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AWS SDK for PHP バージョン 3 CloudWatch を使用した Amazon からのメトリクスの取得 - AWS SDK for PHP



AWS SDK for PHP バージョン 3 CloudWatch を使用した Amazon からのメトリクスの取得

メトリクスとは、システムのパフォーマンスに関するデータです。Amazon EC2 インスタンスや、独自のアプリケーションメトリクスなどの一部のリソースの詳細モニタリングを有効にできます。


のすべてのサンプルコードAWS SDK for PHPは、 にあります GitHub


サンプルコードを実行する前に、AWS の認証情報を設定します (認証情報 を参照)。AWS SDK for PHP からのインポート (基本的な使用法 を参照)。



require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function listMetrics($cloudWatchClient) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->listMetrics(); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'For the effective URI at ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . ":\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['Metrics'])) and (count($result['Metrics']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Metrics found:\n\n"; foreach ($result['Metrics'] as $metric) { $message .= 'For metric ' . $metric['MetricName'] . ' in namespace ' . $metric['Namespace'] . ":\n"; if ( (isset($metric['Dimensions'])) and (count($metric['Dimensions']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Dimensions:\n"; foreach ($metric['Dimensions'] as $dimension) { $message .= 'Name: ' . $dimension['Name'] . ', Value: ' . $dimension['Value'] . "\n"; } $message .= "\n"; } else { $message .= "No dimensions.\n\n"; } } } else { $message .= 'No metrics found.'; } } else { $message .= 'No metrics found.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function listTheMetrics() { $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo listMetrics($cloudWatchClient); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // listTheMetrics();



require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function describeAlarmsForMetric( $cloudWatchClient, $metricName, $namespace, $dimensions ) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->describeAlarmsForMetric([ 'MetricName' => $metricName, 'Namespace' => $namespace, 'Dimensions' => $dimensions ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'At the effective URI of ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . ":\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['MetricAlarms'])) and (count($result['MetricAlarms']) > 0) ) { $message .= 'Matching alarms for ' . $metricName . ":\n\n"; foreach ($result['MetricAlarms'] as $alarm) { $message .= $alarm['AlarmName'] . "\n"; } } else { $message .= 'No matching alarms found for ' . $metricName . '.'; } } else { $message .= 'No matching alarms found for ' . $metricName . '.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function describeTheAlarmsForMetric() { $metricName = 'BucketSizeBytes'; $namespace = 'AWS/S3'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'StorageType', 'Value' => 'StandardStorage' ], [ 'Name' => 'BucketName', 'Value' => 'my-bucket' ] ]; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo describeAlarmsForMetric( $cloudWatchClient, $metricName, $namespace, $dimensions ); } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // describeTheAlarmsForMetric();



require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\CloudWatch\CloudWatchClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException;


function getMetricStatistics( $cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit ) { try { $result = $cloudWatchClient->getMetricStatistics([ 'Namespace' => $namespace, 'MetricName' => $metricName, 'Dimensions' => $dimensions, 'StartTime' => $startTime, 'EndTime' => $endTime, 'Period' => $period, 'Statistics' => $statistics, 'Unit' => $unit ]); $message = ''; if (isset($result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'])) { $message .= 'For the effective URI at ' . $result['@metadata']['effectiveUri'] . "\n\n"; if ( (isset($result['Datapoints'])) and (count($result['Datapoints']) > 0) ) { $message .= "Datapoints found:\n\n"; foreach ($result['Datapoints'] as $datapoint) { foreach ($datapoint as $key => $value) { $message .= $key . ' = ' . $value . "\n"; } $message .= "\n"; } } else { $message .= 'No datapoints found.'; } } else { $message .= 'No datapoints found.'; } return $message; } catch (AwsException $e) { return 'Error: ' . $e->getAwsErrorMessage(); } } function getTheMetricStatistics() { // Average number of Amazon EC2 vCPUs every 5 minutes within // the past 3 hours. $namespace = 'AWS/Usage'; $metricName = 'ResourceCount'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'Service', 'Value' => 'EC2' ], [ 'Name' => 'Resource', 'Value' => 'vCPU' ], [ 'Name' => 'Type', 'Value' => 'Resource' ], [ 'Name' => 'Class', 'Value' => 'Standard/OnDemand' ] ]; $startTime = strtotime('-3 hours'); $endTime = strtotime('now'); $period = 300; // Seconds. (5 minutes = 300 seconds.) $statistics = ['Average']; $unit = 'None'; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo getMetricStatistics( $cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit ); // Another example: average number of bytes of standard storage in the // specified Amazon S3 bucket each day for the past 3 days. /* $namespace = 'AWS/S3'; $metricName = 'BucketSizeBytes'; $dimensions = [ [ 'Name' => 'StorageType', 'Value'=> 'StandardStorage' ], [ 'Name' => 'BucketName', 'Value' => 'my-bucket' ] ]; $startTime = strtotime('-3 days'); $endTime = strtotime('now'); $period = 86400; // Seconds. (1 day = 86400 seconds.) $statistics = array('Average'); $unit = 'Bytes'; $cloudWatchClient = new CloudWatchClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-08-01' ]); echo getMetricStatistics($cloudWatchClient, $namespace, $metricName, $dimensions, $startTime, $endTime, $period, $statistics, $unit); */ } // Uncomment the following line to run this code in an AWS account. // getTheMetricStatistics();
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