チャットでの Contact Lens の出力ファイル例 - Amazon Connect


チャットでの Contact Lens の出力ファイル例

このセクションでは、Contact Lens が分析したチャット会話のスキーマ例を示します。この例では、推測した感情、一致したカテゴリ、問い合わせの要約、応答時間を示しています。

分析済みのオリジナルファイルには、チャットの全記録が含まれています。[Contact details] (問い合わせ詳細) ページのチャットの [Transcript] (トランスクリプト) フィールドに存在するのと同じコンテンツが、オリジナルの Contact Lens 分析ファイルの Transcript フィールドにも存在します。さらに、分析ファイルには、秘匿化済み分析ファイルに秘匿化済みデータがあることを示す Redaction セクションなど、さらに多くのフィールドが含まれる場合があります。


一部の ConversationCharacteristics には、参加者のロールをキーとする DetailsByParticipantRole マップが含まれています。ただし、Participants リストのすべてのロール (CUSTOMER または AGENT など) が DetailsByParticipantRole オブジェクトに対応するキーを持つことが保証されているわけではありません。参加者のキーの有無は、 ContactLens 分析の対象となるデータがあったかどうかによって異なります。


PointsOfInterest は、チャット後と通話後のカテゴリでは異なります。

  • 通話後 PointsOfInterest には、ミリ秒単位のオフセットがあります。

  • チャット後 PointsOfInterest には TranscriptItems の配列があり、各項目には idCharacterOffset があります。

PointsOfInterest の配列があります。各配列は TranscriptItems の配列があります。各 PointOfInterest はカテゴリ一致用ですが、各マッチが複数のトランスクリプト項目にまたがることもあります。

通話とチャットの両方で、PointsOfInterest 配列は空でもかまいません。つまり、カテゴリは問い合わせ全体で一致していることになります。例えば、問い合わせに Hello が記載されていないカテゴリに一致するルールを作成した場合、トランスクリプトにはこの条件に一致する部分がないことになります。


現在、text/plaintext/markdown チャットメッセージのみのカテゴリが推定されます。


キーのハイライトConversationCharacteristics.ContactSummary.SummaryItemsDetected配列にあります。配列に含めることができる項目は 1 つだけで、IssueOutcomeAction 項目のセットは 1 つしか見つからないことに注意してください。

配列内の各オブジェクトには、IssuesDetectedOutcomesDetectedActionItemsDetected のフィールドがあります。

各フィールドには、IdCharacterOffsets を持つ TranscriptItems の配列があります。これらには、問い合わせの要約である問題、結果、アクション項目を含むように特定された TranscriptItems と具体的な部分を記述しています。





問い合わせの参加者の DetailsByParticipantRole フィールドの感情スコアは、音声分析ファイルの Contact Lens と同様です。

DetailsByInteraction フィールドには、WithAgentWithoutAgent のチャットのやり取りの一部の CUSTOMER 感情スコアがあります。これらの部分のやり取りに顧客のメッセージがない場合、それぞれのフィールドは表示されません。


現在、text/plaintext/markdown チャットメッセージのみの感情が推定されます。


DetailsByParticipantRole フィールドには、問い合わせの参加者 (つまり、AGENTCUSTOMER) の感情の変化を説明するオブジェクトである BeginScore および EndScore が含まれます。

DetailsByInteraction フィールドには、WithAgentWithoutAgent のチャットのやり取りの一部の CUSTOMER 感情シフトがあります。これらの部分のやり取りに顧客のメッセージがない場合、それぞれのフィールドは表示されません。



AgentGreetingTimeMillis では、AGENT がチャットに参加してから顧客への最初のメッセージを終了するまでの時間を測定します。

DetailsByParticipantRole には、参加者ごとに次のような特徴があります。

  • Average: 参加者の平均応答時間。

  • Maximum: 参加者の最長応答時間。最大応答時間が同じトランスクリプト項目が複数ある場合、どれが該当するか。

指定された参加者 Average および Maximum の応答時間を計算するには、他の参加者からのメッセージに応答する必要があります (AGENTCUSTOMER に応答する必要があります。逆も同様です)。

