Amazon Linux 2023 version 2023.2.20230920 release notes - Amazon Linux 2023

Amazon Linux 2023 version 2023.2.20230920 release notes

This topic includes Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) release notes updates for the 2023.2.20230920 release

Major updates

This release represents the second quarterly update to AL2023. AL2023 is the next generation of Amazon Linux. It comes with five years of support and brings features such as Deterministic updates, better optimizations for Graviton processors, and others into Amazon Linux. AL2023 is ready for customer production workloads, and customers are encouraged to start migrations from previous versions of Amazon Linux today.

This new quarterly update of AL2023 (2023.2) includes the following updates from the previous quarterly release (2023.1).

  • Improvements for memory constrained instance types.

    • Out Of memory conditions on nano instances are partially mitigated by the addition of zram by default (compressed swap to RAM) on instances with less than 1 GB of memory.

    • For instance types with less than 800 MB of RAM, we now enable zram based swap by default. Examples of this instance type include t4g.nano, t3a.nano, t3.nano, t2.nano, and t1.micro. This means fewer out of memory scenarios for these instance types, because AL2023 will on-demand compress and decompress memory pages. This enables workloads that would otherwise require an instance type with more memory, at the expense of CPU usage needed to do the compression.

    • This feature is enabled by default on new AMIs. If you are upgrading an instance from a previously launched AMI, you can enable this feature by running the following command, and then rebooting the instance.

      dnf install -y zram-generator zram-generator-defaults
    • This feature is available on other instance types, but it isn't enabled by default on instance types with greater than 800 MB of RAM.

  • A new Minimal Container Image.

    • This image differs from the standard Base Container Image because it contains only the bare minimum packages needed to install other packages. The base container image aims to be minimal but also broadly compatible with the Minimal AMI. A notable difference in the AL2023 Minimal Container Image is using microdnf to provide the dnf package manager. This enables the image to be smaller (and still able to install other software) with the trade-off of not having the full feature set of the dnf package manager as present in other AL2023 images.

  • Although AL2023 is not yet FIPS certified, enabling FIPS mode is now supported. For more information, see Enable FIPS mode.

  • New packages were added.

    • Ansible has been added to AL2023 as requested in GitHub

    • flatpak - as requested in GitHub

    • atop - as requested in GitHub

    • composer - as requested in GitHub

    • fping

    • git-lfs - as requested in GitHub

    • google-authenticator - as requested in GitHub

    • Corretto 21 - as requested in GitHub

    • kstart

    • libmemcached-awesome - as requested in GitHub

    • libsodium - as requested in GitHub

    • lttng-tools

    • mutt - as requested in GitHub

    • nethogs - as requested in GitHub

    • oath-toolkit

    • php8.2-zip - as requested in GitHub

    • php8.2-sodium - as requested in GitHub

    • postgresql-odbc

    • pwgen - as requested in GitHub

    • sshpass - as requested in GitHub

    • s-nail

  • The mmtaghostname plugin for rsyslog was added in rsyslog-mmtaghostname - as requested in GitHub.

  • Kernel live patches now work with UEFI Secure Boot.

  • For an in-depth look at the changes since AL2, see Comparing Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023.

For information about UEFI Secure Boot on AL2023, see Amazon Linux announces support for secure boot with AL2023.

AL2023 includes the following major updates.

  • libffi was updated to a newer version to solve a number of aarch64 related issues. This update requires a shared library version (so-name) bump. The new version is The old version is and will remain available (and if needed, security patched) with a compat-libffi3.1 package at least until the next quarterly release (AL2023.3). Customers building software on top of AL2023 that uses libffi are advised to rebuild against this updated version. All packages in AL2023 with dependencies on the old version of library were rebuilt in AL2023.2 to link to the updated version.

