test - AWS CloudFormation Guard


Validates an AWS CloudFormation Guard rules file against a Guard unit testing file in JSON or YAML format to determine the success of individual rules.


cfn-guard test --rules-file <value> --test-data <value>


-h, --help

Prints help information.

-m, --last-modified

Sorts by last-modified times within a directory

-V, --version

Prints version information.

-v, --verbose

Increases the output verbosity. Can be specified multiple times.

The verbose output follows the structure of the Guard rules file. Every block in the rules file is a block in the verbose output. The top-most block is each rule. If there are when conditions against the rule, they appear as a sibling condition block.


-r, --rules-file

Provides the name of a rules file.

-t, --test-data

Provides the name of a file or directory for data files in either JSON or YAML format.



Sorts alphabetically inside a directory.


cfn-guard test \ --rules rules.guard \ --test-data rules_tests.json


PASS|FAIL Expected Rule = rule_name, Status = SKIP|FAIL|PASS, Got Status = SKIP|FAIL|PASS

See also

Testing Guard rules