例えば、CUSTOMER からのメッセージが 1 通だけで、チャットが終了までに AGENT からのメッセージが 1 通だけだった場合、Contact Lens は AGENT に対する応答時間を計算しますが、CUSTOMER に対する応答時間は計算しません。


現在、 text/plaintext/markdown チャットメッセージのみの応答時間が推定されます。



  • トランスクリプト項目には、秘匿化されるデータがある場合にのみ Redaction セクションが含まれます。このセクションには、秘匿化済みの分析ファイルで秘匿化されるデータの文字オフセットが含まれています。

  • メッセージの 2 つ以上の部分が秘匿化された場合、最初のオフセットは最初に秘匿化された部分に、2 番目のオフセットは 2 番目に秘匿化された部分に適用され、以下も同様です。

AGENT および CUSTOMERDisplayNames には、PII が含まれているため秘匿化されています。これは、AttachmentName にも適用されます。

CharacterOffsets は、秘匿済みの分析ファイル内の Content の長さについて、秘匿化の変化を考慮します。CharacterOffsets は、オリジナルのコンテンツではなく、秘匿化済みのコンテンツについて記述します。


{ "AccountId": "123456789012", "Categories": { "MatchedCategories": [ "agent-intro" ], "MatchedDetails": { "agent-intro": { "PointsOfInterest": [ { "TranscriptItems": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 73 }, "Id": "e4949dd1-aaa1-4fbd-84e7-65c95b2d3d9a" } ] } ] } } }, "Channel": "CHAT", "ChatTranscriptVersion": "2019-08-26", "ContentMetadata": { "Output": "Raw" }, "ConversationCharacteristics": { "ContactSummary": { "SummaryItemsDetected": [ { "ActionItemsDetected": [], "IssuesDetected": [ { "TranscriptItems": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 72, "EndOffsetChar": 244 }, "Id": "2b8ba020-53ee-4053-b5b7-35364ac1c7df" } ] } ], "OutcomesDetected": [ { "TranscriptItems": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 150 }, "Id": "72cc8c8d-2199-422a-b363-01d6d3fdc851" } ] } ] } ] }, "ResponseTime": { "AgentGreetingTimeMillis": 2511, "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "AGENT": { "Average": { "ValueMillis": 5575 }, "Maximum": { "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "21acf0fc-7259-4a08-b4cd-688eb56587d3" } ], "ValueMillis": 7309 } }, "CUSTOMER": { "Average": { "ValueMillis": 5875 }, "Maximum": { "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "c71ad383-f876-4bb3-b254-7837b6a3d395" } ], "ValueMillis": 11366 } } } }, "Sentiment": { "DetailsByTranscriptItemGroup": [ { "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "e4949dd1-aaa1-4fbd-84e7-65c95b2d3d9a" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "3673d926-6e75-4620-a6f0-7ea571790a15" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "46d37141-32d8-4f2e-a664-bcd3f34a68b3" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "3c4a2a1e-6790-46a6-8ad4-4a0980b04795" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", 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"Id": "8fbb8dd4-9fd4-4991-83dc-5f06eeead9aa" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": -2.5, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "3b856fd9-0eeb-4fb2-93ed-95ec4aeae3a6" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "ecb8c498-96d7-448b-8360-366eeddb4090" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "d334058f-e3de-4cf1-a361-32e4e61f1839" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "3ec6adb5-3f11-409c-af39-40cf7ba6f078" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "c71ad383-f876-4bb3-b254-7837b6a3d395" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "4b292b64-4a33-45ff-89df-d5a175d16d70" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 0, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "2da5a3c2-9d1b-458c-ae53-759a4e63198d" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 1.6666666666666667, "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "e23a2331-f3fc-4d3c-8a51-1541451186c9" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 3.75, "Sentiment": "POSITIVE", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "5a27cc39-9b73-4ebe-9275-5e6723788a1b" } ] }, { "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "ProgressiveScore": 3.75, "Sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "TranscriptItems": [ { "Id": "540368c7-ec19-4fc0-8c86-0a5ee62d31a0" } ] } ], "OverallSentiment": { "DetailsByInteraction": { "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "CUSTOMER": { "WithAgent": 0 } } }, "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "AGENT": 1.1538461538461537, "CUSTOMER": 0 } }, "SentimentShift": { "DetailsByInteraction": { "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "CUSTOMER": { "WithAgent": { "BeginScore": -3, "EndScore": 3.75 } } } }, "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "AGENT": { "BeginScore": 0, "EndScore": 2.5 }, "CUSTOMER": { "BeginScore": -3.75, "EndScore": 3.75 }, "SYSTEM": { "BeginScore": 2.5, "EndScore": 0 } } } } }, "CustomerMetadata": { "ContactId": "b49644f6-672f-445c-b209-f76b36482830", "InputS3Uri": "path to the json file in s3", "InstanceId": "f23fc323-3d6d-48aa-95dc-EXAMPLE012" }, "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Transcript": [ { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:50.735Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "740c494d-9df7-4400-91c0-3e4df33922c8", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:53.390Z", "Content": "Hello, thanks for contacting us. This is an example of what the Amazon Connect virtual contact center can enable you to do.