  • amazon-cloudwatch-agent updated to 1.300026.3-2.amzn2023

  • amazon-ecr-credential-helper updated to 0.7.1

  • amazon-ssm-agent updated from 3.1.1927 to 3.2.1377

  • bind updated from 9.16.38 to 9.16.42

  • cairo updated from 1.17.4 to 1.17.6 and cairomm from 1.14.2 to 1.14.4

  • clamav updated from 0.103.8 to 0.103.9

  • clang updated from 15.0.6 to 15.0.7

  • collectd-java is now compatible with Java 8 and Java 11, not only Java 17

  • containerd updated from 1.6.19 to 1.7.2

  • Docker 24

  • curl updated from 8.0.1 to 8.2.1

  • dmidecode updated from 3.3 to 3.5

  • dnsmasq updated from 2.86 to 2.89

  • dotnet 6.0 updated to 6.0.121 and dotnet-runtime-6.0 from 6.0.11 to 6.0.21

  • ecs-init updated from 1.72 to 1.75

  • ecs-service-connect-agent updated from to 1.27

  • GCC 11.3.1 to 11.4.1

  • Golang 1.19.9 updated to 1.20.7

  • Updates to Corretto 8, 11, and 17

  • krb5 updated from 1.20.1 to 1.21

  • MariaDB 10.5.18 updated to 10.5.20

  • NodeJS 18 updated from 18.12.1 to 18.17.1

  • nss updated from 3.88 to 3.90

  • PHP8.1 updated from 8.1.16 to 8.1.23

  • PHP8.2 updated from 8.2.7 to 8.2.9 and the php-zip and php-sodium modules were added

  • Redis 6 updated from 6.2.12 to 6.2.13

  • Samba updated from 4.17.8 to 4.17.10

  • systemd updated from 252.4 to 252.16 with several bug fixes, including a bug fix for Out-of-Memory (OOM) handling inside a cgroup that meant all processes in the cgroup were always killed instead of the intended behavior of the OOM-Killer choosing one process at a time.

  • For an in-depth look at the changes since Amazon Linux 2, see Comparing Amazon Linux 2 and AL2023.

Known Issues
  • AL2023 is not yet FIPS certified. AL2023 is in the process of being certified for FIPS 140-3.

Security Updates

Contact us

If you find a security issue, contact our security team rather than opening a GitHub issue.

We use GitHub issues to gather feedback about AL2023 and to track bug reports and feature requests. You can look at existing issues to see whether your concern is already known. If it is not, open a new issue.

If you only have questions about AL2023, feel free to start or join a discussion. Feedback on AL2023 can also be provided through your designated AWS representative.


New packages in AL2023.2.20230920 since AL2023.1.20230912

Comparing AL2023.1.20230912 version 2023.1.20230912 to AL2023.2.20230920 version 2023.2.20230920.

Package Type Number of new packages in AL2023.2.20230920 compared to AL2023.1.20230912
Source RPMs 24
Total Binary RPMs 84
noarch binary RPMs 14
x86_64 binary RPMs 35
aarch64 binary RPMs 35

New packages in AL2023.2.20230920:

