Managing user access in Amazon FinSpace - Amazon FinSpace

Managing user access in Amazon FinSpace

Amazon FinSpace administrators or superusers can use the following topics to manage user access.


A superuser has all the permissions in FinSpace. The first superuser for your FinSpace environment is created from the AWS console. The superuser can then create other superusers and application users from the FinSpace web application.

Application user

An application user does not have any permissions when their account is created. They are assigned permissions by adding them to a permission group.

Permission group

Permission groups contain users. Permissions to perform any action in FinSpace are assigned to permission groups, not directly to the user. A user can be a member of multiple permission groups. A permission group cannot be a member of another permission group.


Permissions are assigned to permission groups and not to users. The are two kinds of permissions in FinSpace - application permissions and dataset permissions. Application permissions are assigned to a permission group when creating or editing it (for example, create datasets). Dataset permissions are assigned on a per dataset basis when associating a permission group to a dataset (for example, read a view in a dataset).