Configuring container deployment - AWS App2Container

Configuring container deployment

This topic contains information about the files that are used for configuring deployment of application containers.

Container deployment files

deployment.json file

When you run the containerize command, a deployment.json file is created for the application specified in the --application-id parameter. The generate app-deployment command uses this file, along with others, to generate application deployment artifacts. All of the fields in this file are configurable as needed so that you can customize your application container deployment before running the generate app-deployment command.


The deployment.json file includes sections for both Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS. If your application is suitable for App Runner, there is a section for that too. Set the Boolean value deployment flag for the section that matches your target container management service to true. Set the other flags to false. The flag to deploy to Amazon ECS is createEcsArtifacts, the flag to deploy to Amazon EKS is createEksArtifacts, and the flag to deploy to App Runner is createAppRunnerArtifacts.

The application deployment.json file includes the following content. While all fields are configurable, the following fields should not be changed: a2CTemplateVersion, applicationId, and imageName. For key-value pairs that do not apply to your deployment, set string values to an empty string, numeric values to zero, and Boolean values to false.

  • exposedPorts (array of objects, required) – An array of JSON objects representing the ports that should be exposed when the container is running. Each object consists of the following fields:

    • localPort (number) – A port to expose for container communication.

    • protocol (string) – The application protocol for the exposed port, for example, "http".

  • environment (array of objects) – Environment variables to be passed on to the target container management deployment. For Amazon ECS deployments, the key-value pairs update the Amazon ECS task definition. For Amazon EKS deployments, the key-value pairs update the Kubernetes deployment.yml file.

  • ecrParameters (object) – Contains parameters needed to register application container images in Amazon ECR.

    • ecrRepoTag (string, required) – The version tag to use for registering an application container image in Amazon ECR.

  • ecsParameters (object) – Contains parameters needed for deployment to Amazon ECS. The createEcsArtifacts parameter is always required. Other parameters in this section that are marked as required apply only to Amazon ECS deployment.

    • createEcsArtifacts (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting Amazon ECS for deployment.

    • ecsFamily (string, required) – An ID for the Amazon ECS family in the Amazon ECS task definition. We recommend setting this value to the application ID.

    • cpu (number, required*) – The hard limit for the number of vCPUs to present for the task. When the task definition is registered, the number of CPU units is determined by multiplying the number of vCPUs by 1024.

      * This parameter is required for Linux containers, but is not supported for Windows containers.

    • memory (number or string, required*) – The hard limit of memory (in MiB) to present to the task. You can express this value as an integer in the Amazon ECS task definition, using MiB, for example, 1024. You can also express the value as a string including the unit GB, for example, 1 GB. When the task definition is registered, a GB value is converted to an integer indicating the MiB.

      * This parameter is required for Linux containers, but is not supported for Windows containers.


      In the Amazon ECS task definition, task size consists of the cpu and memory parameters. The configuration for task size, in part, depends on where your tasks are hosted – on an EC2 instance, or in Fargate. For more information about setting the task size for your Amazon ECS task definition, see Task definition parameters in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

    • dockerSecurityOption (string) – For .NET applications, this is the gMSA Credspec location value for the Amazon ECS task definition.

    • enableCloudwatchLogging (Boolean, required*) – A flag that sets the Amazon ECS task definition to turn on CloudWatch logging for your Windows application container. If set to true, the enableLogging field in the analysis.json file must have a valid value.

      * This parameter is required for Windows containers, but is not supported for Linux containers.

    • publicApp (Boolean, required) – A flag to configure the CloudFormation templates with a public endpoint for your application when it runs.

    • stackName (string, required) – A name to use as a prefix to your CloudFormation stack Amazon Resource Name (ARN). We recommend using the application ID for this.

    • resourceTags (array of objects) – Custom tags, expressed as key/value pairs that are added to resources during deployment. For Amazon ECS deployments, the key-value pairs update the Amazon ECS task definition.


      An example tag is generated when the deployment.json file is created. If the example tag isn't removed or changed before deployment, it's ignored by default.

    • reuseResources (object) – Contains shared resource identifiers that can be used throughout your CloudFormation templates.

      • vpcId (string) – The VPC ID, if you want to bring your own VPC or to reuse an existing VPC that App2Container created for a prior deployment.

      • reuseExistingA2cStack (object) – Contains references so that you can reuse AWS CloudFormation resources that App2Container has already created.

        • cfnStackName (string) – The name or ID (ARN) of the CloudFormation stack created with App2Container for the containerized application.

        • microserviceUriPath (string) – Used to create application forwarding rules in your load balancer.


          The load balancer does not strip off this prefix when it forwards traffic. Your application must be able to handle requests coming in with the prefix.

      • sshKeyPairName (string) – The name of the EC2 key pair to use for the instances that your container runs on.