Source RPM RPM Architectures Version
ansible ansible noarch 8.3.0-1.amzn2023.0.1
ansible-core ansible-core aarch64, x86_64 2.15.3-1.amzn2023.0.1
ansible-test aarch64, x86_64
ansible-packaging ansible-packaging noarch 1-11.amzn2023.0.1
ansible-packaging-tests noarch
ansible-srpm-macros noarch
atop atop aarch64, x86_64 2.9.0-1.amzn2023
composer composer noarch 2.5.8-2.amzn2023
fping fping aarch64, x86_64 5.1-3.amzn2023
google-authenticator google-authenticator aarch64, x86_64 1.09-5.amzn2023
ipa-gothic-fonts ipa-gothic-fonts noarch 003.03-27.amzn2023
ipa-mincho-fonts ipa-mincho-fonts noarch 003.03-26.amzn2023
ipa-pgothic-fonts ipa-pgothic-fonts noarch 003.03-24.amzn2023
ipa-pmincho-fonts ipa-pmincho-fonts noarch 003.03-25.amzn2023
java-21-amazon-corretto java-21-amazon-corretto aarch64, x86_64 21.0.0+35-1.amzn2023.1
java-21-amazon-corretto-devel aarch64, x86_64
java-21-amazon-corretto-headless aarch64, x86_64
java-21-amazon-corretto-javadoc aarch64, x86_64
java-21-amazon-corretto-jmods aarch64, x86_64
kstart kstart aarch64, x86_64 4.3-4.amzn2023
libffi compat-libffi3.1 aarch64, x86_64 3.4.4-1.amzn2023.0.1
libmemcached-awesome libmemcached-awesome aarch64, x86_64 1.1.4-2.amzn2023
libmemcached-awesome-devel aarch64, x86_64
libmemcached-awesome-tools aarch64, x86_64
libsodium libsodium aarch64, x86_64 1.0.18-13.amzn2023.0.1
libsodium-devel aarch64, x86_64
libsodium-static aarch64, x86_64
nethogs nethogs aarch64, x86_64 0.8.7-3.amzn2023
oath-toolkit liboath aarch64, x86_64 2.6.9-2.amzn2023
liboath-devel aarch64, x86_64
liboath-doc noarch
libpskc aarch64, x86_64
libpskc-devel aarch64, x86_64
libpskc-doc noarch
oathtool aarch64, x86_64
pam_oath aarch64, x86_64
pskctool aarch64, x86_64
php8.2 php8.2-sodium aarch64, x86_64 8.2.9-1.amzn2023.0.3
php8.2-zip aarch64, x86_64
postgresql-odbc postgresql-odbc aarch64, x86_64 13.01.0000-5.amzn2023.0.1
postgresql-odbc-tests aarch64, x86_64
pwgen pwgen aarch64, x86_64 2.08-11.amzn2023
python-pkgconfig python3-pkgconfig noarch 1.5.5-7.amzn2023
rkhunter rkhunter noarch 1.4.6-22.amzn2023.0.1
rust-zram-generator zram-generator aarch64, x86_64 1.1.2-67.amzn2023
zram-generator-defaults noarch
s-nail s-nail aarch64, x86_64 14.9.24-6.amzn2023
sshpass sshpass aarch64, x86_64 1.09-6.amzn2023.0.1
systemd systemd-boot-unsigned aarch64, x86_64 252.16-1.amzn2023.0.1

AL2023.2.20230920 upgrades from AL2023.1.20230912

Comparing 2023.1.20230912 to 2023.2.20230920.

Package Type Count
Source 42
Total Binary 622
noarch binary RPMs 148
x86_64 binary RPMs 238
aarch64 binary RPMs 236

The full comparison of RPM package versions is below.

