The tables referenced in the analysis schema.

        • formatrequired — (String)

          The format of the analysis template.

          Possible values include:
          • "SQL"
        • sourcerequired — (map)

          The source of the analysis template.

          • text — (String)

            The query text.

        • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

          The parameters of the analysis template.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of parameter.

            Possible values include:
            • "SMALLINT"
            • "INTEGER"
            • "BIGINT"
            • "DECIMAL"
            • "REAL"
            • "DOUBLE_PRECISION"
            • "BOOLEAN"
            • "CHAR"
            • "VARCHAR"
            • "DATE"
            • "TIMESTAMP"
            • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
            • "TIME"
            • "TIMETZ"
            • "VARBYTE"
          • defaultValue — (String)

            Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

        • validations — (Array<map>)

          Information about the validations performed on the analysis template.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of validation that was performed.

            Possible values include:
          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the validation.

            Possible values include:
            • "VALID"
            • "INVALID"
            • "UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons for the validation results.

            • messagerequired — (String)

              The validation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCollaboration(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns metadata about a collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the getCollaboration operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getCollaboration(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the collaboration.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaboration — (map)

        The entire collaboration for this identifier.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A human-readable identifier provided by the collaboration owner. Display names are not unique.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the collaboration provided by the collaboration owner.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • creatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          A display name of the collaboration creator.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the collaboration metadata was last updated.

        • memberStatusrequired — (String)

          The status of a member in a collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "INVITED"
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "LEFT"
          • "REMOVED"
        • membershipId — (String)

          The unique ID for your membership within the collaboration.

        • membershipArn — (String)

          The unique ARN for your membership within the collaboration.

        • dataEncryptionMetadata — (map)

          The settings for client-side encryption for cryptographic computing.

          • allowCleartextrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether encrypted tables can contain cleartext data (TRUE) or are to cryptographically process every column (FALSE).

          • allowDuplicatesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can contain duplicate entries (TRUE) or are to contain only non-repeated values (FALSE).

          • allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNamesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can be joined on any other Fingerprint column with a different name (TRUE) or can only be joined on Fingerprint columns of the same name (FALSE).

          • preserveNullsrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether NULL values are to be copied as NULL to encrypted tables (TRUE) or cryptographically processed (FALSE).

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves an analysis template within a collaboration.


Calling the getCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  analysisTemplateArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getCollaborationAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

    • analysisTemplateArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationAnalysisTemplate — (map)

        The analysis template within a collaboration.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the analysis template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template within a collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template in the collaboration was last updated.

        • schemarequired — (map)

          The entire schema object.

          • referencedTables — (Array<String>)

            The tables referenced in the analysis schema.

        • formatrequired — (String)

          The format of the analysis template in the collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "SQL"
        • sourcerequired — (map)

          The source of the analysis template within a collaboration.

          • text — (String)

            The query text.

        • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

          The analysis parameters that have been specified in the analysis template.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of parameter.

            Possible values include:
            • "SMALLINT"
            • "INTEGER"
            • "BIGINT"
            • "DECIMAL"
            • "REAL"
            • "DOUBLE_PRECISION"
            • "BOOLEAN"
            • "CHAR"
            • "VARCHAR"
            • "DATE"
            • "TIMESTAMP"
            • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
            • "TIME"
            • "TIMETZ"
            • "VARBYTE"
          • defaultValue — (String)

            Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

        • validations — (Array<map>)

          The validations that were performed.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of validation that was performed.

            Possible values include:
          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the validation.

            Possible values include:
            • "VALID"
            • "INVALID"
            • "UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons for the validation results.

            • messagerequired — (String)

              The validation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a configured audience model association within a collaboration.


Calling the getCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the configured audience model association belongs to. Accepts a collaboration ID.

    • configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the configured audience model association that you want to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation — (map)

        The metadata of the configured audience model association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the configured audience model associations belong to. Accepts collaboration ID.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured audience model's associated collaboration.

        • configuredAudienceModelArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configure audience model.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Only supports AWS account ID.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves an ID namespace association from a specific collaboration.


Calling the getCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains the ID namespace association that you want to retrieve.

    • idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID namespace association that you want to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationIdNamespaceAssociation — (map)

        The ID namespace association that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that created the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the collaboration ID namespace association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the collaboration ID namespace was updated.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration that's necessary to create the collaboration ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties that are needed to create the collaboration ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • idMappingWorkflowsSupportedrequired — (Array<map>)

            Defines how ID mapping workflows are supported for this ID namespace association.

        • idMappingConfig — (map)

          The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

          • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

            An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

            Default is FALSE.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns details about a specified privacy budget template.


Calling the getCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your collaborations.

    • privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your privacy budget templates.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate — (map)

        Returns the details of the privacy budget template that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that includes this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that includes this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the account that created this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the collaboration privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the collaboration privacy budget template was updated.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          The type of privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • autoRefreshrequired — (String)

          How often the privacy budget refreshes.

          If you plan to regularly bring new data into the collaboration, use CALENDAR_MONTH to automatically get a new privacy budget for the collaboration every calendar month. Choosing this option allows arbitrary amounts of information to be revealed about rows of the data when repeatedly queried across refreshes. Avoid choosing this if the same rows will be repeatedly queried between privacy budget refreshes.

          Possible values include:
          • "CALENDAR_MONTH"
          • "NONE"
        • parametersrequired — (map)

          Specifies the epsilon and noise parameters for the privacy budget template.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The epsilon and noise parameters.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you specified.

            • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

              Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about a configured audience model association.


Calling the getConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the configured audience model association that you want to retrieve.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that contains the configured audience model association that you want to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredAudienceModelAssociation — (map)

        Information about the configured audience model association that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • configuredAudienceModelArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model that was used for this configured audience model association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

          When TRUE, indicates that the resource policy for the configured audience model resource being associated is configured for Clean Rooms to manage permissions related to the given collaboration. When FALSE, indicates that the configured audience model resource owner will manage permissions related to the given collaboration.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConfiguredTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a configured table.

Service Reference:


Calling the getConfiguredTable operation

var params = {
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getConfiguredTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the configured table to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTable — (map)

        The retrieved configured table.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name for the configured table.

        • description — (String)

          A description for the configured table.

        • tableReferencerequired — (map)

          The Glue table that this configured table represents.

          • glue — (map)

            If present, a reference to the Glue table referred to by this table reference.

            • tableNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the Glue table.

            • databaseNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the database the Glue table belongs to.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was last updated

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The types of analysis rules associated with this configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule may be associated with a configured table.

        • analysisMethodrequired — (String)

          The analysis method for the configured table. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
        • allowedColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

          The columns within the underlying Glue table that can be utilized within collaborations.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a configured table analysis rule.

Service Reference:


Calling the getConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier for the configured table to retrieve. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The analysis rule to be retrieved. Configured table analysis rules are uniquely identified by their configured table identifier and analysis rule type.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The entire analysis rule output.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy that controls SQL query rules.

          • v1 — (map)

            Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be listed in the output.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

                • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

                  Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

                • functionrequired — (String)

                  Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "SUM"
                  • "SUM_DISTINCT"
                  • "COUNT"
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                  • "AVG"
              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

              • joinRequired — (String)

                Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

                Possible values include:
                • "QUERY_RUNNER"
              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

              • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

              • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

                • columnNamerequired — (String)

                  Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • minimumrequired — (Integer)

                  The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • typerequired — (String)

                  The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • custom — (map)

              A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

                The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

              • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

                The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
              • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

                A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

              • differentialPrivacy — (map)

                The differential privacy configuration.

                • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                  The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of configured table analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConfiguredTableAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a configured table association.

Service Reference:


Calling the getConfiguredTableAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getConfiguredTableAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the configured table association to retrieve. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTableAssociation — (map)

        The entire configured table association object.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The service will assume this role to access catalog metadata and query the table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured table association, in lowercase. The table is identified by this name when running protected queries against the underlying data.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the configured table association.

        • analysisRuleTypes — (Array<String>)

          The analysis rule types for the configured table association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves the analysis rule for a configured table association.


Calling the getConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the configured table association that's related to the analysis rule.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The type of analysis rule that you want to retrieve.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The analysis rule for the configured table association. In the console, the ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule is referred to as the collaboration analysis rule.

        • membershipIdentifierrequired — (String)

          The membership identifier for the configured table association analysis rule.

        • configuredTableAssociationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableAssociationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured table association.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy of the configured table association analysis rule.

          • v1 — (map)

            The policy for the configured table association analysis rule.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

                The allowedAdditionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

            • custom — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the configured table association analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The creation time of the configured table association analysis rule.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The update time of the configured table association analysis rule.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getIdMappingTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves an ID mapping table.

Service Reference:


Calling the getIdMappingTable operation

var params = {
  idMappingTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getIdMappingTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idMappingTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID mapping table identifier that you want to retrieve.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping table that you want to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idMappingTable — (map)

        The ID mapping table that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the ID mapping table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID mapping table.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID mapping table.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the referenced resource in Entity Resolution. Valid values are ID mapping workflow ARNs.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID mapping table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the ID mapping table.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID mapping table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID mapping table was updated.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID mapping table.

          • idMappingTableInputSourcerequired — (Array<map>)

            The input source of the ID mapping table.

            • idNamespaceAssociationIdrequired — (String)

              The unique identifier of the ID namespace association.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of the input source of the ID mapping table.

              Possible values include:
              • "SOURCE"
              • "TARGET"
        • kmsKeyArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services KMS key.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getIdNamespaceAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves an ID namespace association.

Service Reference:


Calling the getIdNamespaceAssociation operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getIdNamespaceAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID namespace association that you want to retrieve.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID namespace association that you want to retrieve.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idNamespaceAssociation — (map)

        The ID namespace association that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for this ID namespace association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of this ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID namespace association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID namespace association was updated.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • idMappingWorkflowsSupportedrequired — (Array<map>)

            Defines how ID mapping workflows are supported for this ID namespace association.

        • idMappingConfig — (map)

          The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

          • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

            An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

            Default is FALSE.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getMembership(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a specified membership for an identifier.

Service Reference:


Calling the getMembership operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getMembership(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • membership — (map)

        The membership retrieved for the provided identifier.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the membership.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership's associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership's collaboration.

        • collaborationCreatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • collaborationCreatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • collaborationNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the membership's collaboration.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the membership was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the membership metadata was last updated.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "REMOVED"
        • memberAbilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"
        • defaultResultConfiguration — (map)

          The default protected query result configuration as specified by the member who can receive results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The unique ARN for an IAM role that is used by Clean Rooms to write protected query results to the result location, given by the member who can receive results.

        • paymentConfigurationrequired — (map)

          The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

          • queryComputerequired — (map)

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

            • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

              If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns details for a specified privacy budget template.

Service Reference:


Calling the getPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getPrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget template is retrieved from the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for your privacy budget template.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • privacyBudgetTemplate — (map)

        Returns the details of the privacy budget template that you requested.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the privacy budget template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget template was updated.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          Specifies the type of the privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • autoRefreshrequired — (String)

          How often the privacy budget refreshes.

          If you plan to regularly bring new data into the collaboration, use CALENDAR_MONTH to automatically get a new privacy budget for the collaboration every calendar month. Choosing this option allows arbitrary amounts of information to be revealed about rows of the data when repeatedly queried across refreshes. Avoid choosing this if the same rows will be repeatedly queried between privacy budget refreshes.

          Possible values include:
          • "CALENDAR_MONTH"
          • "NONE"
        • parametersrequired — (map)

          Specifies the epsilon and noise parameters for the privacy budget template.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The epsilon and noise parameters.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you specified.

            • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

              Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getProtectedQuery(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns query processing metadata.

Service Reference:


Calling the getProtectedQuery operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  protectedQueryIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getProtectedQuery(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership in a protected query instance.

    • protectedQueryIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a protected query instance.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • protectedQuery — (map)

        The query processing metadata.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a protected query instance.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the membership.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the membership.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the protected query was created.

        • sqlParameters — (map)

          The protected query SQL parameters.

          • queryString — (String)

            The query string to be submitted.

          • analysisTemplateArn — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

          • parameters — (map<String>)

            The protected query SQL parameters.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the query.

          Possible values include:
          • "SUBMITTED"
          • "STARTED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "CANCELLING"
          • "FAILED"
          • "SUCCESS"
          • "TIMED_OUT"
        • resultConfiguration — (map)

          Contains any details needed to write the query results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with an s3 output type.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

            • member — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with a member output type.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The unique identifier for the account.

        • statistics — (map)

          Statistics about protected query execution.

          • totalDurationInMillis — (Integer)

            The duration of the protected query, from creation until query completion.

        • result — (map)

          The result of the protected query.

          • outputrequired — (map)

            The output of the protected query.

            • s3 — (map)

              If present, the output for a protected query with an S3 output type.

              • locationrequired — (String)

                The S3 location of the result.

            • memberList — (Array<map>)

              The list of member Amazon Web Services account(s) that received the results of the query.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member in the collaboration who can receive results for the query.

        • error — (map)

          An error thrown by the protected query.

          • messagerequired — (String)

            A description of why the query failed.

          • coderequired — (String)

            An error code for the error.

        • differentialPrivacy — (map)

          The sensitivity parameters of the differential privacy results of the protected query.

          • sensitivityParametersrequired — (Array<map>)

            Provides the sensitivity parameters that you can use to better understand the total amount of noise in query results.

            • aggregationTyperequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation function that was run.

              Possible values include:
              • "AVG"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "SUM"
              • "STDDEV"
            • aggregationExpressionrequired — (String)

              The aggregation expression that was run.

            • userContributionLimitrequired — (Integer)

              The maximum number of rows contributed by a user in a SQL query.

            • minColumnValue — (Float)

              The lower bound of the aggregation expression.

            • maxColumnValue — (Float)

              The upper bound of the aggregation expression.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getSchema(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves the schema for a relation within a collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the getSchema operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.getSchema(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the schema belongs to. Currently accepts a collaboration ID.

    • name — (String)

      The name of the relation to retrieve the schema for.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • schema — (map)

        The entire schema object.

        • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

          The columns for the relation this schema represents.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the column.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the column.

        • partitionKeysrequired — (Array<map>)

          The partition keys for the dataset underlying this schema.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the column.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the column.

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The analysis rule types associated with the schema. Currently, only one entry is present.

        • analysisMethod — (String)

          The analysis method for the schema. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique account ID for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the schema.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name for the schema. The schema relation is referred to by this name when queried by a protected query.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • descriptionrequired — (String)

          A description for the schema.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema was last updated.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of schema. The only valid value is currently TABLE.

          Possible values include:
          • "TABLE"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • schemaStatusDetailsrequired — (Array<map>)

          Details about the status of the schema. Currently, only one entry is present.

          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the schema, indicating if it is ready to query.

            Possible values include:
            • "READY"
            • "NOT_READY"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons why the schema status is set to its current state.