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "78aa8229-714a-4c87-916b-ce7d8d567ab2", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:55.131Z", "Content": "The time in queue is less than 5 minutes.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "1276382b-facb-49c5-8d34-62e3b0f50002", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:56.618Z", "Content": "You are now being placed in queue to chat with an agent.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "88c2363e-8206-4781-a353-c15e1ccacc12", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:00.951Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "c05cca74-d50b-4aa5-b46c-fdb5ae8c814c", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:03.462Z", "Content": "Hello, thanks for reaching Example Corp. This is Jane. How may I help you?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "e4949dd1-aaa1-4fbd-84e7-65c95b2d3d9a", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 46, "EndOffsetChar": 53 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:08.102Z", "Content": "I'd like to see if I can get a refund or an exchange, because I ordered one of your grow-it-yourself indoor herb garden kits and nothing sprouted after a couple weeks so I think something is wrong with the seeds and this product may be defective.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "bcc51949-3a79-4398-be1b-a27345a8a8ad", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:14.137Z", "Content": "My wife is blind and sensitive to the sun so I was going to surprise her for her birthday with all the herbs that she loves so you guys actually really let me down.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "7d5c07d7-3d26-4b34-ae91-39aeaeef685c", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:18.781Z", "Content": "I should be taking my business elsewhere. I don't see why I should be giving money to a company that isn't even going to sell a product that works.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "e0efbd17-9139-439b-8c80-ebf2b9b703b9", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:24.123Z", "Content": "Ok. Can I get your first and last name please?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "3673d926-6e75-4620-a6f0-7ea571790a15", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:29.879Z", "Content": "Yeah. My first name is John and last name is Doe.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "8fbb8dd4-9fd4-4991-83dc-5f06eeead9aa", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 21, "EndOffsetChar": 26 }, { "BeginOffsetChar": 44, "EndOffsetChar": 49 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:34.670Z", "Content": "Could you please provide me with the order ID number?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "46d37141-32d8-4f2e-a664-bcd3f34a68b3", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:39.726Z", "Content": "Yes, just . Looking ...", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "3b856fd9-0eeb-4fb2-93ed-95ec4aeae3a6", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:44.887Z", "Content": "Not a problem, take your time.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "3c4a2a1e-6790-46a6-8ad4-4a0980b04795", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:52.978Z", "Content": "Okay, that should be #5376897. You know, if the product was fine I wouldn't have to scrounge through emails.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "ecb8c498-96d7-448b-8360-366eeddb4090", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:59.441Z", "Content": "alright, perfect. And could you also just confirm the shipping address for me?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "f9cd41b6-3f68-4e83-a47d-664395f324c0", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 77, "EndOffsetChar": 78 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:05.455Z", "Content": "123 Any Street, Any Town, and the zip code is 98109.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "d334058f-e3de-4cf1-a361-32e4e61f1839", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 27 }, { "BeginOffsetChar": 49, "EndOffsetChar": 54 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:12.764Z", "Content": "Thank you very much. Just waiting on my system here. .. I'll also need the last four digits of your debit card.