Multi-account in AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways - AWS Network Manager

Multi-account in AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways

With AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways, you can manage, monitor, and view dashboards of global network resources from multiple AWS accounts associated with a single organization using AWS Network Manager. For more information about setting up multi-account, see Manage multiple accounts in global networks using AWS Organizations below.

  • We strongly recommended that you use the global networks console for enabling multi-account settings with global networks, because the console automatically creates all required roles and permissions for multi-account access. Choosing an alternative approach requires an advanced level of expertise, and opens the multi-account set up for your global network to be more prone to error.

  • Multi-account is not available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) and the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Regions.


To enable multi-account, you first set up an account in AWS Organizations. This first account becomes the management account. Using this account, you can then add other accounts as member accounts to your organization. For more information about how multi-account support works, see Creating and managing an organization in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

Manage multiple accounts in global networks using AWS Organizations

AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways allows you to centrally manage, monitor, and visualize network resources from multiple accounts within an organization in a single global network. To manage resources from multiple accounts in global networks, you first set up an organization using AWS Organizations. The first account that you use to create an organization becomes the management account. Using this account, you can add other accounts as member accounts to your organization. From the management account, you can designate one or more accounts within the organization as delegated administrator accounts by registering them using the global networks console. For more information about setting up an organization, see Creating and managing an organization in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

To enable multi-account access in the global networks console, you first enable trusted access for the Network Manager service, and then register a delegated administrator account for your organization.

  • We strongly recommended that you use the global networks console for enabling multi-account settings with global networks, because the console automatically creates all required roles and permissions for multi-account access. Choosing an alternative approach requires an advanced level of expertise, and opens the multi-account set up for your global network to be more prone to error.

  • Multi-account is not available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) and the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Regions.

With multi-account support, you can create a single global network for any of your AWS accounts, and then register transit gateways from those accounts using the global networks console. Multi-account is supported in all AWS Regions where global networks is supported. For more information about multi-account, see Multi-account in AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways.

Trusted access

Trusted access creates AWSServiceAccess for global networks and AWS CloudFormation StackSets with AWS Organizations. Enabling trusted access provides required permissions for AWS Organizations to deploy service-linked roles (SLRs) to all member accounts within your organization.

Enable trusted access

When you enable trusted access from the global networks console, you select a one-time permission level (IAMRoleForAWSNetworkManagerCrossAccountResourceAccess) as either administrator or read-only for each of the management and delegated administrator accounts.

  • Admin — Assign this permission if the delegated administrator and management accounts need to be able to modify resources from other accounts in the global network while using the global networks console switch role.

  • Read-only — Assign this permission if the delegated administrator and management accounts only need to review information about resources from other accounts in the global network while using the global networks console switch role, but don't need to make any changes.

The global networks console manages all of this when calling the Network Manager API.

When you enable trusted access, the following roles are deployed in your organization using AWS CloudFormation StackSets and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) services:

  • The Network Manager SLR (AWSServiceRoleForNetworkManager) to all member accounts

  • The AWS CloudFormation StackSets member SLR (AWSServiceRoleForCloudFormationStackSetsOrgMember) to all member accounts

  • The Network Manager SLR (AWSServiceRoleForNetworkManager) to the management account

  • The AWS CloudFormation StackSets admin (AWSServiceRoleForCloudFormationStackSetsOrgAdmin) SLR to the management account

  • The Amazon CloudWatch sharing role (CloudWatch-CrossAccountSharingRole) to all member accounts

  • The global networks console switch role (IAMRoleForAWSNetworkManagerCrossAccountResourceAccess) to all member accounts

  • The Amazon CloudWatch monitoring role (AWSServiceRoleForCloudWatchCrossAccount) to the management account

For more information about enabling trusted access, see Enable trusted access in an AWS global network.

Disable trusted access

Disabling trusted access through the global networks console removes AWSServiceAccess for global networks with AWS Organizations. Disabling trusted access removes global networks access to perform tasks within your organization. AWS Organizations won't allow you to disable an organization's trusted access for the Network Manager service if there are any delegated administrators that haven't been deregistered from that organization.

  • Disabling trusted access through the global networks console won't remove AWSServiceAccess for AWS CloudFormation StackSets with AWS Organizations. You can manually remove the service access for AWS CloudFormation StackSets by using the AWS CloudFormation StackSet console or by using the Organizations API/CLI. For more information on disabling trusted access for AWS CloudFormation StackSets, see Disable trusted access with AWS CloudFormation StackSets in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

  • Disabling trusted access won't remove any SLRs that were deployed when enabling trusted access.

When you disable trusted access, the following are affected in global networks:

  • All transit gateways owned by other accounts in your organization. You won't be able to see transit gateways or their attached resources from other accounts in your organization that were registered to your global network.

  • IAM roles deployed in all member accounts managed by the Network Manager service. Disabling trusted access doesn't remove accounts, transit gateways, or resources but does deregister them from other delegated administrator's global networks. These can be added back in as needed by re-enabling trusted access. For more information about the DeleteStackSet API, see DeleteStackSet in the AWS CloudFormation API Reference.

For more information about disabling trusted access, see Disable trusted access in an AWS global network.

Delegated administrators

Member accounts in your organization with delegated administrator access are able to leverage service-linked roles and assume IAM roles for access across multiple accounts. Only member accounts that are part of your AWS Organizations can be registered as delegated administrators. Your organization can have up to ten registered delegated administrators. Before you register a delegated administrator, you must enable global networks trusted access for your organization. For more information, see Enable trusted access in an AWS global network.


Using your AWS Organizations management account to manage your global network in global networks is not recommended because the required service-linked roles are not propagated to this account. For more information on service-linked roles, see AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways service-linked roles.

Register delegated administrators

After it's registered, a delegated administrator has the same permissions as the management account. A delegated administrator for the Network Manager service can leverage the SLRs in the member accounts that were deployed when trusted access was enabled and can view transit gateways from other member accounts and can register them to your global network. This allows transit gateways and associated resources to appear in your global network topology. In addition AWS CloudFormation StackSets is updated to include the delegated administrator accounts in the trusted relationship of the deployed IAM roles in the member accounts.

For information about registering a delegated administrator, see Register an administrator for multi-account in an AWS global network.

Deregister delegated administrators

Deregistering a delegated administrator removes that account's permission to leverage SLRs and assume IAM roles in other member accounts that were set up using AWS Organizations.

After it's deregistered, the delegated administrator no longer has the same permissions as the management account. The following occurs:

  • A delegated administrator is no longer able to leverage the deployed SLRs in the member accounts that were deployed when trusted access was enabled.

  • All registered transit gateways from other member accounts are deregistered from any global network for the specific delegated administrator. The network topology is updated to no longer show resources from other member accounts.

  • AWS CloudFormation StackSets are updated with the removal of the delegated administrator account. That account is no longer able to assume any IAM roles deployed in other member accounts.

For information about deregistering a delegated administrator, see Deregister an administrator from multi-account in an AWS global network.