            • coderequired — (String)

              The schema status reason code.

              Possible values include:
              • "ANALYSIS_RULE_MISSING"
            • messagerequired — (String)

              An explanation of the schema status reason code.

          • analysisRuleType — (String)

            The analysis rule type for which the schema status has been evaluated.

            Possible values include:
            • "AGGREGATION"
            • "LIST"
            • "CUSTOM"
            • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
          • configurations — (Array<String>)

            The configuration details of the schema analysis rule for the given type.

          • analysisTyperequired — (String)

            The type of analysis that can be performed on the schema.

            A schema can have an analysisType of DIRECT_ANALYSIS, ADDITIONAL_ANALYSIS_FOR_AUDIENCE_GENERATION, or both.

            Possible values include:
            • "DIRECT_ANALYSIS"
        • schemaTypeProperties — (map)

          The schema type properties.

          • idMappingTable — (map)

            The ID mapping table for the schema type properties.

            • idMappingTableInputSourcerequired — (Array<map>)

              Defines which ID namespace associations are used to create the ID mapping table.

              • idNamespaceAssociationIdrequired — (String)

                The unique identifier of the ID namespace association.

              • typerequired — (String)

                The type of the input source of the ID mapping table.

                Possible values include:
                • "SOURCE"
                • "TARGET"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getSchemaAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Retrieves a schema analysis rule.

Service Reference:


Calling the getSchemaAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
cleanrooms.getSchemaAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the schema belongs to. Currently accepts a collaboration ID.

    • name — (String)

      The name of the schema to retrieve the analysis rule for.

    • type — (String)

      The type of the schema analysis rule to retrieve. Schema analysis rules are uniquely identified by a combination of the collaboration, the schema name, and their type.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        A specification about how data from the configured table can be used.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the associated collaboration.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • namerequired — (String)

          The name for the analysis rule.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the analysis rule was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the analysis rule was last updated.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          A policy that describes the associated data usage limitations.

          • v1 — (map)

            Controls on the query specifications that can be run on configured table.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be listed in the output.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

                • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

                  Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

                • functionrequired — (String)

                  Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "SUM"
                  • "SUM_DISTINCT"
                  • "COUNT"
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                  • "AVG"
              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

              • joinRequired — (String)

                Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

                Possible values include:
                • "QUERY_RUNNER"
              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

              • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

              • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

                • columnNamerequired — (String)

                  Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • minimumrequired — (Integer)

                  The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • typerequired — (String)

                  The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • custom — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables custom SQL queries on a configured table.

              • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

                The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

              • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

                The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
              • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

                A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

              • differentialPrivacy — (map)

                The differential privacy configuration.

                • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                  The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

            • idMappingTable — (map)

              The ID mapping table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in an INNER JOIN statement.

              • queryConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The query constraints of the analysis rule ID mapping table.

                • requireOverlap — (map)

                  An array of column names that specifies which columns are required in the JOIN statement.

                  • columns — (Array<String>)

                    The columns that are required to overlap.

              • dimensionColumns — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listAnalysisTemplates(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists analysis templates that the caller owns.

Service Reference:


Calling the listAnalysisTemplates operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listAnalysisTemplates(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • analysisTemplateSummaries — (Array<map>)

        Lists analysis template metadata.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template summary was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the analysis template.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template summary was last updated.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the analysis template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template summary’s associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis template summary belongs to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborationAnalysisTemplates(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists analysis templates within a collaboration.


Calling the listCollaborationAnalysisTemplates operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborationAnalysisTemplates(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • collaborationAnalysisTemplateSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The metadata of the analysis template within a collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the summary of the analysis template in a collaboration was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the analysis template.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the summary of the analysis template in the collaboration was last updated.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the analysis templates belong to. Currently accepts collaboration ID.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists configured audience model associations within a collaboration.


Calling the listCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the configured audience model association belongs to. Accepts a collaboration ID.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The metadata of the configured audience model association within a collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured audience model's associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the collaboration that the configured audience model associations belong to. Accepts collaboration ID.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Only supports AWS account ID.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of the ID namespace associations in a collaboration.


Calling the listCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains the ID namespace associations that you want to retrieve.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token that's used to fetch the next set of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.>

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value provided to access the next page of results.

      • collaborationIdNamespaceAssociationSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The summary information of the collaboration ID namespace associations that you requested.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the collaboration ID namespace association was created.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the collaboration ID namespace association was updated.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this collaboration ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this collaboration ID namespace association.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account that created this collaboration ID namespace association.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration that's used to create the collaboration ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the collaboration ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the collaboration ID namepsace association.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties that are used to create the collaboration ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborationPrivacyBudgets(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget in a specified collaboration. The summary includes the collaboration ARN, creation time, creating account, and privacy budget details.

Service Reference:


Calling the listCollaborationPrivacyBudgets operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetType: DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY, /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborationPrivacyBudgets(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your collaborations.

    • privacyBudgetType — (String)

      Specifies the type of the privacy budget.

      Possible values include:
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaborationPrivacyBudgetSummaries — (Array<map>)

        Summaries of the collaboration privacy budgets.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration privacy budget.

        • privacyBudgetTemplateIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • privacyBudgetTemplateArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that includes this privacy budget.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that includes this privacy budget.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the account that created this privacy budget.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget was updated.

        • budgetrequired — (map)

          The includes epsilon provided and utility in terms of aggregations.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            An object that specifies the epsilon parameter and the utility in terms of total aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations available.

            • aggregationsrequired — (Array<map>)

              This information includes the configured epsilon value and the utility in terms of total aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations.

              • typerequired — (String)

                The different types of aggregation functions that you can perform.

                Possible values include:
                • "AVG"
                • "COUNT"
                • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                • "SUM"
                • "STDDEV"
              • maxCountrequired — (Integer)

                The maximum number of aggregation functions that you can perform with the given privacy budget.

              • remainingCountrequired — (Integer)

                The remaining number of aggregation functions that can be run with the available privacy budget.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you configured.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget template in a specified collaboration.


Calling the listCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your collaborations.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • collaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateSummaries — (Array<map>)

        An array that summarizes the collaboration privacy budget templates. The summary includes collaboration information, creation information, the privacy budget type.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the account that created this collaboration privacy budget template.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          The type of the privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the collaboration privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the collaboration privacy budget template was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listCollaborations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists collaborations the caller owns, is active in, or has been invited to.

Service Reference:


Calling the listCollaborations operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  memberStatus: INVITED | ACTIVE,
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listCollaborations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

    • memberStatus — (String)

      The caller's status in a collaboration.

      Possible values include:
      • "INVITED"
      • "ACTIVE"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • collaborationList — (Array<map>)

        The list of collaborations.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A human-readable identifier provided by the collaboration owner. Display names are not unique.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • creatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the collaboration metadata was last updated.

        • memberStatusrequired — (String)

          The status of a member in a collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "INVITED"
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "LEFT"
          • "REMOVED"
        • membershipId — (String)

          The identifier of a member in a collaboration.

        • membershipArn — (String)

          The ARN of a member in a collaboration.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists information about requested configured audience model associations.


Calling the listConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for a membership that contains the configured audience model associations that you want to retrieve.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredAudienceModelAssociationSummaries — (Array<map>)

        Summaries of the configured audience model associations that you requested.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the membership that contains the configured audience model association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership that contains the configured audience model association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains the configured audience model association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the collaboration that configured audience model is associated with.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • configuredAudienceModelArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model that was used for this configured audience model association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value provided to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listConfiguredTableAssociations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists configured table associations for a membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the listConfiguredTableAssociations operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listConfiguredTableAssociations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership to list configured table associations for. Currently accepts the membership ID.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTableAssociationSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The retrieved list of configured table associations.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique configured table ID that this configured table association refers to.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership that the configured table association belongs to.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership that the configured table association belongs to.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured table association. The table is identified by this name when running Protected Queries against the underlying data.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was last updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table association.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listConfiguredTables(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists configured tables.

Service Reference:


Calling the listConfiguredTables operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listConfiguredTables(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTableSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The configured tables listed by the request.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the configured table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN of the configured table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured table.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was last updated.

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The types of analysis rules associated with this configured table.

        • analysisMethodrequired — (String)

          The analysis method for the configured tables. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listIdMappingTables(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of ID mapping tables.

Service Reference:


Calling the listIdMappingTables operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listIdMappingTables(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping tables that you want to view.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token that's used to fetch the next set of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idMappingTableSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The summary information of the ID mapping tables that you requested.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for this ID mapping table.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for this ID mapping table.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which this ID mapping table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which this ID mapping table was updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of this ID mapping table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this ID mapping table.

        • description — (String)

          The description of this ID mapping table.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID mapping table.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the referenced resource in Entity Resolution. Valid values are ID mapping workflow ARNs.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of this ID mapping table.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value provided to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listIdNamespaceAssociations(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of ID namespace associations.

Service Reference:


Calling the listIdNamespaceAssociations operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listIdNamespaceAssociations(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID namespace association that you want to view.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token that's used to fetch the next set of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value provided to access the next page of results.

      • idNamespaceAssociationSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The summary information of the ID namespace associations that you requested.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which this ID namespace association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which this ID namespace association has been updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of this ID namespace association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this ID namespace association.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration details for this ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace association.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for this ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listMembers(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists all members within a collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the listMembers operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listMembers(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier of the collaboration in which the members are listed.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • memberSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The list of members returned by the ListMembers operation.

        • accountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the member.

          Possible values include:
          • "INVITED"
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "LEFT"
          • "REMOVED"
        • displayNamerequired — (String)

          The member's display name.

        • abilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the member was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the member metadata was last updated.

        • membershipId — (String)

          The unique ID for the member's associated membership, if present.

        • membershipArn — (String)

          The unique ARN for the member's associated membership, if present.

        • paymentConfigurationrequired — (map)

          The collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

          • queryComputerequired — (map)

            The collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator for query compute costs.

            • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

              Indicates whether the collaboration creator has configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not configured the collaboration member to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

              Exactly one member can be configured to pay for query compute costs. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a TRUE value for more than one member in the collaboration.

              If the collaboration creator hasn't specified anyone as the member paying for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer. An error is returned if the collaboration creator sets a FALSE value for the member who can query.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listMemberships(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists all memberships resources within the caller's account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listMemberships operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
cleanrooms.listMemberships(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

    • status — (String)

      A filter which will return only memberships in the specified status.

      Possible values include:
      • "ACTIVE"
      • "REMOVED"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • membershipSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The list of memberships returned from the ListMemberships operation.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership's collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership's associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership's collaboration.

        • collaborationCreatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier of the Amazon Web Services principal that created the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • collaborationCreatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • collaborationNamerequired — (String)

          The name for the membership's collaboration.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the membership was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the membership metadata was last updated.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "REMOVED"
        • memberAbilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

        • paymentConfigurationrequired — (map)

          The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

          • queryComputerequired — (map)

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

            • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

              If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listPrivacyBudgets(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns detailed information about the privacy budgets in a specified membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the listPrivacyBudgets operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetType: DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY, /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listPrivacyBudgets(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget is retrieved from the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • privacyBudgetType — (String)

      The privacy budget type.

      Possible values include:
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • privacyBudgetSummaries — (Array<map>)

        An array that summarizes the privacy budgets. The summary includes collaboration information, membership information, privacy budget template information, and privacy budget details.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget.

        • privacyBudgetTemplateIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget template.

        • privacyBudgetTemplateArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the privacy budget template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the privacy budget summary.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget.

        • typerequired — (String)

          Specifies the type of the privacy budget.

          Possible values include:
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget was updated.

        • budgetrequired — (map)

          The provided privacy budget.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            An object that specifies the epsilon parameter and the utility in terms of total aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations available.

            • aggregationsrequired — (Array<map>)

              This information includes the configured epsilon value and the utility in terms of total aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations.

              • typerequired — (String)

                The different types of aggregation functions that you can perform.

                Possible values include:
                • "AVG"
                • "COUNT"
                • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                • "SUM"
                • "STDDEV"
              • maxCountrequired — (Integer)

                The maximum number of aggregation functions that you can perform with the given privacy budget.

              • remainingCountrequired — (Integer)

                The remaining number of aggregation functions that can be run with the available privacy budget.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you configured.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listPrivacyBudgetTemplates(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns detailed information about the privacy budget templates in a specified membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the listPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.listPrivacyBudgetTemplates(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget templates are retrieved from the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service may return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • privacyBudgetTemplateSummaries — (Array<map>)

        An array that summarizes the privacy budget templates. The summary includes collaboration information, creation information, and privacy budget type.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the privacy budget template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          The type of the privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget template was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listProtectedQueries(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists protected queries, sorted by the most recent query.

Service Reference:


Calling the listProtectedQueries operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
cleanrooms.listProtectedQueries(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the membership in the collaboration.

    • status — (String)

      A filter on the status of the protected query.

      Possible values include:
      • "SUBMITTED"
      • "STARTED"
      • "CANCELLED"
      • "CANCELLING"
      • "FAILED"
      • "SUCCESS"
      • "TIMED_OUT"
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call. Service chooses a default if it has not been set. Service can return a nextToken even if the maximum results has not been met.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

      • protectedQueries — (Array<map>)

        A list of protected queries.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the protected query.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership that initiated the protected query.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership that initiated the protected query.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the protected query was created.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the protected query. Value values are SUBMITTED, STARTED, CANCELLED, CANCELLING, FAILED, SUCCESS, TIMED_OUT.

          Possible values include:
          • "SUBMITTED"
          • "STARTED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "CANCELLING"
          • "FAILED"
          • "SUCCESS"
          • "TIMED_OUT"
        • receiverConfigurationsrequired — (Array<map>)

          The receiver configuration.

          • analysisTyperequired — (String)

            The type of analysis for the protected query. The results of the query can be analyzed directly (DIRECT_ANALYSIS) or used as input into additional analyses (ADDITIONAL_ANALYSIS), such as a query that is a seed for a lookalike ML model.

            Possible values include:
            • "DIRECT_ANALYSIS"
          • configurationDetails — (map)

            The configuration details of the receiver configuration.

            • directAnalysisConfigurationDetails — (map)

              The direct analysis configuration details.

              • receiverAccountIds — (Array<String>)

                The account IDs for the member who received the results of a protected query.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listSchemas(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the schemas for relations within a collaboration.

Service Reference:


Calling the listSchemas operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
cleanrooms.listSchemas(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the collaboration that the schema belongs to. Currently accepts a collaboration ID.

    • schemaType — (String)

      If present, filter schemas by schema type. The only valid schema type is currently TABLE.

      Possible values include:
      • "TABLE"
    • nextToken — (String)

      The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum size of the results that is returned per call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • schemaSummaries — (Array<map>)

        The retrieved list of schemas.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name for the schema object.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of schema object. The only valid schema type is currently TABLE.

          Possible values include:
          • "TABLE"
          • "ID_MAPPING_TABLE"
        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The unique account ID for the Amazon Web Services account that owns the schema.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema object was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the schema object was last updated.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration that the schema belongs to.

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The types of analysis rules that are associated with this schema object.

        • analysisMethod — (String)

          The analysis method for the associated schema. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
      • nextToken — (String)

        The token value retrieved from a previous call to access the next page of results.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listTagsForResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists all of the tags that have been added to a resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the listTagsForResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.listTagsForResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the resource you want to list tags on.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • tags — (map<String>)

        A map of objects specifying each key name and value.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

populateIdMappingTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Defines the information that's necessary to populate an ID mapping table.

Service Reference:


Calling the populateIdMappingTable operation

var params = {
  idMappingTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.populateIdMappingTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idMappingTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID mapping table that you want to populate.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping table that you want to populate.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idMappingJobId — (String)

        The unique identifier of the mapping job that will populate the ID mapping table.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

previewPrivacyImpact(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

An estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given epsilon and noise parameters.

Service Reference:


Calling the previewPrivacyImpact operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  parameters: { /* required */
    differentialPrivacy: {
      epsilon: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
      usersNoisePerQuery: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.previewPrivacyImpact(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. Accepts a membership ID.

    • parameters — (map)

      Specifies the desired epsilon and noise parameters to preview.

      • differentialPrivacy — (map)

        An array that specifies the epsilon and noise parameters.

        • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

          The epsilon value that you want to preview.

        • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

          Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • privacyImpact — (map)

        An estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given the epsilon and noise parameters. This does not change the privacy budget.

        • differentialPrivacy — (map)

          An object that lists the number and type of aggregation functions you can perform.

          • aggregationsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The number of aggregation functions that you can perform.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation function.

              Possible values include:
              • "AVG"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "SUM"
              • "STDDEV"
            • maxCountrequired — (Integer)

              The maximum number of aggregations that the member who can query can run given the epsilon and noise parameters.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startProtectedQuery(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a protected query that is started by Clean Rooms.

Service Reference:


Calling the startProtectedQuery operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  sqlParameters: { /* required */
    analysisTemplateArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
    parameters: {
      '<ParameterName>': 'STRING_VALUE',
      /* '<ParameterName>': ... */
    queryString: 'STRING_VALUE'
  type: SQL, /* required */
  resultConfiguration: {
    outputConfiguration: { /* required */
      member: {
        accountId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      s3: {
        bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        resultFormat: CSV | PARQUET, /* required */
        keyPrefix: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.startProtectedQuery(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • type — (String)

      The type of the protected query to be started.

      Possible values include:
      • "SQL"
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership to run this query against. Currently accepts a membership ID.

    • sqlParameters — (map)

      The protected SQL query parameters.

      • queryString — (String)

        The query string to be submitted.

      • analysisTemplateArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

      • parameters — (map<String>)

        The protected query SQL parameters.

    • resultConfiguration — (map)

      The details needed to write the query results.

      • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

        Configuration for protected query results.

        • s3 — (map)

          Required configuration for a protected query with an s3 output type.

          • resultFormatrequired — (String)

            Intended file format of the result.

            Possible values include:
            • "CSV"
            • "PARQUET"
          • bucketrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

          • keyPrefix — (String)

            The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

        • member — (map)

          Required configuration for a protected query with a member output type.

          • accountIdrequired — (String)

            The unique identifier for the account.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • protectedQuery — (map)

        The protected query.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a protected query instance.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the membership.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the membership.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the protected query was created.

        • sqlParameters — (map)

          The protected query SQL parameters.

          • queryString — (String)

            The query string to be submitted.

          • analysisTemplateArn — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

          • parameters — (map<String>)

            The protected query SQL parameters.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the query.

          Possible values include:
          • "SUBMITTED"
          • "STARTED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "CANCELLING"
          • "FAILED"
          • "SUCCESS"
          • "TIMED_OUT"
        • resultConfiguration — (map)

          Contains any details needed to write the query results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with an s3 output type.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

            • member — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with a member output type.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The unique identifier for the account.

        • statistics — (map)

          Statistics about protected query execution.

          • totalDurationInMillis — (Integer)

            The duration of the protected query, from creation until query completion.

        • result — (map)

          The result of the protected query.

          • outputrequired — (map)

            The output of the protected query.

            • s3 — (map)

              If present, the output for a protected query with an S3 output type.

              • locationrequired — (String)

                The S3 location of the result.

            • memberList — (Array<map>)

              The list of member Amazon Web Services account(s) that received the results of the query.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member in the collaboration who can receive results for the query.

        • error — (map)

          An error thrown by the protected query.

          • messagerequired — (String)

            A description of why the query failed.

          • coderequired — (String)

            An error code for the error.

        • differentialPrivacy — (map)

          The sensitivity parameters of the differential privacy results of the protected query.

          • sensitivityParametersrequired — (Array<map>)

            Provides the sensitivity parameters that you can use to better understand the total amount of noise in query results.

            • aggregationTyperequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation function that was run.

              Possible values include:
              • "AVG"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "SUM"
              • "STDDEV"
            • aggregationExpressionrequired — (String)

              The aggregation expression that was run.

            • userContributionLimitrequired — (Integer)

              The maximum number of rows contributed by a user in a SQL query.

            • minColumnValue — (Float)

              The lower bound of the aggregation expression.

            • maxColumnValue — (Float)

              The upper bound of the aggregation expression.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

tagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Tags a resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the tagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tags: { /* required */
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
cleanrooms.tagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the resource you want to tag.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      A map of objects specifying each key name and value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

untagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes a tag or list of tags from a resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the untagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tagKeys: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
cleanrooms.untagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the resource you want to remove the tag from.

    • tagKeys — (Array<String>)

      A list of key names of tags to be removed.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateAnalysisTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the analysis template metadata.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateAnalysisTemplate operation

var params = {
  analysisTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateAnalysisTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a membership resource.

    • analysisTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the analysis template resource.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the analysis template.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisTemplate — (map)

        The analysis template.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the analysis template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the associated collaboration of the analysis template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the analysis template’s associated collaboration.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier of a member who created the analysis template.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the analysis template.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the analysis template.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the analysis template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time that the analysis template was last updated.

        • schemarequired — (map)

          The entire schema object.

          • referencedTables — (Array<String>)

            The tables referenced in the analysis schema.

        • formatrequired — (String)

          The format of the analysis template.

          Possible values include:
          • "SQL"
        • sourcerequired — (map)

          The source of the analysis template.

          • text — (String)

            The query text.

        • analysisParameters — (Array<map>)

          The parameters of the analysis template.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the parameter. The name must use only alphanumeric, underscore (_), or hyphen (-) characters but cannot start or end with a hyphen.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of parameter.

            Possible values include:
            • "SMALLINT"
            • "INTEGER"
            • "BIGINT"
            • "DECIMAL"
            • "REAL"
            • "DOUBLE_PRECISION"
            • "BOOLEAN"
            • "CHAR"
            • "VARCHAR"
            • "DATE"
            • "TIMESTAMP"
            • "TIMESTAMPTZ"
            • "TIME"
            • "TIMETZ"
            • "VARBYTE"
          • defaultValue — (String)

            Optional. The default value that is applied in the analysis template. The member who can query can override this value in the query editor.

        • validations — (Array<map>)

          Information about the validations performed on the analysis template.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of validation that was performed.

            Possible values include:
          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the validation.