      • acmCertificateArn (string) – The AWS Certificate Manager certificate ARN used to provide HTTPS connectivity to your Application Load Balancer.


        The certificate can be imported or provisioned as follows:

        If you use an HTTPS endpoint for your load balancer, this parameter is required. For more information about ACM, see What is AWS Certificate Manager in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

    • gMSAParameters (object) – Contains parameters used by the CloudFormation template to create gMSA-related artifacts for .NET applications that are deployed on EC2 instances. The gMSAParameters are not valid for deployments to Fargate, and will generate an error when the generate app-deployment command runs.

      • domainSecretsArn (string) – The Secrets Manager ARN for the domain credentials to join the Amazon ECS nodes to gMSA Active Directory.

      • domainDNSName (string) – The DNS name of the gMSA Active Directory for Amazon ECS nodes to join.

      • domainNetBIOSName (string) – The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory for Amazon ECS nodes to join.

      • createGMSA (Boolean, required) – A flag to create a group Managed Service Account (gMSA) Active Directory security group and account, using the name supplied in the gMSAName field.

      • gMSAName (string) – The name of the gMSA Active Directory that the container should use for access.

    • deployTarget (string, required) – Identifies which Amazon ECS container launch type runs the task. Valid values depend on your application environment, as follows:

      • .NET applications running on Windowsec2, fargate.

      • Java applications running on Linuxfargate.


      The default value that is generated for the deployTarget parameter for .NET applications running on Windows is ec2. To deploy your application to Fargate, you can edit the deployment.json file, and change that value to fargate.

      If your .NET application meets the following criteria, you can deploy to Fargate.

      • The base operating system for your container is Windows 2019. If you are using a worker machine for containerization, this means that the worker machine must be running Windows 2019.

      • Your application must not use gMSA.

    • dependentApps (array of objects) – For complex Windows applications, this array of JSON objects contains identifying details for dependent applications. App2Container does not generate this array. For complex Windows applications that incorporate dependent applications, you must add details to this array for each dependent application. You can include up to two dependent applications in the array.

      • appId (string, required) – The application ID that App2Container generated for this dependent application.

      • privateRootDomain (string, required) – The private domain name that's used for creating the hosted zone.

      • dnsRecordName (string, required) – The DNS record name of the application. This is combined with the privateRootDomain to construct the endpoint for the dependent application.

  • fireLensParameters (object) – Contains parameters needed to use FireLens with your Linux application to route your application logs for Amazon ECS tasks. The enableFireLensLogging parameter is always required. Other parameters in this section that are marked as required apply only when FireLens is used for log routing.


    This section is not included for applications running on Windows.

    • enableFireLensLogging (Boolean, required) – A flag for using FireLens for Amazon ECS to configure application log routing for containers.

    • logDestinations (array of objects) – A list of unique target destinations for application log routing. If more than one destination is configured, App2Container creates a custom file that contains the FireLens configuration. Otherwise, the destination parameters are used directly in the Amazon ECS task definition and CloudFormation templates.

      • service (string) – The AWS service to route logs to. Valid values are "cloudwatch", "firehose", and "kinesis".

      • regexFilter (string) – A Ruby regular expression to match against log content to determine where to route the log.

      • streamName (string) – The name of the log delivery stream that will be created at the destination.

  • eksParameters (object) – Contains parameters needed for deployment to Amazon EKS. The createEksArtifacts parameter is always required. Other parameters in this section that are marked as required apply only to Amazon EKS deployments.

    • createEksArtifacts (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting Amazon EKS for deployment.

    • stackName (string, required) – A name to use as a prefix to your CloudFormation stack ID ARN. We recommend using the application ID for this.

    • cpu (number, required) – The hard limit for the number of vCPUs to present for the application container. The minimum value is .25, and the maximum value is 1.5. If there are no overrides, the default value is 1.5.

    • memory (number, required) – The hard limit of memory (in MiB) for the application container. Express this value as an integer, for example, 1024.

    • ingress (string, required) – The type of load balancer to use for the deployment. Specify one of the following values:

      • alb – Provisions an Application Load Balancer in the VPC for the deployment.

      • nginx – Provisions a Network Load Balancer in the VPC, and an NGINX ingress in the Kubernetes cluster for the deployment.


      If you upgrade from a previous App2Container deployment, the load balancer URL might change.

    • dnsRecordName (string) – The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for a DNS record for the deployed application, for example If you specify this parameter, then App2Container creates the DNS record in a private hosted zone in Amazon Route 53. If you also specify the rootDomain parameter, then App2Container creates the DNS record in the specified root domain.

    • applicationPath (string) – The location of the application from the root of the web server, as accessed from the public URL, for example /my-application.

    • reuseResources (object) – Contains shared resource identifiers that can be used throughout your CloudFormation templates.

