Troubleshooting your Amazon S3 connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Amazon S3 connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Amazon S3 connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
S3-5001 Profile name cannot be null or empty. Try again with a valid profile name. Provide a valid profile name in the configuration.
S3-5002 Default AWS profile was not found. Verify the credentials file and try again. Configure the AWS profile in the environment using “aws configure” command.
S3-5100 Bucket cannot be null or empty. Try again with a valid bucket. Provide a valid bucket name in configuration.
S3-5101 The bucket does not exist, or it is from another region. Try again with a valid bucket. Provide a valid bucket name that exists in the same region as the profile that is configured in the environment.
S3-5102 The ACL file is not found in the given path. Verify and try again. Provide a valid ACL file location in configuration.
S3-5103 The ACL file reading was unsuccessful due to malformed JSON content. Verify and try again. Verify the content of ACL file. It could contain malformed JSON content.
S3-5104 Metadata file contained malformed JSON content. Verify content of metadata files. It could contain malformed JSON content.
S3-5105 IndexFieldName cannot be null or empty. IndexFieldName in Field Mappings should not be null or empty.
S3-5106 IndexFieldType cannot be null or empty. IndexFieldType in Field Mappings should not be null or empty.
S3-5107 DataSourceFieldName cannot be null or empty. DataSourceFieldName in Field Mappings should not be null or empty.
S3-5108 Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. IndexFieldType in field mapping could contain an unsupported type. Verify field mappings and try again.
S3-5110 Unable to connect with provided Amazon S3 bucket. Try again with valid bucket.
S3-5111 Unable to connect with provided Amazon S3 bucket due to connection timeout. Check if the provided bucket is valid, credentials are valid, an IAM role with correct permissions has been provided, or if the VPC configuration of the data source is correct.
S3-5200 Object was not accessible. Amazon S3 returned following error: The object might be not accessible. User may receive this error if an object is encrypted using an SSE-KMS key that the profile doesn’t have the access.
S3-5201 The object content was not readable. S3 returned following error: User may receive this error if an object is encrypted using an SSE-C key.