            Possible values include:
            • "VALID"
            • "INVALID"
            • "UNABLE_TO_VALIDATE"
          • reasons — (Array<map>)

            The reasons for the validation results.

            • messagerequired — (String)

              The validation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateCollaboration(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates collaboration metadata and can only be called by the collaboration owner.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateCollaboration operation

var params = {
  collaborationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  name: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateCollaboration(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • collaborationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the collaboration.

    • name — (String)

      A human-readable identifier provided by the collaboration owner. Display names are not unique.

    • description — (String)

      A description of the collaboration.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • collaboration — (map)

        The entire collaboration that has been updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the collaboration.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the collaboration.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A human-readable identifier provided by the collaboration owner. Display names are not unique.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the collaboration provided by the collaboration owner.

        • creatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • creatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          A display name of the collaboration creator.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the collaboration was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the collaboration metadata was last updated.

        • memberStatusrequired — (String)

          The status of a member in a collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "INVITED"
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "LEFT"
          • "REMOVED"
        • membershipId — (String)

          The unique ID for your membership within the collaboration.

        • membershipArn — (String)

          The unique ARN for your membership within the collaboration.

        • dataEncryptionMetadata — (map)

          The settings for client-side encryption for cryptographic computing.

          • allowCleartextrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether encrypted tables can contain cleartext data (TRUE) or are to cryptographically process every column (FALSE).

          • allowDuplicatesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can contain duplicate entries (TRUE) or are to contain only non-repeated values (FALSE).

          • allowJoinsOnColumnsWithDifferentNamesrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether Fingerprint columns can be joined on any other Fingerprint column with a different name (TRUE) or can only be joined on Fingerprint columns of the same name (FALSE).

          • preserveNullsrequired — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether NULL values are to be copied as NULL to encrypted tables (TRUE) or cryptographically processed (FALSE).

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the collaboration.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the details necessary to update a configured audience model association.


Calling the updateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  name: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredAudienceModelAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the configured audience model association that you want to update.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier of the membership that contains the configured audience model association that you want to update.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the configured audience model association.

    • name — (String)

      A new name for the configured audience model association.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredAudienceModelAssociation — (map)

        Details about the configured audience model association that you updated.

        • idrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the configured audience model association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model association.

        • configuredAudienceModelArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured audience model that was used for this configured audience model association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier for the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          A unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this configured audience model association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured audience model association.

        • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

          When TRUE, indicates that the resource policy for the configured audience model resource being associated is configured for Clean Rooms to manage permissions related to the given collaboration. When FALSE, indicates that the configured audience model resource owner will manage permissions related to the given collaboration.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the configured audience model association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the configured audience model association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the configured audience model association was updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateConfiguredTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a configured table.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateConfiguredTable operation

var params = {
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  name: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateConfiguredTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the configured table to update. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • name — (String)

      A new name for the configured table.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the configured table.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTable — (map)

        The updated configured table.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name for the configured table.

        • description — (String)

          A description for the configured table.

        • tableReferencerequired — (map)

          The Glue table that this configured table represents.

          • glue — (map)

            If present, a reference to the Glue table referred to by this table reference.

            • tableNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the Glue table.

            • databaseNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the database the Glue table belongs to.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table was last updated

        • analysisRuleTypesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The types of analysis rules associated with this configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule may be associated with a configured table.

        • analysisMethodrequired — (String)

          The analysis method for the configured table. The only valid value is currently DIRECT_QUERY.

          Possible values include:
          • "DIRECT_QUERY"
        • allowedColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

          The columns within the underlying Glue table that can be utilized within collaborations.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a configured table analysis rule.


Calling the updateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRulePolicy: { /* required */
    v1: {
      aggregation: {
        aggregateColumns: [ /* required */
            columnNames: [ /* required */
              /* more items */
            function: SUM | SUM_DISTINCT | COUNT | COUNT_DISTINCT | AVG /* required */
          /* more items */
        dimensionColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        joinColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        outputConstraints: [ /* required */
            columnName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            minimum: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
            type: COUNT_DISTINCT /* required */
          /* more items */
        scalarFunctions: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedJoinOperators: [
          OR | AND,
          /* more items */
        joinRequired: QUERY_RUNNER
      custom: {
        allowedAnalyses: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedAnalysisProviders: [
          /* more items */
        differentialPrivacy: {
          columns: [ /* required */
              name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
            /* more items */
        disallowedOutputColumns: [
          /* more items */
      list: {
        joinColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        listColumns: [ /* required */
          /* more items */
        additionalAnalyses: ALLOWED | REQUIRED | NOT_ALLOWED,
        allowedJoinOperators: [
          OR | AND,
          /* more items */
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.updateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier for the configured table that the analysis rule applies to. Currently accepts the configured table ID.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The analysis rule type to be updated. Configured table analysis rules are uniquely identified by their configured table identifier and analysis rule type.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"
    • analysisRulePolicy — (map)

      The new analysis rule policy for the configured table analysis rule.

      • v1 — (map)

        Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

        • list — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

          • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

          • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

            The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

          • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns that can be listed in the output.

          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
        • aggregation — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

          • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

            • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

              Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

            • functionrequired — (String)

              Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

              Possible values include:
              • "SUM"
              • "SUM_DISTINCT"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "AVG"
          • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

          • joinRequired — (String)

            Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

            Possible values include:
            • "QUERY_RUNNER"
          • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

            Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

          • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

            The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

          • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

            Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

          • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

            Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

            • columnNamerequired — (String)

              Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

            • minimumrequired — (Integer)

              The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

              Possible values include:
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
        • custom — (map)

          A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

          • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

            The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

          • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

            The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

          • additionalAnalyses — (String)

            An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

            Possible values include:
            • "ALLOWED"
            • "REQUIRED"
            • "NOT_ALLOWED"
          • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

            A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The differential privacy configuration.

            • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The entire updated analysis rule.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy that controls SQL query rules.

          • v1 — (map)

            Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be used to join a configured table with the table of the member who can query and other members' configured tables.

              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                The logical operators (if any) that are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • listColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns that can be listed in the output.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • aggregateColumnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to use in aggregation queries.

                • columnNamesrequired — (Array<String>)

                  Column names in configured table of aggregate columns.

                • functionrequired — (String)

                  Aggregation function that can be applied to aggregate column in query.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "SUM"
                  • "SUM_DISTINCT"
                  • "COUNT"
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
                  • "AVG"
              • joinColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Columns in configured table that can be used in join statements and/or as aggregate columns. They can never be outputted directly.

              • joinRequired — (String)

                Control that requires member who runs query to do a join with their configured table and/or other configured table in query.

                Possible values include:
                • "QUERY_RUNNER"
              • allowedJoinOperators — (Array<String>)

                Which logical operators (if any) are to be used in an INNER JOIN match condition. Default is AND.

              • dimensionColumnsrequired — (Array<String>)

                The columns that query runners are allowed to select, group by, or filter by.

              • scalarFunctionsrequired — (Array<String>)

                Set of scalar functions that are allowed to be used on dimension columns and the output of aggregation of metrics.

              • outputConstraintsrequired — (Array<map>)

                Columns that must meet a specific threshold value (after an aggregation function is applied to it) for each output row to be returned.

                • columnNamerequired — (String)

                  Column in aggregation constraint for which there must be a minimum number of distinct values in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • minimumrequired — (Integer)

                  The minimum number of distinct values that an output row must be an aggregation of. Minimum threshold of distinct values for a specified column that must exist in an output row for it to be in the query output.

