Viewing performance metrics - Amazon Lookout for Vision

Viewing performance metrics

You can get performance metrics from the console and by calling the DescribeModel operation.

Viewing performance metrics (console)

After training is complete, the console displays the performance metrics.

The Amazon Lookout for Vision console shows the following performance metrics for the classifications made during testing:

If the model is a segmentation model, the console also shows the following performance metrics for each anomaly label:

The test results overview section shows you the total correct and incorrect predictions for images in the test dataset. You can also see the predicted and actual label assignments for individual images in the test dataset.

The following procedure shows how to get the performance metrics from a project's model list view.

To view performance metrics (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Lookout for Vision console at

  2. Choose Get started.

  3. In the left navigation pane, choose Projects.

  4. In the projects view, choose the project that contains the version of the model that you want to view.

  5. In the left navigation pane, under the project name, choose Models.

  6. In the models list view, choose the versions of the model that you want to view.

  7. On the model details page, view the performance metrics on the Performance metrics tab.

  8. Note the following:

    1. The Model performance metrics section contains overall model metrics (precision, recall, F1 score) for the classification predictions that the model made for the test images.

    2. If the model is an image segmentation model, the Performance per label section contains the number of test images where the anomaly label was found. You also see metrics (F1 score, Average IoU) for each anomaly label.

    3. The Test results overview section provides the results for each test image that Lookout for Vision uses to evaluate the model. It includes the following:

      • The total number of correct (true positive) and incorrect (false negative) classification predictions (normal or anomaly) for all test images.

      • The classification prediction for each test image. If you see Correct under an image, the predicted classification matches the actual classification for the image. Otherwise the model didn't correctly classify the image.

      • With an image segmentation model, you see anomaly labels that the model assigned to the image and masks on the image that match the colors of the anomaly labels.

Viewing performance metrics (SDK)

You can use the DescribeModel operation to get the summary performance metrics (classification) for the model, the evaluation manifest, and the evaluation results for a model.

Getting the summary performance metrics

The summary performance metrics for the classification predictions made by the model during testing (Precision, Recall, and F1 score) are returned in the Performance field returned by a call to DescribeModel.

"Performance": { "F1Score": 0.8, "Recall": 0.8, "Precision": 0.9 },

The Performance field doesn't include the anomaly label performance metrics returned by a segmentation model. You can get them from the EvaluationResult field. For more information, see Reviewing the evaluation result.

For information about summary performance metrics see Step 1: Evaluate the performance of your model. For example code, see Viewing your models (SDK).

Using the evaluation manifest

The evaluation manifest provides test prediction metrics for the individual images used to test a model. For each image in the test dataset, a JSON line contains the original test (ground truth) information and the model's prediction for the image. Amazon Lookout for Vision stores the evaluation manifest in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can get the location from the EvaluationManifest field in the response from DescribeModel operation.

"EvaluationManifest": { "Bucket": "lookoutvision-us-east-1-nnnnnnnnnn", "Key": "my-sdk-project-model-output/EvaluationManifest-my-sdk-project-1.json" }

The file name format is EvaluationManifest-project name.json. For example code, see Viewing your models.

In the following sample JSON line, the class-name is the ground truth for the contents of the image. In this example the image contains an anomaly. The confidence field shows the confidence that Amazon Lookout for Vision has in the prediction.

{ "source-ref"*: "s3://customerbucket/path/to/image.jpg", "source-ref-metadata": { "creation-date": "2020-05-22T21:33:37.201882" }, // Test dataset ground truth "anomaly-label": 1, "anomaly-label-metadata": { "class-name": "anomaly", "type": "groundtruth/image-classification", "human-annotated": "yes", "creation-date": "2020-05-22T21:33:37.201882", "job-name": "labeling-job/anomaly-detection" }, // Anomaly label detected by Lookout for Vision "anomaly-label-detected": 1, "anomaly-label-detected-metadata": { "class-name": "anomaly", "confidence": 0.9, "type": "groundtruth/image-classification", "human-annotated": "no", "creation-date": "2020-05-22T21:33:37.201882", "job-name": "training-job/anomaly-detection", "model-arn": "lookoutvision-some-model-arn", "project-name": "lookoutvision-some-project-name", "model-version": "lookoutvision-some-model-version" } }

Reviewing the evaluation result

The evaluation result has the following aggregate performance metrics (classification) for the entire set of test images:

The evaluation result also includes the number of images used for training and testing the model.

If the model is a segmentation model, the evaluation result also includes the following metrics for each anomaly label found in the test dataset:

Amazon Lookout for Vision stores the evaluation result in an Amazon S3 bucket. You can get the location by checking the value of EvaluationResult in the response from DescribeModel operation.

"EvaluationResult": { "Bucket": "lookoutvision-us-east-1-nnnnnnnnnn", "Key": "my-sdk-project-model-output/EvaluationResult-my-sdk-project-1.json" }

The file name format is EvaluationResult-project name.json. For an example, see Viewing your models.

The following schema shows the evaluation result.

{ "Version": 1, "EvaluationDetails": { "ModelArn": "string", // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model version. "EvaluationEndTimestamp": "string", // The UTC date and time that evaluation finished. "NumberOfTrainingImages": int, // The number of images that were successfully used for training. "NumberOfTestingImages": int // The number of images that were successfully used for testing. }, "AggregatedEvaluationResults": { "Metrics": { //Classification metrics. "ROCAUC": float, // ROC area under the curve. "AveragePrecision": float, // The average precision of the model. "Precision": float, // The overall precision of the model. "Recall": float, // The overall recall of the model. "F1Score": float, // The overal F1 score for the model. "PixelAnomalyClassMetrics": //Segmentation metrics. [ { "Precision": float, // The precision for the anomaly label. "Recall": float, // The recall for the anomaly label. "F1Score": float, // The F1 score for the anomaly label. "AIOU" : float, // The average Intersection Over Union for the anomaly label. "ClassName": "string" // The anomaly label. } ] } } }