SDK for PHP 3.x

S3MultipartUploadException extends MultipartUploadException
in package

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
appendMonitoringEvent()  : mixed
Append a client-side monitoring event to this object's event list
getBucket()  : string|null
Get the Bucket information of the transfer object
getKey()  : string|null
Get the Key information of the transfer object
getMonitoringEvents()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get client-side monitoring events attached to this object. Each event is represented as an associative array within the returned array.
getSourceFileName()  : string|null
Get the source file name of the transfer object
getState()  : UploadState
Get the state of the transfer
prependMonitoringEvent()  : mixed
Prepend a client-side monitoring event to this object's event list



public __construct(UploadState $state[, Exception|array<string|int, mixed> $prev = null ]) : mixed
$state : UploadState

Upload state at time of the exception.

$prev : Exception|array<string|int, mixed> = null

Exception being thrown. Could be an array of AwsExceptions being thrown when uploading parts for one object, or an instance of AwsException for a specific Multipart error being thrown in the MultipartUpload process.


Append a client-side monitoring event to this object's event list

public appendMonitoringEvent(array<string|int, mixed> $event) : mixed
$event : array<string|int, mixed>


Get the Bucket information of the transfer object

public getBucket() : string|null
Return values

Returns null when 'Bucket' information is unavailable.


Get the Key information of the transfer object

public getKey() : string|null
Return values

Returns null when 'Key' information is unavailable.


Get client-side monitoring events attached to this object. Each event is represented as an associative array within the returned array.

public getMonitoringEvents() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the source file name of the transfer object

public getSourceFileName() : string|null
Return values

Returns null when metadata of the stream wrapped in 'Body' parameter is unavailable.


Prepend a client-side monitoring event to this object's event list

public prependMonitoringEvent(array<string|int, mixed> $event) : mixed
$event : array<string|int, mixed>
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