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "21acf0fc-7259-4a08-b4cd-688eb56587d3", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:17.412Z", "Content": "Ok. Last four for my debit care are 9008", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "3ec6adb5-3f11-409c-af39-40cf7ba6f078", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 27, "EndOffsetChar": 31 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:22.486Z", "Content": "It's just too bad. I thought this was going to be the best gift idea. How can you guys be sending out defective seeds? Isn't that your whole business?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "2b8ba020-53ee-4053-b5b7-35364ac1c7df", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:38.961Z", "Content": "I apologize for the experience you had Mr. Doe, its very uncommon that our customer will have this issue. We will look into this and get this sorted out for you right away.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "28d0a1ce-64d1-4625-bbef-4cfeb97b6742", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 41, "EndOffsetChar": 46 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:44.192Z", "Content": "Well, my wife's birthday already passed, so. There's not too much you can do. But I would still like to grow the herbs for her, if possible.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "4b292b64-4a33-45ff-89df-d5a175d16d70", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:51.310Z", "Content": "Totally understandable. Let me see what we can do for you. Please give me couple of minutes as I check the system.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "ef9b8622-32d5-4cfd-9ccc-a242502267bc", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:56.287Z", "Content": "Thank you sir one moment please.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "03a9de67-f9e1-4884-a1a3-ecea78a4ce9e", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:01.224Z", "Content": "Alright are you still there Mr Doe?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "cfee5ece-a671-4a11-9ec2-89aba4b7d688", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 30, "EndOffsetChar": 35 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:07.093Z", "Content": "Yeah.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "2da5a3c2-9d1b-458c-ae53-759a4e63198d", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:12.562Z", "Content": "We are not only refunding the cost of the grow-it-yourself indoor herb kit but we will also be sending you a replacement. Would you be okay with this?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "72cc8c8d-2199-422a-b363-01d6d3fdc851", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:17.029Z", "Content": "Yeah! That would be great. I just want my wife to be able to have these herbs in her room. And I'm always happy to get my money back!", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "e23a2331-f3fc-4d3c-8a51-1541451186c9", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:22.269Z", "Content": "Awesome! We really want to keep our customers happy and satisfied, and again I want to apologize for your less than satisfactory experience with the last product you ordered from us.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "61bb2591-fe87-44e4-bba0-a3619c4cef1f", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:26.353Z", "Content": "Okay! No problem. Sounds great. Thank you for all your help!", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "5a27cc39-9b73-4ebe-9275-5e6723788a1b", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:31.431Z", "Content": "Is there anything else I can help you out with John?", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "1761f27e-0989-4b6d-a046-fc03d2c6bc9c", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 48, "EndOffsetChar": 53 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:36.704Z", "Content": "Nope!", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "540368c7-ec19-4fc0-8c86-0a5ee62d31a0", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:41.448Z", "Content": "Ok great! Have a great day.", "ContentType": "text/markdown", "DisplayName": "Jane", "Id": "8cdff161-dc25-44e6-986f-fc0e08ee0a7d", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:42.799Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.left", "DisplayName": "John", "Id": "d1ba54ba-61d4-4a48-9a9a-6cd17d70b8fb", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:43.192Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.chat.ended", "Id": "2d9a0e4f-faec-485f-97af-2767dde1f30a", "Type": "EVENT" } ], "Version": "CHAT-2022-11-30" }


