Use the UPDATE statement to edit custom Time to Live (TTL) settings for rows and columns - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)

Use the UPDATE statement to edit custom Time to Live (TTL) settings for rows and columns


Before you can set custom TTL values for rows and columns, you must enable TTL on the table first. For more information, see Update table with custom Time to Live (TTL).

You can use the UPDATE statement to overwrite a table's default TTL value by setting the expiration date for individual rows and columns:

  • Rows – You can update an existing row of data with a custom TTL value.

  • Columns – You can update a subset of columns within existing rows with a custom TTL value.

Setting TTL values for rows and columns takes precedence over the default TTL setting for the table.

To change the TTL settings of the 'subject' column inserted earlier from 259,200 seconds (3 days) to 86,400 seconds (one day), use the following statement.

UPDATE my_table USING TTL 86400 set subject = 'Updated Message' WHERE userid = B79CB3BA-745E-5D9A-8903-4A02327A7E09 and time = 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a;

You can run a simple select query to see the updated record before the expiration time.

SELECT * from my_table;

The query shows the following output.

userid | time | body | subject | user --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------+-----------------+----------------- b79cb3ba-745e-5d9a-8903-4a02327a7e09 | 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a | Hello | Updated Message | 50554d6e-29bb-11e5-b345-feff819cdc9f | cf03fb21-59b5-11ec-b371-dff626ab9620 | Hello | Message |

To confirm that the expiration was successful, run the same query again after the configured expiration time.

SELECT * from my_table;

The query shows the following output after the 'subject' column has expired.

userid | time | body | subject | user --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------+---------+----------------- b79cb3ba-745e-5d9a-8903-4a02327a7e09 | 96a29100-5e25-11ec-90d7-b5d91eceda0a | Hello | null | 50554d6e-29bb-11e5-b345-feff819cdc9f | cf03fb21-59b5-11ec-b371-dff626ab9620 | Hello | Message |