      • vpcId (string) – The VPC ID, if you want to bring your own VPC or to reuse an existing VPC that App2Container created for a prior deployment. If you bring a custom VPC, you must have two or more private subnets in two or more Availability Zones. In this case, you can optionally have two or more public subnets in the same two Availability Zones.


        For each private subnet in the reused VPC, you must configure a route to the internet using a NAT gateway. For more information about cluster networking for Amazon EKS, see De-mystifying cluster networking for Amazon EKS worker nodes.

      • cfnStackName (string) – The name or ID (ARN) of the CloudFormation stack created with App2Container for the containerized application.

      • sshKeyPairName (string) – The name of the Amazon EC2 key pair to use for the instances that your container runs on.

      • resourceTags (array of objects) – Custom tags, expressed as key/value pairs that are added to resources during deployment. For Amazon EKS deployments, the key/value pairs update the Kubernetes deployment.yml file.


        An example tag is generated when the deployment.json file is created. If you don't remove or change the example tag before deployment, the tag is ignored by default.

      • rootDomain (string) – The name of a root domain (hosted zone) in Amazon Route 53, for example If you specify the rootDomain, then App2Container creates the DNS record that points to it.

      • acmCertificateArn (string) – The AWS Certificate Manager certificate ARN used to provide HTTPS connectivity to your Application Load Balancer. If you don't specify a value for acmCertificateArn, App2Container can only deploy HTTP applications.


        The certificate can be imported or provisioned as follows:

        If you use an HTTPS endpoint for your load balancer, this parameter is required. For more information about ACM, see What is AWS Certificate Manager in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

    • gMSAParameters (object) – Contains parameters used by the CloudFormation template to create gMSA-related artifacts for .NET applications.

      • domainSecretsArn (string) – The Secrets Manager ARN for the domain credentials to join the Amazon EKS nodes to gMSA Active Directory.

      • domainDNSName (string) – The DNS name of the gMSA Active Directory for Amazon EKS nodes to join.

      • domainNetBIOSName (string) – The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory for Amazon EKS nodes to join.

      • createGMSA (Boolean, required) – A flag to create a group Managed Service Account (gMSA) Active Directory security group and account, using the name supplied in the gMSAName field.

      • gMSAAccountName (string) – The name of the gMSA Active Directory that the container should use for access.

    • dependentApps (array of objects) – For complex Windows applications, this array of JSON objects contains identifying details for dependent applications. App2Container does not generate this array. For complex Windows applications that incorporate dependent applications, you must add details to this array for each dependent application. You can include up to two dependent applications in the array.

      • appId (string, required) – The application ID that App2Container generated for this dependent application.

      • privateRootDomain (string, required) – The private domain name that's used for creating the hosted zone.

      • dnsRecordName (string, required) – The DNS record name of the application. This is combined with the privateRootDomain to construct the endpoint for the dependent application.

  • appRunnerParameters (object) – Contains parameters needed for deployment of Linux applications to an AWS App Runner environment. The createAppRunnerArtifacts parameter is always required. Other parameters in this section that are marked as required apply only to App Runner deployments.


    This section is not included for applications running on Windows.

    • createAppRunnerArtifacts (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting App Runner for deployment.

    • stackName (string, required) – The name of the AWS CloudFormation stack. We recommend including the application ID in the stack name.

    • serviceName (string, required) – The name of the service in App Runner. We recommend using the application ID for the service name.

    • autoDeploymentsEnabled (Boolean, required) – If set to true, an update to the Amazon ECR repository also updates the service in App Runner. If set to false, you can manually update the service using the App Runner console or API, or apprunner commands in the AWS CLI.

    • resourceTags (array of objects) – Custom tags, expressed as key/value pairs that are added to resources during deployment. For App Runner deployments, the key/value pairs update both of the resources that are created in the apprunner.yml AWS CloudFormation template.


      An example tag is generated when the deployment.json file is created. If the example tag isn't removed or changed before deployment, the tag is ignored by default.


    When the containerize command runs, it determines if your application is suitable for App Runner, and adds appRunnerParameters to the deployment.json file if it is. If your application is not suitable for App Runner, the appRunnerParameters are ignored.