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"SentimentShift": { "DetailsByInteraction": { "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "CUSTOMER": { "WithAgent": { "BeginScore": -3, "EndScore": 3.75 } } } }, "DetailsByParticipantRole": { "AGENT": { "BeginScore": 0, "EndScore": 2.5 }, "CUSTOMER": { "BeginScore": -3.75, "EndScore": 3.75 } } } } }, "CustomerMetadata": { "ContactId": "b49644f6-672f-445c-b209-f76b36482830", "InputS3Uri": "path to the json file in s3", "InstanceId": "f23fc323-3d6d-48aa-EXAMPLE012" }, "JobStatus": "COMPLETED", "LanguageCode": "en-US", "Participants": [ { "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER" }, { "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM" }, { "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT" } ], "Transcript": [ { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:50.735Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "740c494d-9df7-4400-91c0-3e4df33922c8", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:53.390Z", "Content": "Hello, thanks for contacting us. This is an example of what the Amazon Connect virtual contact center can enable you to do.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "78aa8229-714a-4c87-916b-ce7d8d567ab2", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:55.131Z", "Content": "The time in queue is less than 5 minutes.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "1276382b-facb-49c5-8d34-62e3b0f50002", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:31:56.618Z", "Content": "You are now being placed in queue to chat with an agent.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "SYSTEM_MESSAGE", "Id": "88c2363e-8206-4781-a353-c15e1ccacc12", "ParticipantId": "2b2288b4-ff6e-4996-8d8e-260fd5a8ac02", "ParticipantRole": "SYSTEM", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:00.951Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.joined", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "c05cca74-d50b-4aa5-b46c-fdb5ae8c814c", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:03.462Z", "Content": "Hello, thanks for reaching Example Corp. This is [PII]. How may I help you?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "e4949dd1-aaa1-4fbd-84e7-65c95b2d3d9a", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 46, "EndOffsetChar": 51 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:08.102Z", "Content": "I'd like to see if I can get a refund or an exchange, because I ordered one of your grow-it-yourself indoor herb garden kits and nothing sprouted after a couple weeks so I think something is wrong with the seeds and this product may be defective.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "bcc51949-3a79-4398-be1b-a27345a8a8ad", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:14.137Z", "Content": "My wife is blind and sensitive to the sun so I was going to surprise her for her birthday with all the herbs that she loves so you guys actually really let me down.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "7d5c07d7-3d26-4b34-ae91-39aeaeef685c", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:18.781Z", "Content": "I should be taking my business elsewhere. I don't see why I should be giving money to a company that isn't even going to sell a product that works.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "e0efbd17-9139-439b-8c80-ebf2b9b703b9", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:24.123Z", "Content": "Ok. Can I get your first and last name please?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "3673d926-6e75-4620-a6f0-7ea571790a15", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:29.879Z", "Content": "Yeah. My first name is [PII] and last name [PII].", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "8fbb8dd4-9fd4-4991-83dc-5f06eeead9aa", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 21, "EndOffsetChar": 26 }, { "BeginOffsetChar": 44, "EndOffsetChar": 49 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:34.670Z", "Content": "Could you please provide me with the order ID number?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "46d37141-32d8-4f2e-a664-bcd3f34a68b3", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:39.726Z", "Content": "Yes, just . Looking ...", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "3b856fd9-0eeb-4fb2-93ed-95ec4aeae3a6", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:44.887Z", "Content": "Not a problem, take your time.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "3c4a2a1e-6790-46a6-8ad4-4a0980b04795", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:52.978Z", "Content": "Okay, that should be #5376897. You know, if the product was fine I wouldn't have to scrounge through emails.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "ecb8c498-96d7-448b-8360-366eeddb4090", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:32:59.441Z", "Content": "alright, perfect. And could you also just confirm the shipping address for me, [PII]", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "f9cd41b6-3f68-4e83-a47d-664395f324c0", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 77, "EndOffsetChar": 82 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:05.455Z", "Content": "[PII], and the zip code [PII].", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "d334058f-e3de-4cf1-a361-32e4e61f1839", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 0, "EndOffsetChar": 5 }, { "BeginOffsetChar": 27, "EndOffsetChar": 32 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:12.764Z", "Content": "Thank you very much. Just waiting on my system here. .. I'll also need the last four digits of your debit card.