                • typerequired — (String)

                  The type of aggregation the constraint allows. The only valid value is currently COUNT_DISTINCT.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                The additionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
            • custom — (map)

              A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedAnalysesrequired — (Array<String>)

                The ARN of the analysis templates that are allowed by the custom analysis rule.

              • allowedAnalysisProviders — (Array<String>)

                The IDs of the Amazon Web Services accounts that are allowed to query by the custom analysis rule. Required when allowedAnalyses is ANY_QUERY.

              • additionalAnalyses — (String)

                An indicator as to whether additional analyses (such as Clean Rooms ML) can be applied to the output of the direct query.

                Possible values include:
                • "ALLOWED"
                • "REQUIRED"
                • "NOT_ALLOWED"
              • disallowedOutputColumns — (Array<String>)

                A list of columns that aren't allowed to be shown in the query output.

              • differentialPrivacy — (map)

                The differential privacy configuration.

                • columnsrequired — (Array<map>)

                  The name of the column (such as user_id) that contains the unique identifier of your users whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the column, such as user_id, that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect. If you want to turn on differential privacy for two or more tables in a collaboration, you must configure the same column as the user identifier column in both analysis rules.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of configured table analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table analysis rule was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateConfiguredTableAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a configured table association.


Calling the updateConfiguredTableAssociation operation

var params = {
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateConfiguredTableAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier for the configured table association to update. Currently accepts the configured table association ID.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique ID for the membership that the configured table association belongs to.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the configured table association.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The service will assume this role to access catalog metadata and query the table.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • configuredTableAssociation — (map)

        The entire updated configured table association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • configuredTableArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the configured table that the association refers to.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership this configured table association belongs to.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The service will assume this role to access catalog metadata and query the table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the configured table association, in lowercase. The table is identified by this name when running protected queries against the underlying data.

        • description — (String)

          A description of the configured table association.

        • analysisRuleTypes — (Array<String>)

          The analysis rule types for the configured table association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the configured table association was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the analysis rule for a configured table association.


Calling the updateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation

var params = {
  analysisRulePolicy: { /* required */
    v1: {
      aggregation: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
      custom: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
      list: {
        allowedAdditionalAnalyses: [
          /* more items */
        allowedResultReceivers: [
          /* more items */
  analysisRuleType: AGGREGATION | LIST | CUSTOM, /* required */
  configuredTableAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
cleanrooms.updateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for the membership that the configured table association belongs to. Currently accepts the membership ID.

    • configuredTableAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for the configured table association to update.

    • analysisRuleType — (String)

      The analysis rule type that you want to update.

      Possible values include:
      • "LIST"
      • "CUSTOM"
    • analysisRulePolicy — (map)

      The updated analysis rule policy for the configured table association.

      • v1 — (map)

        The policy for the configured table association analysis rule.

        • list — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

        • aggregation — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

            The allowedAdditionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

        • custom — (map)

          Analysis rule type that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

          • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

            The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

          • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

            The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • analysisRule — (map)

        The updated analysis rule for the configured table association. In the console, the ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule is referred to as the collaboration analysis rule.

        • membershipIdentifierrequired — (String)

          The membership identifier for the configured table association analysis rule.

        • configuredTableAssociationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for the configured table association.

        • configuredTableAssociationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configured table association.

        • policyrequired — (map)

          The policy of the configured table association analysis rule.

          • v1 — (map)

            The policy for the configured table association analysis rule.

            • list — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only list queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

            • aggregation — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables only aggregation queries on a configured table.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

                The allowedAdditionalAnalyses parameter is currently supported for the list analysis rule (AnalysisRuleList) and the custom analysis rule (AnalysisRuleCustom).

            • custom — (map)

              Analysis rule type that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

              • allowedResultReceivers — (Array<String>)

                The list of collaboration members who are allowed to receive results of queries run with this configured table.

              • allowedAdditionalAnalyses — (Array<String>)

                The list of resources or wildcards (ARNs) that are allowed to perform additional analysis on query output.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the configured table association analysis rule.

          Possible values include:
          • "AGGREGATION"
          • "LIST"
          • "CUSTOM"
        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The creation time of the configured table association analysis rule.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The update time of the configured table association analysis rule.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateIdMappingTable(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the details that are necessary to update an ID mapping table.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateIdMappingTable operation

var params = {
  idMappingTableIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  kmsKeyArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateIdMappingTable(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idMappingTableIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID mapping table that you want to update.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID mapping table that you want to update.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the ID mapping table.

    • kmsKeyArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services KMS key.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idMappingTable — (map)

        The updated ID mapping table.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the ID mapping table.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID mapping table.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID mapping table.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the referenced resource in Entity Resolution. Valid values are ID mapping workflow ARNs.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID mapping table resource.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for the ID mapping table.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID mapping table.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID mapping table.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the ID mapping table.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID mapping table was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID mapping table was updated.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID mapping table.

          • idMappingTableInputSourcerequired — (Array<map>)

            The input source of the ID mapping table.

            • idNamespaceAssociationIdrequired — (String)

              The unique identifier of the ID namespace association.

            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of the input source of the ID mapping table.

              Possible values include:
              • "SOURCE"
              • "TARGET"
        • kmsKeyArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services KMS key.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateIdNamespaceAssociation(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the details that are necessary to update an ID namespace association.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateIdNamespaceAssociation operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  idMappingConfig: {
    allowUseAsDimensionColumn: true || false /* required */
  name: 'STRING_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updateIdNamespaceAssociation(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idNamespaceAssociationIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the ID namespace association that you want to update.

    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership that contains the ID namespace association that you want to update.

    • name — (String)

      A new name for the ID namespace association.

    • description — (String)

      A new description for the ID namespace association.

    • idMappingConfig — (map)

      The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

      • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

        An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

        Default is FALSE.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idNamespaceAssociation — (map)

        The updated ID namespace association.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier for this ID namespace association.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace association.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the membership resource for this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the collaboration that contains this ID namespace association.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of this ID namespace association.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace association.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the ID namespace association was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the ID namespace association was updated.

        • inputReferenceConfigrequired — (map)

          The input reference configuration for the ID namespace association.

          • inputReferenceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Entity Resolution resource that is being associated to the collaboration. Valid resource ARNs are from the ID namespaces that you own.

          • manageResourcePoliciesrequired — (Boolean)

            When TRUE, Clean Rooms manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

            When FALSE, the resource owner manages permissions for the ID namespace association resource.

        • inputReferencePropertiesrequired — (map)

          The input reference properties for the ID namespace association.

          • idNamespaceTyperequired — (String)

            The ID namespace type for this ID namespace association.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • idMappingWorkflowsSupportedrequired — (Array<map>)

            Defines how ID mapping workflows are supported for this ID namespace association.

        • idMappingConfig — (map)

          The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

          • allowUseAsDimensionColumnrequired — (Boolean)

            An indicator as to whether you can use your column as a dimension column in the ID mapping table (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

            Default is FALSE.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateMembership(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateMembership operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  defaultResultConfiguration: {
    outputConfiguration: { /* required */
      s3: {
        bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        resultFormat: CSV | PARQUET, /* required */
        keyPrefix: 'STRING_VALUE'
    roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
  queryLogStatus: ENABLED | DISABLED
cleanrooms.updateMembership(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The unique identifier of the membership.

    • queryLogStatus — (String)

      An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the membership.

      Possible values include:
      • "ENABLED"
      • "DISABLED"
    • defaultResultConfiguration — (map)

      The default protected query result configuration as specified by the member who can receive results.

      • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

        Configuration for protected query results.

