An event indicates a change in an environment such as an AWS environment, a SaaS partner service or application, or one of your applications or services. The following are examples of events:
Amazon EC2 generates an event when the state of an instance changes, such as from pending to running.
AWS CloudFormation generates an event when it creates, updates, or deletes a stack.
AWS CloudTrail publishes events when you make API calls.
You can also set up scheduled events that are generated on a periodic basis.
Events are represented as JSON objects and they all have a similar structure, and the same top-level fields. For more information, see Event structure in the EventBridge Events Reference.
Events from AWS services
Many AWS services generate events that EventBridge receives. When an AWS service in your account sends an event to EventBridge, it goes to your account’s default event bus.
For a list of AWS services that send events to EventBridge, and the events they send, see the EventBridge Events Reference.
AWS services send events to EventBridge on a durable or best-effort basis. For more information, see Event delivery level in the EventBridge Events Reference.
The following video explains the basics of events:
The following video covers the ways events get to EventBridge: