Icon showing a car and game controller, representing gaming or entertainment features in a vehicle. AWS GameKit supported AWS Regions - AWS GameKit

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Icon showing a car and game controller, representing gaming or entertainment features in a vehicle. AWS GameKit supported AWS Regions

This reference page lists the current status of AWS GameKit availability in all AWS Regions. A Region must support all of the AWS services and resources that are required for a AWS GameKit game feature backend.

In the AWS GameKit plugin, you select an environment to work in. The environment includes an AWS Region selection, which determines where all of the game backend services and resources for that environment will be deployed.

If you deploy the backend to an AWS Region that doesn't support AWS GameKit resources, the deployment will fail with messaging such as CreateStack Failed: Template format error: Unrecognized resource types.

Region availability

Use the following table to select an AWS Region for use with your AWS GameKit-enabled game project.

Region Feature: Identity and authentication Feature: Achievements Feature: User gameplay data Feature: Game state cloud saving
us-east-1: US East (N. Virginia) Available Available Available Available
us-east-2: US East (Ohio) Available Available Available Available
us-west-1: US West (N. California) Available Available Available Available
us-west-2: US West (Oregon) Available Available Available Available
af-south-1: Africa (Cape Town) Not Available
ap-east-1: Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Not Available
ap-south-1: Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Available Available Available Available
ap-northeast-3: Asia Pacific (Osaka) Not Available
ap-northeast-2: Asia Pacific (Seoul) Available Available Available Available
ap-southeast-1: Asia Pacific (Singapore) Available Available Available Available
ap-southeast-2: Asia Pacific (Sydney) Available Available Available Available
ap-northeast-1: Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Available Available Available Available
ca-central-1: Canada (Central) Available Available Available Available
eu-central-1: Europe (Frankfurt) Available Available Available Available
eu-west-1: Europe (Ireland) Available Available Available Available
eu-west-2: Europe (London) Available Available Available Available
eu-south-1: Europe (Milan) Not Available
eu-west-3: Europe (Paris) Available Available Available Available
eu-north-1: Europe (Stockholm) Available Available Available Available
me-south-1: Middle East (Bahrain)** Available (if enabled) Available (if enabled) Available (if enabled) Available (if enabled)
sa-east-1: South America (Sao Paulo) Available Available Available Available
China (Beijing and Ningxia) Regions Not Available

This AWS Region is not automatically enabled for your AWS account. To deploy your game backend to this Region, you must take action to enable it. See Enabling an AWS Region for instructions.