Reacting to Amazon Location Service events with Amazon EventBridge - Amazon Location Service

Reacting to Amazon Location Service events with Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that efficiently connects applications together using data from AWS services like Amazon Location. EventBridge receives events from Amazon Location and routes that data to targets like AWS Lambda. You can set up routing rules to determine where to send your data to build application architectures that react in real time.

Only geofence events (ENTER and EXIT events, as devices enter or leave the geofenced areas) are sent to EventBridge by default. You can also enable all filtered position update events for a tracker resource. For more information, see Enable update events for a tracker.

For more information, see the Events and Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

Enable update events for a tracker

By default, Amazon Location sends only ENTER and EXIT geofence events to EventBridge. You can enable all filtered position UPDATE events for a tracker to be sent to EventBridge. You can do this when you create or update a tracker.

For example, to update an existing tracker using the AWS CLI, you can use the following command (use the name of your tracker resource in place of MyTracker).

aws location update-tracker --tracker-name MyTracker --event-bridge-enabled

To turn off position events for a tracker, you must use the API or the Amazon Location Service console.

Create event rules for Amazon Location

You can create up to 300 rules per event bus in EventBridge to configure actions taken in response to an Amazon Location event.

For example, you can create a rule for geofence events where a push notification will be sent when a phone is detected within a geofenced boundary.

To create a rule for Amazon Location events

Using the following values, create an EventBridge rule based on Amazon Location events:

  • For Rule type, choose Rule with an event pattern.

  • In the Event pattern box, add the following pattern:

    { "source": ["aws.geo"], "detail-type": ["Location Geofence Event"] }

    To create a rule for tracker position updates, you can instead use the following pattern:

    { "source": ["aws.geo"], "detail-type": ["Location Device Position Event"] }

    You can optionally specify only ENTER or EXIT events by adding a detail tag (if your rule is for tracker position updates, there is only a single EventType, so there is no need to filter on it):

    { "source": ["aws.geo"], "detail-type": ["Location Geofence Event"], "detail": { "EventType": ["ENTER"] } }

    You can also optionally filter on properties of the position or geofence:

    { "source": ["aws.geo"], "detail-type": ["Location Geofence Event"], "detail": { "EventType": ["ENTER"], "GeofenceProperties": { "Type": "LoadingDock" }, "PositionProperties": { "VehicleType": "Truck" } } }
  • For Select targets, choose the target action to take when an event is received from Amazon Location Service.

    For example, use an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to send an email or text message when an event occurs. You first need to create an Amazon SNS topic using the Amazon SNS console. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS for user notifications.


It's best practice to confirm that the event rule was successfully applied or your automated action may not initiate as expected. To verify your event rule, initiate conditions for the event rule. For example, simulate a device entering a geofenced area.

You can also capture all events from Amazon Location, by just excluding the detail-type section. For example:

{ "source": [ "aws.geo" ] }

The same event may be delivered more than one time. You can use the event id to de-duplicate the events that you receive.

Amazon EventBridge event examples for Amazon Location Service

The following is an example of an event for entering a geofence initiated by calling BatchUpdateDevicePosition.

{ "version": "0", "id": "aa11aa22-33a-4a4a-aaa5-example", "detail-type": "Location Geofence Event", "source": "aws.geo", "account": "636103698109", "time": "2020-11-10T23:43:37Z", "region": "eu-west-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:geo:eu-west-1:0123456789101:geofence-collection/GeofenceEvents-GeofenceCollection_EXAMPLE", "arn:aws:geo:eu-west-1:0123456789101:tracker/Tracker_EXAMPLE" ], "detail": { "EventType": "ENTER", "GeofenceId": "polygon_14", "DeviceId": "Device1-EXAMPLE", "SampleTime": "2020-11-10T23:43:37.531Z", "Position": [ -123.12390073297821, 49.23433613216247 ], "Accuracy": { "Horizontal": 15.3 }, "GeofenceProperties": { "ExampleKey1": "ExampleField1", "ExampleKey2": "ExampleField2" }, "PositionProperties": { "ExampleKey1": "ExampleField1", "ExampleKey2": "ExampleField2" } } }

The following is an example of an event for exiting a geofence initiated by calling BatchUpdateDevicePosition.

{ "version": "0", "id": "aa11aa22-33a-4a4a-aaa5-example", "detail-type": "Location Geofence Event", "source": "aws.geo", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-11-10T23:41:44Z", "region": "eu-west-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:geo:eu-west-1:0123456789101:geofence-collection/GeofenceEvents-GeofenceCollection_EXAMPLE", "arn:aws:geo:eu-west-1:0123456789101:tracker/Tracker_EXAMPLE" ], "detail": { "EventType": "EXIT", "GeofenceId": "polygon_10", "DeviceId": "Device1-EXAMPLE", "SampleTime": "2020-11-10T23:41:43.826Z", "Position": [ -123.08569321875426, 49.23766166742559 ], "Accuracy": { "Horizontal": 15.3 }, "GeofenceProperties": { "ExampleKey1": "ExampleField1", "ExampleKey2": "ExampleField2" }, "PositionProperties": { "ExampleKey1": "ExampleField1", "ExampleKey2": "ExampleField2" } } }

The following is an example of an event for a position update, initiated by calling BatchUpdateDevicePosition.

{ "version": "0", "id": "aa11aa22-33a-4a4a-aaa5-example", "detail-type": "Location Device Position Event", "source": "aws.geo", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-11-10T23:41:44Z", "region": "eu-west-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws:geo:eu-west-1:0123456789101:tracker/Tracker_EXAMPLE" ], "detail": { "EventType": "UPDATE", "TrackerName": "tracker_2", "DeviceId": "Device1-EXAMPLE", "SampleTime": "2020-11-10T23:41:43.826Z", "ReceivedTime": "2020-11-10T23:41:39.235Z", "Position": [ -123.08569321875426, 49.23766166742559 ], "Accuracy": { "Horizontal": 15.3 }, "PositionProperties": { "ExampleKey1": "ExampleField1", "ExampleKey2": "ExampleField2" } } }