        • s3 — (map)

          Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

          • resultFormatrequired — (String)

            Intended file format of the result.

            Possible values include:
            • "CSV"
            • "PARQUET"
          • bucketrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

          • keyPrefix — (String)

            The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The unique ARN for an IAM role that is used by Clean Rooms to write protected query results to the result location, given by the member who can receive results.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • membership — (map)

        The membership object.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the membership.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The unique ARN for the membership's associated collaboration.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID for the membership's collaboration.

        • collaborationCreatorAccountIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier used to reference members of the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • collaborationCreatorDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • collaborationNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the membership's collaboration.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time when the membership was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The time the membership metadata was last updated.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ACTIVE"
          • "REMOVED"
        • memberAbilitiesrequired — (Array<String>)

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

        • queryLogStatusrequired — (String)

          An indicator as to whether query logging has been enabled or disabled for the membership.

          Possible values include:
          • "ENABLED"
          • "DISABLED"
        • defaultResultConfiguration — (map)

          The default protected query result configuration as specified by the member who can receive results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The unique ARN for an IAM role that is used by Clean Rooms to write protected query results to the result location, given by the member who can receive results.

        • paymentConfigurationrequired — (map)

          The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

          • queryComputerequired — (map)

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

            • isResponsiblerequired — (Boolean)

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs (TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs (FALSE).

              If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updatePrivacyBudgetTemplate(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the privacy budget template for the specified membership.

Service Reference:


Calling the updatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  privacyBudgetType: DIFFERENTIAL_PRIVACY, /* required */
  parameters: {
    differentialPrivacy: {
      epsilon: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
      usersNoisePerQuery: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
cleanrooms.updatePrivacyBudgetTemplate(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for one of your memberships for a collaboration. The privacy budget template is updated in the collaboration that this membership belongs to. Accepts a membership ID.

    • privacyBudgetTemplateIdentifier — (String)

      A unique identifier for your privacy budget template that you want to update.

    • privacyBudgetType — (String)

      Specifies the type of the privacy budget template.

      Possible values include:
    • parameters — (map)

      Specifies the epsilon and noise parameters for the privacy budget template.

      • differentialPrivacy — (map)

        An object that specifies the new values for the epsilon and noise parameters.

        • epsilon — (Integer)

          The updated epsilon value that you want to use.

        • usersNoisePerQuery — (Integer)

          The updated value of noise added per query. It is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • privacyBudgetTemplate — (map)

        Summary of the privacy budget template.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The unique identifier of the privacy budget template.

        • arnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the privacy budget template.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a membership resource.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member who created the privacy budget template.

        • collaborationIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • collaborationArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the collaboration that contains this privacy budget template.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the privacy budget template was created.

        • updateTimerequired — (Date)

          The most recent time at which the privacy budget template was updated.

        • privacyBudgetTyperequired — (String)

          Specifies the type of the privacy budget template.

          Possible values include:
        • autoRefreshrequired — (String)

          How often the privacy budget refreshes.

          If you plan to regularly bring new data into the collaboration, use CALENDAR_MONTH to automatically get a new privacy budget for the collaboration every calendar month. Choosing this option allows arbitrary amounts of information to be revealed about rows of the data when repeatedly queried across refreshes. Avoid choosing this if the same rows will be repeatedly queried between privacy budget refreshes.

          Possible values include:
          • "CALENDAR_MONTH"
          • "NONE"
        • parametersrequired — (map)

          Specifies the epsilon and noise parameters for the privacy budget template.

          • differentialPrivacy — (map)

            The epsilon and noise parameters.

            • epsilonrequired — (Integer)

              The epsilon value that you specified.

            • usersNoisePerQueryrequired — (Integer)

              Noise added per query is measured in terms of the number of users whose contributions you want to obscure. This value governs the rate at which the privacy budget is depleted.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateProtectedQuery(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the processing of a currently running query.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateProtectedQuery operation

var params = {
  membershipIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  protectedQueryIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  targetStatus: CANCELLED /* required */
cleanrooms.updateProtectedQuery(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • membershipIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a member of a protected query instance.

    • protectedQueryIdentifier — (String)

      The identifier for a protected query instance.

    • targetStatus — (String)

      The target status of a query. Used to update the execution status of a currently running query.

      Possible values include:
      • "CANCELLED"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • protectedQuery — (map)

        The protected query output.

        • idrequired — (String)

          The identifier for a protected query instance.

        • membershipIdrequired — (String)

          The identifier for the membership.

        • membershipArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the membership.

        • createTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the protected query was created.

        • sqlParameters — (map)

          The protected query SQL parameters.

          • queryString — (String)

            The query string to be submitted.

          • analysisTemplateArn — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the analysis template within a collaboration.

          • parameters — (map<String>)

            The protected query SQL parameters.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The status of the query.

          Possible values include:
          • "SUBMITTED"
          • "STARTED"
          • "CANCELLED"
          • "CANCELLING"
          • "FAILED"
          • "SUCCESS"
          • "TIMED_OUT"
        • resultConfiguration — (map)

          Contains any details needed to write the query results.

          • outputConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Configuration for protected query results.

            • s3 — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with an s3 output type.

              • resultFormatrequired — (String)

                Intended file format of the result.

                Possible values include:
                • "CSV"
                • "PARQUET"
              • bucketrequired — (String)

                The S3 bucket to unload the protected query results.

              • keyPrefix — (String)

                The S3 prefix to unload the protected query results.

            • member — (map)

              Required configuration for a protected query with a member output type.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The unique identifier for the account.

        • statistics — (map)

          Statistics about protected query execution.

          • totalDurationInMillis — (Integer)

            The duration of the protected query, from creation until query completion.

        • result — (map)

          The result of the protected query.

          • outputrequired — (map)

            The output of the protected query.

            • s3 — (map)

              If present, the output for a protected query with an S3 output type.

              • locationrequired — (String)

                The S3 location of the result.

            • memberList — (Array<map>)

              The list of member Amazon Web Services account(s) that received the results of the query.

              • accountIdrequired — (String)

                The Amazon Web Services account ID of the member in the collaboration who can receive results for the query.

        • error — (map)

          An error thrown by the protected query.

          • messagerequired — (String)

            A description of why the query failed.

          • coderequired — (String)

            An error code for the error.

        • differentialPrivacy — (map)

          The sensitivity parameters of the differential privacy results of the protected query.

          • sensitivityParametersrequired — (Array<map>)

            Provides the sensitivity parameters that you can use to better understand the total amount of noise in query results.

            • aggregationTyperequired — (String)

              The type of aggregation function that was run.

              Possible values include:
              • "AVG"
              • "COUNT"
              • "COUNT_DISTINCT"
              • "SUM"
              • "STDDEV"
            • aggregationExpressionrequired — (String)

              The aggregation expression that was run.

            • userContributionLimitrequired — (Integer)

              The maximum number of rows contributed by a user in a SQL query.

            • minColumnValue — (Float)

              The lower bound of the aggregation expression.

            • maxColumnValue — (Float)

              The upper bound of the aggregation expression.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

waitFor(state, params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Waits for a given CleanRooms resource. The final callback or 'complete' event will be fired only when the resource is either in its final state or the waiter has timed out and stopped polling for the final state.


  • state (String)

    the resource state to wait for. Available states for this service are listed in "Waiter Resource States" below.

  • params (map) (defaults to: {})

    a list of parameters for the given state. See each waiter resource state for required parameters.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Callback containing error and data information. See the respective resource state for the expected error or data information.

    If the waiter times out its requests, it will return a ResourceNotReady error.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.