OrderFlowers.json - Amazon Lex V1

Amazon Lex V2 を使用している場合は、代わりに Amazon Lex V2 ガイドを参照してください。


Amazon Lex V1 を使用している場合は、ボットを Amazon Lex V2 にアップグレードすることをお勧めします。V1 には新機能を追加されませんので、すべての新しいボットには V2 を使用することを強くお勧めします。



次のコードは、OrderFlowers インテントを作成するために必要な JSON データです。

{ "confirmationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 2, "messages": [ { "content": "Okay, your {FlowerType} will be ready for pickup by {PickupTime} on {PickupDate}. Does this sound okay?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "name": "OrderFlowers", "rejectionStatement": { "messages": [ { "content": "Okay, I will not place your order.", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "sampleUtterances": [ "I would like to pick up flowers", "I would like to order some flowers" ], "slots": [ { "slotType": "FlowerTypes", "name": "FlowerType", "slotConstraint": "Required", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 2, "messages": [ { "content": "What type of flowers would you like to order?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "priority": 1, "slotTypeVersion": "$LATEST", "sampleUtterances": [ "I would like to order {FlowerType}" ], "description": "The type of flowers to pick up" }, { "slotType": "AMAZON.DATE", "name": "PickupDate", "slotConstraint": "Required", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 2, "messages": [ { "content": "What day do you want the {FlowerType} to be picked up?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "priority": 2, "description": "The date to pick up the flowers" }, { "slotType": "AMAZON.TIME", "name": "PickupTime", "slotConstraint": "Required", "valueElicitationPrompt": { "maxAttempts": 2, "messages": [ { "content": "Pick up the {FlowerType} at what time on {PickupDate}?", "contentType": "PlainText" } ] }, "priority": 3, "description": "The time to pick up the flowers" } ], "fulfillmentActivity": { "type": "ReturnIntent" }, "description": "Intent to order a bouquet of flowers for pick up" }