Example: Sending data to Kinesis Video Streams using the PutMedia API - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Example: Sending data to Kinesis Video Streams using the PutMedia API

This example demonstrates how to use the PutMedia API. It shows how to send data that's already in a container format (MKV). If your data must be assembled into a container format before sending (for example, if you are assembling camera video data into frames), see Upload to Kinesis Video Streams.


The PutMedia operation is available only in the C++ and Java SDKs. This is due to the full-duplex management of connections, data flow, and acknowledgements. It's not supported in other languages.

Download and configure the code

Follow the steps to download the Java example code, import the project into your Java IDE, configure the library locations, and configure the code to use your AWS credentials.

  1. Create a directory and clone the example source code from the GitHub repository. The PutMedia example is part of the Java.

    git clone https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-java
  2. Open the Java IDE that you're using (for example, Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA), and import the Apache Maven project that you downloaded:

    • In Eclipse: Choose File, Import, Maven, Existing Maven Projects, and navigate to the root of the downloaded package. Select the pom.xml file.

    • In IntelliJ Idea: Choose Import. Navigate to the pom.xml file in the root of the downloaded package.

    For more information, see the related IDE documentation.

  3. Update the project so that the IDE can find the libraries that you imported.

    • For IntelliJ IDEA, do the following:

      1. Open the context (right-click) menu for the project's lib directory, and choose Add as library.

      2. Choose File, then chooseProject Structure.

      3. Under Project Settings, choose Modules.

      4. In the Sources tab, set Language Level to 7 or higher.

    • For Eclipse, do the following:

      1. Open the context (right-click) menu for the project, and choose Properties, Java Build Path, Source. Then do the following:

        1. On the Source tab, double-click Native library location.

        2. In the Native Library Folder Configuration wizard, choose Workspace.

        3. In the Native Library Folder selection, choose the lib directory in the project.

      2. Open the context (right-click) menu for the project, and choose Properties. Then do the following:

        1. On the Libraries tab, choose Add Jars.

        2. In the JAR selection wizard, choose all the .jars in the project's lib directory.

Write and examine the code

The PutMedia API example (PutMediaDemo) shows the following coding pattern:

The code examples in this section are from the PutMediaDemo class.

Create the PutMediaClient

Creating the PutMediaClient object requires the following parameters:

  • The URI for the PutMedia endpoint.

  • An InputStream pointing to the MKV file to stream.

  • The stream name. This example uses the stream that was created in the Use the Java producer library (my-stream). To use a different stream, change the following parameter:

    private static final String STREAM_NAME="my-stream";

    The PutMedia API example doesn't create a stream. You must create a stream either by using the test application for the Use the Java producer library, the Kinesis Video Streams console, or the AWS CLI.

  • The current timestamp.

  • The time code type. The example uses RELATIVE, indicating that the timestamp is relative to the start of the container.

  • An AWSKinesisVideoV4Signer object that verifies that the received packets were sent by the authorized sender.

  • The maximum upstream bandwidth in Kbps.

  • An AckConsumer object to receive packet received acknowledgements.

The following code creates the PutMediaClient object:

/* actually URI to send PutMedia request */ final URI uri = URI.create(KINESIS_VIDEO_DATA_ENDPOINT + PUT_MEDIA_API); /* input stream for sample MKV file */ final InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(MKV_FILE_PATH); /* use a latch for main thread to wait for response to complete */ final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); /* a consumer for PutMedia ACK events */ final AckConsumer ackConsumer = new AckConsumer(latch); /* client configuration used for AWS SigV4 signer */ final ClientConfiguration configuration = getClientConfiguration(uri); /* PutMedia client */ final PutMediaClient client = PutMediaClient.builder() .putMediaDestinationUri(uri) .mkvStream(inputStream) .streamName(STREAM_NAME) .timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) .fragmentTimeCodeType("RELATIVE") .signWith(getKinesisVideoSigner(configuration)) .upstreamKbps(MAX_BANDWIDTH_KBPS) .receiveAcks(ackConsumer) .build();

Stream media and pause the thread

After the client is created, the sample starts asynchronous streaming with putMediaInBackground. The main thread is then paused with latch.await until the AckConsumer returns, at which point the client is closed.

/* start streaming video in a background thread */ client.putMediaInBackground(); /* wait for request/response to complete */ latch.await(); /* close the client */ client.close();

Run and verify the code

To run the PutMedia API example, do the following:

  1. Create a stream named my-stream in the Kinesis Video Streams console or by using the AWS CLI.

  2. Change your working directory to the Java producer SDK directory:

    cd /<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH_WHERE_SDK_IS_DOWNLOADED>/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-java/
  3. Compile the Java SDK and demo application:

    mvn package
  4. Create a temporary filename in the /tmp directory:

  5. Create a classpath string of dependencies from the local repository to a file:

    mvn -Dmdep.outputFile=$jar_files dependency:build-classpath
  6. Set the value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as follows:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/<YOUR_FOLDER_PATH_WHERE_SDK_IS_DOWNLOADED>/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/kinesis-video-native-build/downloads/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ classpath_values=$(cat $jar_files)
  7. Run the demo from the command line as follows, providing your AWS credentials:

    java -classpath target/kinesisvideo-java-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:$classpath_values -Daws.accessKeyId=${ACCESS_KEY} -Daws.secretKey=${SECRET_KEY} -Djava.library.path=/opt/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/kinesis-video-native-build com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.demoapp.DemoAppMain
  8. Open the Kinesis Video Streams console, and choose your stream on the Manage Streams page. The video plays in the Video Preview pane.