Using cryptographic attestation with AWS KMS - AWS

Using cryptographic attestation with AWS KMS

This section explains how to set up attestation to work with AWS Key Management Service. AWS KMS integrates with Nitro Enclaves to provide built-in attestation support.

Secret data preparation

Before using Nitro Enclaves with AWS KMS, it is important that you encrypt your sensitive data before sending it to the parent instance or the enclave. This section provides an overview of the steps needed to prepare your sensitive data for processing inside the enclave.

  1. Create a AWS KMS key. For more information, see Creating Keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

  2. Generate a plaintext and encrypted data key using the KMS key. For more information, see generate-data-key in the AWS KMS AWS CLI Command Reference.

  3. Encrypt the secret data under the KMS key using the plaintext data key and a client-side cryptographic library, such as the AWS Encryption SDK. For more information, see Encrypt data with a data key in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide. You must modify the KMS key policy to grant the IAM principal that you’re using in your client permission to call the GenerateDataKey API action.

  4. Upload the encrypted secret data and the encrypted data key to a storage location, such as Amazon S3. If you’re using the AWS Encryption SDK, the encrypted data key is automatically included in the header of the encrypted message.

KMS key preparation

After you have created your KMS key and you have encrypted your sensitive data under it, you need to ensure that only the enclave can access it to decrypt the encrypted data.

AWS KMS enables you to create KMS key policies with condition keys that are based on an enclave's measurements. For more information about using condition keys in KMS key policies, see AWS KMS condition keys for AWS Nitro Enclaves in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The Nitro Enclaves SDK includes some APIs (kms-decrypt, kms-generate-data-key, and kms-generate-random) that integrate with AWS KMS. When these APIs are called against a specific key, the enclave's attestation document, which includes its measurements, is attached to the request. AWS KMS receives the request and validates the measurements in the provided attestation document against the measurements specified in the condition keys of the KMS key policy. It uses this information to determine whether the enclave should be granted permission to perform the requested action using the requested KMS key.

To prepare AWS KMS for attestation you must have the enclave's measurements. When you have the measurements, you can create a KMS key policy that includes condition keys that are based on those measurements.

AWS KMS provides kms:RecipientAttestation:ImageSha384 and kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR condition keys that enable you to create attestation-based condition keys for KMS key policies. These policies ensure that AWS KMS only allows operations using the KMS key if the enclave provides a signed attestation document that contains measurements that match the measurements specified in the KMS key policy's condition keys. For more information about the condition keys, see kms:RecipientAttestation:ImageSha384 and kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

For example, the following KMS key policy allows enclaves running on instances that have the data-processing instance profile to use the KMS key for the Decrypt, GenerateDataKey, and GenerateRandom actions. The condition key allows the operation only when measurements in the attestation document in the request matches the measurements in the condition. If the request doesn't include an attestation document, the role doesn't have permission to call the operation because this condition cannot be satisfied.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Sid" : "Enable enclave data processing", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : { "AWS" : "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/data-processing" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey", "kms:GenerateRandom" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEqualsIgnoreCase": { "kms:RecipientAttestation:ImageSha384":"EXAMPLE8abcdef7abcdef6abcdef5abcdef4abcdef3abcdef2abcdef1abcdef1abcdef0abcdef1abcdEXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR0":"EXAMPLE8abcdef7abcdef6abcdef5abcdef4abcdef3abcdef2abcdef1abcdef1abcdef0abcdef1abcdEXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR1":"EXAMPLE050abf6b993c915505f3220e2d82b51aff830ad14cbecc2eec1bf0b4ae749d311c663f464cde9f718aEXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR2":"EXAMPLEc300289e872e6ac4d19b0b5ac4a9b020c98295643ff3978610750ce6a86f7edff24e3c0a4a445f2ff8EXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR3":"EXAMPLE11de9baee597508183477f097ae385d4a2c885aa655432365b53b812694e230bbe8e1bb1b8de748fe1EXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR4":"EXAMPLE6b9b3d89a53b13f5dfd14a1049ec0b80a9ae4b159adde479e9f7f512f33e835a0b9023ca51ada02160EXAMPLE", "kms:RecipientAttestation:PCR8":"EXAMPLE34a884328944cd806127c7784677ab60a154249fd21546a217299ccfa1ebfe4fa96a163bf41d3bcfaeEXAMPLE" } } }] }