Source RPM RPM Architectures AL2023.1.20230912 version AL2023.2.20230920 version
amazon-ecr-credential-helper amazon-ecr-credential-helper aarch64, x86_64 0.7.1-1.amzn2023 0.7.1-2.amzn2023
clang clang aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-3.amzn2023.0.2 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
clang-analyzer noarch
clang-devel aarch64, x86_64
clang-libs aarch64, x86_64
clang-resource-filesystem aarch64, x86_64
clang-tools-extra aarch64, x86_64
clang-tools-extra-devel aarch64, x86_64
git-clang-format aarch64, x86_64
python3-clang aarch64, x86_64
cloud-init cloud-init noarch 22.2.2-1.amzn2023.1.8 22.2.2-1.amzn2023.1.11
collectd collectd aarch64, x86_64 5.12.0-16.amzn2023.0.2 5.12.0-16.amzn2023.0.4
collectd-apache aarch64, x86_64
collectd-bind aarch64, x86_64
collectd-ceph aarch64, x86_64
collectd-chrony aarch64, x86_64
collectd-curl aarch64, x86_64
collectd-curl_json aarch64, x86_64
collectd-curl_xml aarch64, x86_64
collectd-dbi aarch64, x86_64
collectd-disk aarch64, x86_64
collectd-dns aarch64, x86_64
collectd-drbd aarch64, x86_64
collectd-email aarch64, x86_64
collectd-generic-jmx aarch64, x86_64
collectd-hugepages aarch64, x86_64
collectd-iptables aarch64, x86_64
collectd-java aarch64, x86_64
collectd-log_logstash aarch64, x86_64
collectd-lua aarch64, x86_64
collectd-mcelog aarch64, x86_64
collectd-mdevents aarch64, x86_64
collectd-mysql aarch64, x86_64
collectd-netlink aarch64, x86_64
collectd-nginx aarch64, x86_64
collectd-notify_desktop aarch64, x86_64
collectd-notify_email aarch64, x86_64
collectd-openldap aarch64, x86_64
collectd-postgresql aarch64, x86_64
collectd-python aarch64, x86_64
collectd-rrdcached aarch64, x86_64
collectd-rrdtool aarch64, x86_64
collectd-sensors aarch64, x86_64
collectd-smart aarch64, x86_64
collectd-synproxy aarch64, x86_64
collectd-utils aarch64, x86_64
collectd-web aarch64, x86_64
collectd-write_http aarch64, x86_64
collectd-write_prometheus aarch64, x86_64
collectd-write_sensu aarch64, x86_64
collectd-write_syslog aarch64, x86_64
collectd-write_tsdb aarch64, x86_64
collectd-zookeeper aarch64, x86_64
libcollectdclient aarch64, x86_64
libcollectdclient-devel aarch64, x86_64
perl-Collectd aarch64, x86_64
compiler-rt compiler-rt aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-2.amzn2023.0.1 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
docker docker aarch64, x86_64 20.10.25-1.amzn2023.0.1 24.0.5-1.amzn2023.0.1
ecs-init ecs-init aarch64, x86_64 1.75.0-1.amzn2023 1.75.3-1.amzn2023
ecs-service-connect-agent ecs-service-connect-agent aarch64, x86_64 v1.26.4.0-1.amzn2023 v1.27.0.0-1.amzn2023
fonts-rpm-macros fonts-filesystem noarch 2.0.5-5.amzn2023.0.2 2.0.5-12.amzn2023.0.2
fonts-rpm-macros noarch
fonts-rpm-templates noarch
fonts-srpm-macros noarch
gdk-pixbuf2 gdk-pixbuf2 aarch64, x86_64 2.42.6-1.amzn2023.0.3 2.42.10-1.amzn2023.0.1
gdk-pixbuf2-devel aarch64, x86_64
gdk-pixbuf2-modules aarch64, x86_64
gdk-pixbuf2-tests aarch64, x86_64
glib2 glib2 aarch64, x86_64 2.74.7-688.amzn2023.0.1 2.74.7-689.amzn2023.0.2
glib2-devel aarch64, x86_64
glib2-doc noarch
glib2-static aarch64, x86_64
glib2-tests aarch64, x86_64
gobject-introspection gobject-introspection aarch64, x86_64 1.73.0-2.amzn2023.0.2 1.73.0-2.amzn2023.0.3
gobject-introspection-devel aarch64, x86_64
gsl gsl aarch64, x86_64 2.6-4.amzn2023.0.3 2.6-4.amzn2023.0.4
gsl-devel aarch64, x86_64
guile22 guile22 aarch64, x86_64 2.2.7-2.amzn2023.0.2 2.2.7-2.amzn2023.0.3
guile22-devel aarch64, x86_64
jna jna aarch64, x86_64 5.9.0-1.amzn2023.0.2 5.9.0-1.amzn2023.0.3
jna-contrib noarch
jna-javadoc noarch
keepalived keepalived aarch64, x86_64 2.2.7-6.amzn2023.0.1 2.2.7-6.amzn2023.0.2
kernel bpftool aarch64, x86_64 6.1.49-70.116.amzn2023 6.1.52-71.125.amzn2023
kernel aarch64, x86_64
kernel-devel aarch64, x86_64
kernel-headers aarch64, x86_64
kernel-libbpf aarch64, x86_64
kernel-libbpf-devel aarch64, x86_64
kernel-libbpf-static aarch64, x86_64
kernel-tools aarch64, x86_64
kernel-tools-devel aarch64, x86_64
perf aarch64, x86_64
python3-perf aarch64, x86_64
libclc libclc aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-1.amzn2023.0.3 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
libclc-devel aarch64, x86_64
libffi libffi aarch64, x86_64 3.1-28.amzn2023.0.2 3.4.4-1.amzn2023.0.1
libffi-devel aarch64, x86_64
libgcrypt libgcrypt aarch64, x86_64 1.10.1-7.amzn2023.0.1 1.10.2-1.amzn2023.0.1
libgcrypt-devel aarch64, x86_64
libomp libomp aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-1.amzn2023.0.3 15.0.7-5.amzn2023.0.1
libomp-devel aarch64, x86_64
libomp-test aarch64, x86_64
libtiff libtiff aarch64, x86_64 4.4.0-4.amzn2023.0.13 4.4.0-4.amzn2023.0.14
libtiff-devel aarch64, x86_64
libtiff-static aarch64, x86_64
libtiff-tools aarch64, x86_64
