Write and examine the code - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Write and examine the code

In this section of the Java producer library procedure, you write and examine the Java example code that you downloaded in the previous section.

The Java test application (DemoAppMain) shows the following coding pattern:

  • Create an instance of KinesisVideoClient.

  • Create an instance of MediaSource.

  • Register the MediaSource with the client.

  • Start streaming. Start the MediaSource and it starts sending data to the client.

The following sections provide details.

Create an instance of KinesisVideoClient

You create the KinesisVideoClient object by calling the createKinesisVideoClient operation.

final KinesisVideoClient kinesisVideoClient = KinesisVideoJavaClientFactory .createKinesisVideoClient( Regions.US_WEST_2, AuthHelper.getSystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider());

For KinesisVideoClient to make network calls, it needs credentials to authenticate. You pass in an instance of SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider, which reads AWSCredentials for the default profile in the credentials file:

[default] aws_access_key_id = ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTU aws_secret_access_key = AbCd1234EfGh5678IjKl9012MnOp3456QrSt7890

Create an instance of MediaSource

To send bytes to your Kinesis video stream, you must produce the data. Amazon Kinesis Video Streams provides the MediaSource interface, which represents the data source.

For example, the Kinesis Video Streams Java library provides the ImageFileMediaSource implementation of the MediaSource interface. This class only reads data from a series of media files rather than a Kinesis video stream, but you can use it for testing the code.

final MediaSource bytesMediaSource = createImageFileMediaSource();

Register the MediaSource with the client

Register the media source that you created with the KinesisVideoClient so that it knows about the client (and can then send data to the client).


Start the media source

Start the media source so that it can begin generating data and send it to the client.
