Filter and reduce functions - Amazon Timestream

Filter and reduce functions

Amazon Timestream supports functions for performing filter and reduce operations on time series data. This section provides usage information for the Timestream for LiveAnalytics filter and reduce functions, as well as sample queries.

Usage information

Function Output data type Description

filter(timeseries(T), function(T, Boolean))


Constructs a time series from an the input time series, using values for which the passed function returns true.

reduce(timeseries(T), initialState S, inputFunction(S, T, S), outputFunction(S, R))


Returns a single value, reduced from the time series. The inputFunction will be invoked on each element in timeseries in order. In addition to taking the current element, inputFunction takes the current state (initially initialState) and returns the new state. The outputFunction will be invoked to turn the final state into the result value. The outputFunction can be an identity function.

Query examples

Construct a time series of CPU utilization of a host and filter points with measurement greater than 70:

WITH time_series_view AS ( SELECT INTERPOLATE_LINEAR( CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, ROUND(measure_value::double,2)), SEQUENCE(ago(15m), ago(1m), 10s)) AS cpu_user FROM sample.DevOps WHERE hostname = 'host-Hovjv' and measure_name = 'cpu_utilization' AND time > ago(30m) GROUP BY hostname ) SELECT FILTER(cpu_user, x -> x.value > 70.0) AS cpu_above_threshold from time_series_view

Construct a time series of CPU utilization of a host and determine the sum squared of the measurements:

WITH time_series_view AS ( SELECT INTERPOLATE_LINEAR( CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, ROUND(measure_value::double,2)), SEQUENCE(ago(15m), ago(1m), 10s)) AS cpu_user FROM sample.DevOps WHERE hostname = 'host-Hovjv' and measure_name = 'cpu_utilization' AND time > ago(30m) GROUP BY hostname ) SELECT REDUCE(cpu_user, DOUBLE '0.0', (s, x) -> x.value * x.value + s, s -> s) from time_series_view

Construct a time series of CPU utilization of a host and determine the fraction of samples that are above the CPU threshold:

WITH time_series_view AS ( SELECT INTERPOLATE_LINEAR( CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, ROUND(measure_value::double,2)), SEQUENCE(ago(15m), ago(1m), 10s)) AS cpu_user FROM sample.DevOps WHERE hostname = 'host-Hovjv' and measure_name = 'cpu_utilization' AND time > ago(30m) GROUP BY hostname ) SELECT ROUND( REDUCE(cpu_user, -- initial state CAST(ROW(0, 0) AS ROW(count_high BIGINT, count_total BIGINT)), -- function to count the total points and points above a certain threshold (s, x) -> CAST(ROW(s.count_high + IF(x.value > 70.0, 1, 0), s.count_total + 1) AS ROW(count_high BIGINT, count_total BIGINT)), -- output function converting the counts to fraction above threshold s -> IF(s.count_total = 0, NULL, CAST(s.count_high AS DOUBLE) / s.count_total)), 4) AS fraction_cpu_above_threshold from time_series_view