Getting started with a MySQL database data source (console) - Amazon Kendra

Getting started with a MySQL database data source (console)

You can use the Amazon Kendra console to get started using a MySQL database as a data source. When you use the console you specify the connection information you need to index the contents of a MySQL database. For more information, see Using a database data source.

You first need to create a MySQL database, then you can create a data source for the database.

Use the following procedure to create a basic MySQL database. The procedure assumes that you have already created an index following step 1 of Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console.

To create a MySQL database
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Subnet groups and then choose Create DB Subnet Group.

  3. Name the group and choose your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information on configuring a VPC, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.

  4. Add your VPC's private subnets. Your private subnets are the ones that are not connected to your NAT. Choose Create.

  5. From the navigation pane, choose Databases and then choose Create database.

  6. Use the following parameters to create the database. Leave all of the other parameters at their defaults.

    • Engine options—MySQL

    • Templates—Free tier

    • Credential Settings—Enter and confirm a password

    • Under Connectivity, choose Additional connectivity configuration. Make the following choices.

      • Subnet group—Choose the subnet group that you created in step 4.

      • VPC security group—Choose the group that contains both inbound and outbound rules that you created in your VPC. For example, DataSourceSecurityGroup. For more information on configuring a VPC, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.

    • Under Additional configuration, set the Initial database name to content.

  7. Choose Create database.

  8. From the list of databases, choose your new database. Make a note of the database endpoint.

  9. After you create your database, you must create a table to hold your documents. Creating a table is outside the scope of these instructions. When you create your table, note the following:

    • Database name—content

    • Table name—documents

    • Columns—ID, Title, Body, and LastUpdate. You can include additional columns if you want.

Now that you have created your MySQL database, you can create a data source for the database.

To create a MySQL data source
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose your index.

  3. Choose Add data sources and then choose Amazon RDS.

  4. Type a name and description for the data source and then choose Next.

  5. Choose MySQL.

  6. Under Connection access, enter the following information:

    • Endpoint—The endpoint of the database that you created earlier.

    • Port—The port number for the database. For MySQL, the default is 3306.

    • Type of authentication—Choose New.

    • New secret container name—A name for the Secrets Manager container for the database credentials.

    • Username—The name of a user with administrative access to the database.

    • Password—The password for the user, and then choose Save authentication.

    • Database namecontent.

    • Table namedocuments.

    • IAM role—Choose Create a new role, and then type a name for the role.

  7. In Column configuration enter the following:

    • Document ID column nameID

    • Document title column nameTitle

    • Document data column nameBody

  8. In Column change detection enter the following:

    • Change detecting columnsLastUpdate

  9. In Configure VPC & security group provide the following:

    • In Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), choose your VPC.

    • In Subnets, choose the private subnets that you created in your VPC.

    • In VPC security groups, choose the security group that contains both inbound and outbound rules that you created in your VPC for MySQL databases. For example, DataSourceSecurityGroup.

  10. In Set sync run schedule, choose Run on demand and then choose Next.

  11. In Data source field mapping, choose Next.

  12. Review the configuration of your data source to make sure that it is correct. When you're satisfied that everything is correct, choose Create.