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "21acf0fc-7259-4a08-b4cd-688eb56587d3", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:17.412Z", "Content": "Ok. Last four for my debit card [PII]", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "3ec6adb5-3f11-409c-af39-40cf7ba6f078", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 27, "EndOffsetChar": 32 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:33.852Z", "Content": "It's just too bad. I thought this was going to be the best gift idea. How can you guys be sending out defective seeds? Isn't that your whole business?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "c71ad383-f876-4bb3-b254-7837b6a3d395", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:38.961Z", "Content": "I apologize for the experience you had Mr [PII], its very uncommon that our customer will have this issue. We will look into this and get this sorted out for you right away.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "28d0a1ce-64d1-4625-bbef-4cfeb97b6742", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 41, "EndOffsetChar": 46 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:44.192Z", "Content": "Well, my wife's birthday already passed, so. There's not too much you can do. But I would still like to grow the herbs for her, if possible.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "4b292b64-4a33-45ff-89df-d5a175d16d70", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:51.310Z", "Content": "Totally understandable. Let me see what we can do for you. Please give me couple of minutes as I check the system.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "ef9b8622-32d5-4cfd-9ccc-a242502267bc", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:33:56.287Z", "Content": "Thank you sir one moment please.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "03a9de67-f9e1-4884-a1a3-ecea78a4ce9e", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:01.224Z", "Content": "Alright are you still there Mr [PII]?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "cfee5ece-a671-4a11-9ec2-89aba4b7d688", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 30, "EndOffsetChar": 35 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:07.093Z", "Content": "Yeah.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "2da5a3c2-9d1b-458c-ae53-759a4e63198d", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:12.562Z", "Content": "We are not only refunding the cost of the grow-it-yourself indoor herb kit but we will also be sending you a replacement. Would you be okay with this?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "72cc8c8d-2199-422a-b363-01d6d3fdc851", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:17.029Z", "Content": "Yeah! That would be great. I just want my wife to be able to have these herbs in her room. And I'm always happy to get my money back!", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "e23a2331-f3fc-4d3c-8a51-1541451186c9", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:22.269Z", "Content": "Awesome! We really want to keep our customers happy and satisfied, and again I want to apologize for your less than satisfactory experience with the last product you ordered from us.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "61bb2591-fe87-44e4-bba0-a3619c4cef1f", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:26.353Z", "Content": "Okay! No problem. Sounds great. Thank you for all your help!", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "5a27cc39-9b73-4ebe-9275-5e6723788a1b", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:31.431Z", "Content": "Is there anything else I can help you out with Mr [PII]?", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "1761f27e-0989-4b6d-a046-fc03d2c6bc9c", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Redaction": { "CharacterOffsets": [ { "BeginOffsetChar": 48, "EndOffsetChar": 53 } ] }, "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:36.704Z", "Content": "Nope!", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "540368c7-ec19-4fc0-8c86-0a5ee62d31a0", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:41.448Z", "Content": "Ok great! Have a great day.", "ContentType": "text/plain", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "8cdff161-dc25-44e6-986f-fc0e08ee0a7d", "ParticipantId": "f36a545d-67b2-4fd4-89fb-896136b609a7", "ParticipantRole": "AGENT", "Type": "MESSAGE" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:42.799Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.left", "DisplayName": "[PII]", "Id": "d1ba54ba-61d4-4a48-9a9a-6cd17d70b8fb", "ParticipantId": "e9b36a6d-12aa-4c21-9745-1881648ecfc8", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "Type": "EVENT" }, { "AbsoluteTime": "2022-10-27T03:34:43.192Z", "ContentType": "application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.chat.ended", "Id": "2d9a0e4f-faec-485f-97af-2767dde1f30a", "Type": "EVENT" } ], "Version": "CHAT-2022-11-30" }