The following example shows a deployment.json file for a Java application running on Linux, with default settings to deploy to an Amazon ECS environment.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "applicationId": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "imageName": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "exposedPorts": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "tcp6" }, { "localPort": 8009, "protocol": "tcp6" }, { "localPort": 8005, "protocol": "tcp6" } ], "environment": [], "ecrParameters": { "ecrRepoTag": "latest" }, "ecsParameters": { "createEcsArtifacts": true, "ecsFamily": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "cpu": 2, "memory": 4096, "dockerSecurityOption": "", "enableCloudwatchLogging": false, "publicApp": true, "stackName": "app2container-java-tomcat-6e6f3a87-ECS", "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAName": "", "ADSecurityGroupName": "" }, "deployTarget": "fargate" }, "fireLensParameters": { "enableFireLensLogging": true, "logDestinations": [ { "service": "cloudwatch", "matchRegex": "^.*INFO.*$", "streamName": "Info" }, { "service": "cloudwatch", "matchRegex": "^.*WARN.*$", "streamName": "Warn" } ] }, "eksParameters": { "createEksArtifacts": false, "stackName": "java-tomcat-6e6f3a87", "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "cfnStackName": "", "sshKeyPairName": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAAccountName": "", "ADSecurityGroupName": "" } }, "appRunnerParameters": { "createAppRunnerArtifacts": false, "stackName": "a2c-java-tomcat-6e6f3a87-AppRunner", "autoDeploymentsEnabled": true, "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ] } }

The following example shows a deployment.json file for a .NET application running on Windows. The application has been configured to deploy to an Amazon ECS Fargate environment.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "applicationId": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "imageName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "exposedPorts": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "http" } ], "environment": [], "ecrParameters": { "ecrRepoTag": "latest" }, "ecsParameters": { "createEcsArtifacts": true, "ecsFamily": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "cpu": 2, "memory": 4096, "dockerSecurityOption": "", "enableCloudwatchLogging": false, "publicApp": true, "stackName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS", "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "vpc-0abc1defa2345b67c", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "createGMSA": false, "gMSAName": "" }, "deployTarget": "fargate", "dependentApps" : [] }, "eksParameters": { "createEksArtifacts": false, "stackName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-EKS", "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAAccountName": "" }, "dependentApps" : [] } }

For complex Windows .NET web applications that consist of a root application and up to two dependent applications, each application is defined separately. Each application has its own deployment.json file.

The following example shows the deployment.json file for the root application in a complex .NET web service running on Windows, followed by deployment.json files for the two dependent applications that it refers to. The applications are deployed to an Amazon ECS environment running together in the same VPC.

  • Root application example

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "applicationId": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "imageName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "exposedPorts": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "http" } ], "environment": [], "ecrParameters": { "ecrRepoTag": "latest" }, "ecsParameters": { "createEcsArtifacts": true, "ecsFamily": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "cpu": 2, "memory": 4096, "dockerSecurityOption": "", "enableCloudwatchLogging": false, "publicApp": true, "stackName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS", "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "vpc-0abc1defa2345b67c", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAName": "" }, "deployTarget": "ec2", "dependentApps" : [ { "appId":"iis-appB-ab800cde", "privateRootDomain": "", "dnsRecordName":"appB" }, { "appId":"service-appC-9fghi90j", "privateRootDomain": "", "dnsRecordName":"appC" } ] }, "eksParameters": { "createEksArtifacts": false, "stackName": "iis-smarts-51d2dbf8", "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAAccountName": "" }, "dependentApps" : [] } }
  • Dependent application B

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "applicationId": "iis-appB-ab800cde", "imageName": "iis-appB-ab800cde", "exposedPorts": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "http" } ], "environment": [], "ecrParameters": { "ecrRepoTag": "latest" }, "ecsParameters": { "createEcsArtifacts": true, "ecsFamily": "iis-appB-ab800cde", "cpu": 2, "memory": 4096, "dockerSecurityOption": "", "enableCloudwatchLogging": false, "publicApp": true, "stackName": "iis-appB-ab800cde-ECS", "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "vpc-0abc1defa2345b67c", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAName": "" }, "deployTarget": "ec2", "dependentApps" : [] }, "eksParameters": { "createEksArtifacts": false, "stackName": "", "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAAccountName": "" }, "dependentApps" : [] } }
  • Dependent application C

    { "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "applicationId": "service-appC-9fghi90j", "imageName": "service-appC-9fghi90j", "exposedPorts": [ { "localPort": 8080, "protocol": "http" } ], "environment": [], "ecrParameters": { "ecrRepoTag": "latest" }, "ecsParameters": { "createEcsArtifacts": true, "ecsFamily": "service-appC-9fghi90j", "cpu": 2, "memory": 4096, "dockerSecurityOption": "", "enableCloudwatchLogging": false, "publicApp": true, "stackName": "service-appC-9fghi90j-ECS", "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "vpc-0abc1defa2345b67c", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "", "acmCertificateArn": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAName": "" }, "deployTarget": "ec2", "dependentApps" : [] }, "eksParameters": { "createEksArtifacts": false, "stackName": "service-appC-9fghi90j", "reuseResources": { "vpcId": "", "reuseExistingA2cStack": { "cfnStackName": "", "microserviceUrlPath": "" }, "sshKeyPairName": "" }, "gMSAParameters": { "createGMSA": false, "domainSecretsArn": "", "domainDNSName": "", "domainNetBIOSName": "", "gMSAAccountName": "" }, "dependentApps" : [] } }