lld lld aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-1.amzn2023.0.3 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
lld-devel aarch64, x86_64
lld-libs aarch64, x86_64
lldb lldb aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-1.amzn2023.0.3 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
lldb-devel aarch64, x86_64
python3-lldb aarch64, x86_64
llvm llvm aarch64, x86_64 15.0.6-2.amzn2023.0.2 15.0.7-3.amzn2023.0.1
llvm-devel aarch64, x86_64
llvm-doc noarch
llvm-googletest aarch64, x86_64
llvm-libs aarch64, x86_64
llvm-static aarch64, x86_64
llvm-test aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105 mariadb105 aarch64, x86_64 10.5.18-1.amzn2023.0.1 10.5.20-1.amzn2023.0.1
mariadb105-backup aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-common aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-connect-engine aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-cracklib-password-check aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-devel aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-errmsg aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-gssapi-server aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-oqgraph-engine aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-pam aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-rocksdb-engine x86_64
mariadb105-server aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-server-utils aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-sphinx-engine aarch64, x86_64
mariadb105-test aarch64, x86_64
nasm nasm aarch64, x86_64 2.15.05-1.amzn2023.0.4 2.15.05-1.amzn2023.0.5
nasm-doc noarch
nasm-rdoff aarch64, x86_64
oci-add-hooks oci-add-hooks aarch64, x86_64 0-0.1.20200504git268e3bb.amzn2023 0-0.1.20200504git268e3bb.amzn2023.0.1
open-vm-tools open-vm-tools aarch64, x86_64 12.2.5-1.amzn2023 12.3.0-1.amzn2023
open-vm-tools-desktop aarch64, x86_64
open-vm-tools-devel aarch64, x86_64
open-vm-tools-salt-minion x86_64
open-vm-tools-sdmp aarch64, x86_64
open-vm-tools-test aarch64, x86_64
p11-kit p11-kit aarch64, x86_64 0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.2 0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.3
p11-kit-devel aarch64, x86_64
p11-kit-server aarch64, x86_64
p11-kit-trust aarch64, x86_64
php8.1 php8.1 aarch64, x86_64 8.1.22-1.amzn2023.0.1 8.1.23-1.amzn2023.0.1
php8.1-bcmath aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-cli aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-common aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-dba aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-dbg aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-devel aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-embedded aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-enchant aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-ffi aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-fpm aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-gd aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-gmp aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-intl aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-ldap aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-mbstring aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-mysqlnd aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-odbc aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-opcache aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-pdo aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-pgsql aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-process aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-pspell aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-snmp aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-soap aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-tidy aarch64, x86_64
php8.1-xml aarch64, x86_64
php8.2 php8.2 aarch64, x86_64 8.2.9-1.amzn2023.0.2 8.2.9-1.amzn2023.0.3
php8.2-bcmath aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-cli aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-common aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-dba aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-dbg aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-devel aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-embedded aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-enchant aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-ffi aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-fpm aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-gd aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-gmp aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-intl aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-ldap aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-mbstring aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-mysqlnd aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-odbc aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-opcache aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-pdo aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-pgsql aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-process aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-pspell aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-snmp aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-soap aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-tidy aarch64, x86_64
