Common structures in an AWS Lambda function for - Amazon Lex

Common structures in an AWS Lambda function for

Within the Lambda response, there are a number of structures that recur. Details about these common structures are provided in this section.


"intent": { "confirmationState": "Confirmed | Denied | None", "name": string, "slots": { // see Slots for details about the structure }, "state": "Failed | Fulfilled | FulfillmentInProgress | InProgress | ReadyForFulfillment | Waiting", "kendraResponse": { // Only present when intent is KendraSearchIntent. For details, see // } }

The intent field is mapped to an object with the following fields:

Indicates whether the user has confirmed the slots for the intent and the intent is ready for fulfillment. The following values are possible:

Confirmed – The user confirms that the slot values are correct.

Denied – The user indicates that the slot values are incorrect.

None – The user has not reached the confirmation stage yet.

The name of the intent.

Information about the slots required to fulfill the intent. See Slots for details about the structure.

Indicates the fulfillment state for the intent. The following values are possible:

Failed – The bot failed to fulfill the intent.

Fulfilled – The bot has completed fulfillment of the intent.

FulfillmentInProgress – The bot is in the middle of fulfilling the intent.

InProgress – The bot is in the middle of eliciting the slot values that are necessary to fulfill the intent.

ReadyForFulfillment – The bot has elicited all the slot values for the intent and is ready to fulfill the intent.

Waiting – The bot is waiting for a response from the user (limited to streaming conversations).

Contains information about the results of the Kendra search query. This field only appears if the intent is a KendraSearchIntent. See the response syntax in the Query API call for Kendra for more information.


The slots field exists within an intent structure and is mapped to a structure whose keys are the names of the slots for that intent. If the slot is not a multi-valued slot (see Using multiple values in a slot for more details), it is mapped to a structure with the following format. Note that the shape is Scalar.

{ slot name: { "shape": "Scalar", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] } } }

If the slot is a multi-valued slot, the object to which it is mapped contains another field called values, which is mapped to a list of structures, each containing information about a slot that makes up the multi-valued slot. The format of each object in the list matches that of the object to which a regular slot is mapped. Note that the shape is List, but the shape of the component slots under values is Scalar.

{ slot name: { "shape": "List", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] }, "values": [ { "shape": "Scalar", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] } }, { "shape": "Scalar", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] } }, ... ] }

The fields in the slot object are described below:

The shape of the slot. This value is List if there are multiple values in the slot (see Using multiple values in a slot for more details) and is Scalar otherwise.

An object containing information about the value that the user provided for a slot and Amazon Lex's interpretation, in the following format:

{ "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] }

The fields are described below:

  • originalValue – The part of the user's response to the slot elicitation that Amazon Lex determines is relevant to the slot value.

  • interpretedValue – The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot, given the user input.

  • resolvedValues – A list of values that Amazon Lex determines are possible resolutions for the user input.

A list of objects containing information about the slots that make up the multi-value slot. The format of each object matches that of a normal slot, with the shape and value fields described above. values only appears if the slot consists of multiple values (see Using multiple values in a slot for more details). The following JSON object shows two component slots:

"values": [ { "shape": "Scalar", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] } }, { "shape": "Scalar", "value": { "originalValue": string, "interpretedValue": string, "resolvedValues": [ string, ... ] } }, ... ]

Session state

The sessionState field is mapped to an object containing information about the state of the conversation with the user. The actual fields that appear in the object depend on the type of dialog action. See Required fields in the response for the required fields in a Lambda response. The format of the sessionState object is as follows:

"sessionState": { "activeContexts": [ { "name": string, "contextAttributes": { string: string }, "timeToLive": { "timeToLiveInSeconds": number, "turnsToLive": number } }, ... ], "sessionAttributes": { string: string, ... }, "runtimeHints": { "slotHints": { intent name: { slot name: { "runtimeHintValues": [ { "phrase": string }, ... ] }, ... }, ... } }, "dialogAction": { "slotElicitationStyle": "Default | SpellByLetter | SpellByWord", "slotToElicit": string, "type": "Close | ConfirmIntent | Delegate | ElicitIntent | ElicitSlot" }, "intent": { // see Intent for details about the structure }, "originatingRequestId": string }

The fields are described below:

A list of objects containing information about a context that a user is using in a session. Use contexts to facilitate and control intent recognition. For more information about contexts, see Setting intent context for your Lex V2 bot. Each object is formatted as follows:

{ "name": string, "contextAttributes": { string: string }, "timeToLive": { "timeToLiveInSeconds": number, "turnsToLive": number } }

The fields are described below:

  • name – The name of the context.

  • contextAttributes – An object containing the names of attributes for the context and the values that they are mapped to.

  • timeToLive – An object that specifies how long the context remains active. This object can contain one or both of the following fields:

    • timeToLiveInSeconds – The number of seconds that the context remains active.

    • turnsToLive – The number of turns that the context remains active.

A map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. For more information, see Setting session attributes for your Lex V2 bot. The object is formatted as follows:

{ string: string, ... }

Provides hints to the phrases that a customer is likely to use for a slot in order to improve audio recognition. The values that you provide in the hints boost audio recognition of those values over similar-sounding words. The format of the runtimeHints object is as follows:

{ "slotHints": { intent name: { slot name: { "runtimeHintValues": [ { "phrase": string }, ... ] }, ... }, ... } }

The slotHints field maps to an object whose fields are the names of the intents in the bot. Each intent name maps to an object whose fields are the names of the slots for that intent. Each slot name maps to a structure with a single field, runtimeHintValues, which is a list of objects. Each object contains a phrase field that maps to a hint.

Determines the next action for Amazon Lex V2 to take. The format of the object is as follows:

{ "slotElicitationStyle": "Default | SpellByLetter | SpellByWord", "slotToElicit": string, "type": "Close | ConfirmIntent | Delegate | ElicitIntent | ElicitSlot" }

The fields are described below:

  • slotElicitationStyle – Determines how Amazon Lex V2 interprets audio input from the user if the type of dialogAction is ElicitSlot. For more information, see Capturing slot values with spelling styles during the conversation. The following values are possible:

    Default – Amazon Lex V2 interprets the audio input in the default manner to fulfill a slot.

    SpellByLetter – Amazon Lex V2 listens for the user's spelling of the slot value.

    SpellByWord – Amazon Lex V2 listens for the user's spelling of the slot value using words associated with each letter (for example, "a as in apple").

  • slotToElicit – Defines the slot to elicit from the user if the type of dialogAction is ElicitSlot.

  • type – Defines the action that the bot should execute. The following values are possible:

    Delegate – Lets Amazon Lex V2 determine the next step.

    ElicitIntent – Prompts the customer to express an intent.

    ConfirmIntent – Confirms the customer's slot values and whether the intent is ready for fulfillment.

    ElicitSlot – Prompts the customer to provide a slot value for an intent.

    Close – Ends the intent fulfillment process.

See Intent for the structure of the intent field.

A unique identifier for the request. This field is optional for the Lambda response.