Step 3: Integrate the Slack application with the Amazon Lex V2 bot - Amazon Lex

Step 3: Integrate the Slack application with the Amazon Lex V2 bot

In this section, integrate the Slack application you created with the Amazon Lex V2 bot you created by using Channel integrations.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Lex console at

  2. From the list of bots, choose the Amazon Lex V2 bot that you created.

  3. In the left menu, choose Channel integrations and then choose Add channel.

  4. In Create channel, do the following:

    1. For Platform, choose Slack.

    2. For Identity policies, choose the AWS KMS key to protect channel information. The default key is provided by Amazon Lex V2.

    3. For Integration configuration, give the channel a name and an optional description. Choose the alias that points to the version of the bot to use, and choose the language that the channel supports.


      If your bot is available in multiple languages, you must create a different channel and a different application for each language.

    4. For Additional configuration, enter the following:

      • Client ID – enter the client ID from Slack.

      • Client secret – enter the client secret from Slack.

      • Verification token – enter the verification token from Slack.

      • Success page URL – The URL of the page that Slack should open when the user is authenticated. Typically you leave this blank.

  5. Choose Create to create the channel.

  6. Amazon Lex V2 shows the list of channels for your bot. From the list, choose the channel that you just created.

  7. From Callback URL, record the endpoint and the OAuth endpoint.

Next step

Step 4: Complete Slack integration