php8.2-xml aarch64, x86_64
pygobject3 python3-gobject aarch64, x86_64 3.42.2-2.amzn2023.0.2 3.42.2-2.amzn2023.0.3
python3-gobject-base aarch64, x86_64
python3-gobject-base-noarch noarch
python3-gobject-devel aarch64, x86_64
python3.11 python3.11 aarch64, x86_64 3.11.2-2.amzn2023.0.10 3.11.2-2.amzn2023.0.11
python3.11-debug aarch64, x86_64
python3.11-devel aarch64, x86_64
python3.11-idle aarch64, x86_64
python3.11-libs aarch64, x86_64
python3.11-test aarch64, x86_64
python3.11-tkinter aarch64, x86_64
python3.9 python3 aarch64, x86_64 3.9.16-1.amzn2023.0.5 3.9.16-1.amzn2023.0.6
python3-debug aarch64, x86_64
python3-devel aarch64, x86_64
python3-idle aarch64, x86_64
python3-libs aarch64, x86_64
python3-test aarch64, x86_64
python3-tkinter aarch64, x86_64
python-unversioned-command noarch
python-cffi python3-cffi aarch64, x86_64 1.14.5-1.amzn2023.0.2 1.14.5-1.amzn2023.0.3
python-cffi-doc noarch
python-lit python3-lit noarch 15.0.6-1.amzn2023.0.1 15.0.7-2.amzn2023.0.1
ruby3.2 ruby3.2 aarch64, x86_64 3.2.2-180.amzn2023.0.1 3.2.2-180.amzn2023.0.2
ruby3.2-bundled-gems aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-default-gems noarch
ruby3.2-devel aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-doc noarch
ruby3.2-libs aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-bigdecimal aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-bundler noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-io-console aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-irb noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-json aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-minitest noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-power_assert noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-psych aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-rake noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-rbs aarch64, x86_64
ruby3.2-rubygem-rdoc noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-rexml noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-rss noarch
ruby3.2-rubygems noarch
ruby3.2-rubygems-devel noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-test-unit noarch
ruby3.2-rubygem-typeprof noarch
systemd systemd aarch64, x86_64 252.4-1161.amzn2023.0.4 252.16-1.amzn2023.0.1
systemd-container aarch64, x86_64
systemd-devel aarch64, x86_64
systemd-journal-remote aarch64, x86_64
systemd-libs aarch64, x86_64
systemd-networkd aarch64, x86_64
systemd-oomd-defaults noarch
systemd-pam aarch64, x86_64
systemd-resolved aarch64, x86_64
systemd-rpm-macros noarch
systemd-standalone-sysusers aarch64, x86_64
systemd-standalone-tmpfiles aarch64, x86_64
systemd-tests aarch64, x86_64
systemd-udev aarch64, x86_64
system-release amazon-linux-repo-cdn noarch 2023.1.20230912-0.amzn2023 2023.2.20230920-0.amzn2023
amazon-linux-repo-s3 noarch
kernel-livepatch-repo-cdn noarch
kernel-livepatch-repo-s3 noarch
system-release noarch
wayland libwayland-client aarch64, x86_64 1.22.0-1.amzn2023.0.1 1.22.0-1.amzn2023.0.2
libwayland-cursor aarch64, x86_64
libwayland-egl aarch64, x86_64
libwayland-server aarch64, x86_64
wayland-devel aarch64, x86_64
wayland-doc noarch
wireshark wireshark-cli aarch64, x86_64 4.0.7-1.amzn2023.0.1 4.0.8-2.amzn2023.0.1
wireshark-devel aarch64, x86_64

Docker container image

  • amazon-linux-repo-cdn-2023.2.20230920-0.amzn2023

  • glib2-2.74.7-689.amzn2023.0.2

  • libffi-3.4.4-1.amzn2023.0.1

  • libgcrypt-1.10.2-1.amzn2023.0.1

  • p11-kit-trust-0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.3

  • p11-kit-0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.3

  • python3-libs-3.9.16-1.amzn2023.0.6

  • python3-3.9.16-1.amzn2023.0.6

  • system-release-2023.2.20230920-0.amzn2023

Default AMI
























Minimal AMI






















Minimal container image

  • amazon-linux-repo-cdn-2023.2.20230920-0.amzn2023

  • glib2-2.74.7-689.amzn2023.0.2

  • gobject-introspection-1.73.0-2.amzn2023.0.3

  • libffi-3.4.4-1.amzn2023.0.1

  • libgcrypt-1.10.2-1.amzn2023.0.1

  • p11-kit-trust-0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.3

  • p11-kit-0.24.1-2.amzn2023.0.3

  • system-release-2023.2.20230920-0.amzn2023