Send data to an Amazon Kinesis video stream
This section describes how to send media data from a camera to the Kinesis video stream that you
created in the previous section. This section uses the Use the C++ producer library as a Example: Kinesis Video Streams producer SDK GStreamer
Plugin - kvssink plugin.
To send media from a variety of devices on a variety of operating systems, this tutorial uses the Kinesis Video Streams
C++ producer library and GStreamer, an open-source media
framework that standardizes access to cameras and other media sources.
Build the SDK and samples
You can build the SDK and samples on your computer or in AWS Cloud9. Follow the appropriate procedures below.
- Build on your computer
Use the instructions in the readme file to build the producer library and sample
This includes:
- Build in AWS Cloud9
Follow these procedures to upload to Kinesis Video Streams in AWS Cloud9. You won't need
to download anything to your computer.
In the AWS Management Console, open AWS Cloud9.
Select Create environment.
On the Create environment screen,
complete the following:
You can leave the other fields with the default
When the environment has been created, select
Open in the Cloud9
IDE column.
In the lower-middle area of the screen, you see
Admin:~/environment $
. This is the AWS Cloud9
(Amazon EC2) terminal.
If you accidentally close the terminal, select
Window, New
Run the following commands in the terminal to change the
volume to 20 GiB.
Download the script.
Give the script execute permissions.
chmod +x
Run the script.
Fetch the latest information on all of the software you can
install or update through the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT).
This command doesn't update the software itself, but makes
sure your system knows what the latest available versions
sudo apt-get update
Install the C++ producer SDK dependencies.
sudo apt-get install -y cmake m4 git build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \
liblog4cplus-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-tools
Use git to clone the C++ producer SDK.
git clone
Prepare a build directory.
cd amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
Use CMake to generate makefiles.
The end of the expected output looks like the
-- Build files have been written to: /home/ubuntu/environment/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/build
Use make to compile the SDK and sample applications, as well
as build the final executables.
The end of the expected output looks like the
[100%] Linking CXX executable kvs_gstreamer_file_uploader_sample
[100%] Built target kvs_gstreamer_file_uploader_sample
Confirm the sample files were built. List the files in the
current directory:
Confirm that the following files are present:
(Optional) You can add setting the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment
variable to your shell's start-up script. This ensures
GST_PLUGIN_PATH is set properly during a new terminal session.
In AWS Cloud9, the shell's start-up script is:
Run the following command to append the command to the end of
the shell's start-up script.
echo "export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=~/environment/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-producer-sdk-cpp/build" >> ~/.bashrc
Type the following to run the shell's start-up script:
source ~/.bashrc
Confirm GST_PLUGIN_PATH is set.
If you set the output correctly, you will see the following
output. If the output is blank, the environment variable is not
set properly.
Run the samples to upload media to Kinesis Video Streams
The sample application does not support IMDS credentials. In your terminal, export AWS credentials
for your IAM user or role and the region your stream is located in.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YourAccessKey
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YourSecretKey
If you're using temporary AWS credentials, also export your session
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=YourSessionToken
- .mp4 files
Download a sample .mp4 video to upload to Kinesis Video Streams.
Video specifications:
Resolution - 1280 x 720
Frame rate - 30 frames per
Duration - 14.0
Video encoding - H.264, in
track 1
Keyframes - Every 3 seconds,
resulting in a fragment duration (also known as a group of
pictures (GoP) size) of 3 seconds, with the final fragment being
2 seconds long.
Run the following command with the name of the stream you previously
created. If you haven't created a stream yet, see Create an Amazon Kinesis video stream.
./kvs_gstreamer_sample YourStreamName
- Sample video from GStreamer
Use the following command to generate a video using GStreamer.
Tell GStreamer where to locate the kvssink
plugin. In your build directory, specify the path to the folder
containing the
From your build directory, run the following command:
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`
This GStreamer pipeline generates a live test video stream with a
standard test pattern that runs at 10 frames per second with a
resolution of 640x480 pixels. An overlay is added displaying the current
system time and date. The video is then encoded into H.264 format and
keyframes are generated at most every 10 frames, resulting in a fragment
duration (also known as a group of pictures (GoP) size) of 1 second.
takes the H.264-encoded video stream, packages
it into the Matroska (MKV) container format, and uploads it to your
Kinesis video stream.
Run the following command:
gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc is-live=true \
! video/x-raw,framerate=10/1,width=640,height=480 \
! clockoverlay time-format="%a %B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p" \
! x264enc bframes=0 key-int-max=10 \
! h264parse \
! kvssink stream-name="YourStreamName
To stop the GStreamer pipeline, select the terminal window and press
Review acknowledgement objects
During upload, Kinesis Video Streams will send acknowledgement objects back to the client performing the upload. You should see these printed in the command output. An example looks like the following:
If the acknowledgement’s EventType
, it
means Kinesis Video Streams has durably stored and encrypted this chunk of media for retrieval,
analysis, and long-term storage.
For more information about acknowledgements, see PutMedia.