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Using notebooks with Neptune Analytics

Using notebooks with Neptune Analytics - Neptune Analytics
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The Neptune managed open-source graph-notebook project provides a plethora of Jupyter extensions and sample notebooks that make it easy to interact with and learn to use a Neptune Analytics graph.

These graph notebooks support a suite of intuitive Jupyter line- and cell-magic commands. The magic commands abstract away much of the initial setup typically required for using Neptune Analytics, and take care of SigV4 signing of requests. They can create graph connections, load data, run openCypher queries, and interact with various Neptune Analytics APIs.

You can find a list of the full set of Neptune graph-notebook magics and their options in the Neptune Userguide. However, only the following magics are compatible with Neptune Analytics graphs:

You can use a Neptune graph notebook to generate an interactive visualization of the results returned from an openCypher query, and use options to customize the appearance of the visualized graph (see Graph visualization in the Neptune workbench).

Take advantage of all the sample notebooks

A wide variety of sample Jupyter notebooks are available in the Neptune graph-notebook project. Some of these are purpose-built for learning how to get the most of a Neptune Analytics graph and its powerful built-in algorithms in the context of common real-world applications.

After installing the graph-notebook project either locally or on SageMaker AI, you should be able to find sample notebooks under the notebook directory, ../Neptune/02-Neptune-Analytics.


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