Set up the cost feature - Workload Discovery on AWS

Set up the cost feature

The cost feature requires manual set up of AWS Cost and Usage reports (CUR). Following the instructions below you will:

  1. Set up a scheduled CUR.

  2. Set up Amazon S3 replication (when CURs are outside the deployment account)

Create the AWS Cost and Usage Report in the deployment account

  1. Sign in to the Billing console of the account from which you would like to gather cost data.

  2. In the navigation menu, under Billing, select Cost & usage reports.

  3. Choose Create Report.

  4. Use workload-discovery-cost-and-usage-<your-workload-discovery-deployment-account-ID> as the Report name.


    You must follow this naming convention because a small amount of infrastructure will be deployed to facilitate the querying of the CURs.

  5. Select the Include resource IDs box.


    You must select the Include resource IDs box to view cost data. This ID must match with the resources discovered by Workload Discovery on AWS.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Delivery options page, choose Configure.

  8. Select the <stack-name>-s3buc-costandusagereportbucket-<ID-string> Amazon S3 bucket to store the CUR. Choose Next.

  9. Review the policy, select the confirmation box, and choose Save.

  10. Set the Report prefix path to aws-perspective.

  11. Select Daily for the time granularity.

  12. Under Enable report data integration for, select Amazon Athena.

  13. Choose Next.

  14. Choose Review and Complete.

To verify that the report is correctly set up, check the Amazon S3 bucket for the test file.


It can take up to 24 hours for the reports to be uploaded to your bucket.

Create the AWS Cost and Usage Report in an external account

  1. Sign in to the Billing console of the account from which you would like to gather cost data.

  2. In the navigation menu, under the Cost Management, select Cost & usage reports.

  3. Choose Create Report.

  4. Use workload-discovery-cost-and-usage-<your-external-account-ID> as the Report name.


    You must follow this naming convention because a small amount of infrastructure will be deployed to facilitate the querying of the CURs.

  5. Check the Include resource IDs box.


    You must select the Include resource IDs box to view cost data. This ID is needed to match with the resources discovered by Workload Discovery on AWS.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Delivery options page, choose Configure.

  8. Create a new Amazon S3 bucket to store the CURs.

  9. Review the policy, select the confirmation box, and choose Save.

  10. Set the Report prefix path to aws-perspective.

  11. Select Daily for the time granularity.

  12. Under Enable report data integration for, select Amazon Athena.

  13. Choose Next.

  14. Choose Review and Complete. To verify that the report is correctly set up, check the Amazon S3 bucket for the test file.


It can take up to 24 hours for the reports to be uploaded to your bucket.

Next, set up replication to the deployment account.

Set up replication

Set up replication into the Amazon S3 bucket created during deployment. The Amazon S3 bucket follows the following format: <stack-name>-s3buc-costandusagereportbucket-<ID-string>. This allows the solution to query the bucket with Amazon Athena.

  1. Sign in to the AWS account in Amazon S3 console that contains the created CUR that needs to be replicated.

  2. Select the Amazon S3 bucket created when configuring your CUR. For more information, look at Step 8 of Create and schedule the AWS Cost and Usage Report.

  3. Choose the Management tab.

  4. Under Replication rules, choose Create replication rule.

  5. Under Replication rule configuration, in the Replication rule name box, enter a descriptive rule ID.

  6. Under Source bucket, select Apply to all objects in the bucket to configure the rule scope.

  7. Under Destination, configure the following:

    1. Select Specify a bucket in another account.

    2. Enter the account ID.

    3. Enter a value for the Bucket name that was created during deployment of Workload Discovery on AWS. You can find this by following the instructions in Locating deployment resources, using the logical ID CostAndUsageReportBucket and the stack name you specified when first deploying Workload Discovery on AWS.

    4. Select the box for Change object ownership to destination bucket owner.

  8. Under IAM role, choose Create new role.


    A replication role might already exist. You can select it and ensure that it has the required S3 replication role actions.

  9. Choose Save.

  10. Sign in to the AWS Management Console where the CUR is installed, navigate to the S3 service page and select the CostAndUsageReportBucket S3 bucket. For details, refer to Locating deployment resources.

  11. Select the Management tab.

  12. Under Replication rules, from the Actions drop-down menu, select Receive replicated objects.

  13. Under Source bucket account settings:

    1. Enter the source bucket account ID.

    2. Choose Generate policies.

    3. Under Policies, select view bucket policy.

    4. Select Include permission to change object ownership to destination bucket owner.

    5. Choose Apply settings. This gives it access to copy objects to it. Refer to Cost Bucket replication policy for an example S3 bucket policy.


When replicating CURs from multiple AWS accounts. You need to ensure the bucket policy on the destination bucket (within the Workload Discovery on AWS account) has the ARN of each IAM Role you are using from each account. Refer to Cost Bucket replication policy for more details.

When the reports are in the account, cost data appears on the bounding boxes and individual resources.

Example of a bounding box with estimated cost data.

Example of a bounding box with estimated cost data