Adjusting sensitivity scores for S3 buckets - Amazon Macie

Adjusting sensitivity scores for S3 buckets

As you review and evaluate statistics, data, and other results of automated sensitive data discovery, there might be cases where you want to fine tune sensitivity assessments of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. You might also want to capture the results of investigations that you or your organization performs for specific buckets. If you're the Amazon Macie administrator for an organization or you have a standalone Macie account, you can make these changes by adjusting the sensitivity score and other settings for individual buckets. If you have a member account in an organization, work with your Macie administrator to adjust the settings for buckets that you own. Only the Macie administrator for your organization can adjust these settings for your buckets.

If you're a Macie administrator or you have a standalone Macie account, you can adjust the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket in the following ways:

  • Assign a sensitivity score – By default, Macie automatically calculates a bucket's sensitivity score. The score is based primarily on the amount of sensitive data that Macie has found in a bucket, and the amount of data that Macie has analyzed in a bucket. For more information, see Sensitivity scoring for S3 buckets.

    You can override a bucket's calculated score and manually assign the maximum score (100), which also applies the Sensitive label to the bucket. If you do this, Macie continues to perform automated sensitive data discovery for the bucket. However, subsequent analyses don't affect the bucket's score. To calculate the score automatically again, change the setting again.

  • Exclude or include sensitive data types in the sensitivity score – If it's calculated automatically, a bucket's sensitivity score is based partly on the amount of sensitive data that Macie has found in the bucket. This derives primarily from the nature and number of sensitive data types that Macie has found, and the number of occurrences of each type. By default, Macie includes occurrences of all types of sensitive data when it calculates a bucket's score.

    You can adjust the calculation by excluding or including specific types of sensitive data in a bucket's score. For example, if Macie detected mailing addresses in a bucket and you determine that this is acceptable, you can exclude all occurrences of mailing addresses from the bucket's score. If you exclude a sensitive data type, Macie continues to inspect the bucket for that type of data, and report occurrences that it finds. However, those occurrences don't affect the bucket's score. To include a sensitive data type in the score again, change the setting again.

You can also exclude an S3 bucket from subsequent analyses. If you exclude a bucket, existing sensitive data discovery statistics and details for the bucket persist. For example, the bucket's current sensitivity score remains unchanged. However, Macie stops analyzing objects in the bucket when it performs automated sensitive data discovery. After you exclude a bucket, you can include it again later.

If you change a setting that affects the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket, Macie immediately begins to recalculate the score. Macie also updates relevant statistics and other information that it provides about the bucket and your Amazon S3 data overall. For example, if you assign the maximum score to a bucket, Macie increments the count of Sensitive buckets in aggregated statistics.

To adjust the sensitivity score or other settings for an S3 bucket

To adjust the sensitivity score or other settings for an S3 bucket, you can use the Amazon Macie console or the Amazon Macie API.


Follow these steps to adjust the sensitivity score or a setting for an S3 bucket by using the Amazon Macie console.

  1. Open the Amazon Macie console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose S3 buckets. The S3 buckets page displays your bucket inventory.

    By default, the page doesn't display data for buckets that are currently excluded from analyses. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, it also doesn't display data for accounts that automated sensitive data discovery is currently disabled for. To display this data, choose X in the Is monitored by automated discovery filter token below the filter box.

  3. Choose the S3 bucket that has a setting to adjust. You can choose the bucket by using the table view ( The table view button, which is a button that displays three black horizontal lines. ) or the interactive map ( The map view button, which is a button that displays four black squares. ).

  4. In the details panel, do any of the following:

    • To override the calculated sensitivity score and manually assign a score, turn on Assign maximum score ( A toggle switch with a gray background and the toggle positioned to the left. ). This changes the bucket's score to 100 and applies the Sensitive label to the bucket.

    • To assign a sensitivity score that Macie calculates automatically, turn off Assign maximum score ( A toggle switch with a blue background and the toggle positioned to the right. ).

    • To exclude or include specific types of sensitive data in the sensitivity score, choose the Sensitivity tab. In the Detections table, select the checkbox for the sensitive data type to exclude or include. Then, on the Actions menu, choose Exclude from score to exclude the type or choose Include in score to include the type.

      In the table, the Sensitive data type field specifies the managed data identifier or custom data identifier that detected the data. For a managed data identifier, this is a unique identifier (ID) that describes the type of sensitive data that the identifier is designed to detect—for example, USA_PASSPORT_NUMBER for US passport numbers. For details about each managed data identifier, see Using managed data identifiers.

    • To exclude the bucket from subsequent analyses, turn on Exclude from automated discovery ( A toggle switch with a gray background and the toggle positioned to the left. ).

    • To include the bucket in subsequent analyses, if you previously excluded it, turn off Exclude from automated discovery ( A toggle switch with a blue background and the toggle positioned to the right. ).


To adjust the sensitivity score or a setting for an S3 bucket programmatically, you have several options. The appropriate option depends on what you want to adjust.

Assign a sensitivity score

To assign a sensitivity score to an S3 bucket, use the UpdateResourceProfile operation. In your request, use the resourceArn parameter to specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket. For the sensitivityScoreOverride parameter, do one of the following:

  • To override the calculated score and manually assign the maximum score, specify 100.

  • To assign a score that Macie calculates automatically, omit the parameter. If this parameter is null, Macie calculates and assigns the score.

If you're using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), run the update-resource-profile command to assign a sensitivity score to an S3 bucket. In your request, use the resource-arn parameter to specify the ARN of the bucket. Omit or use the sensitivity-score-override parameter to specify which score to assign.

If your request succeeds, Macie assigns the specified score and returns an empty response.

Exclude or include sensitive data types in the sensitivity score

To exclude or include sensitive data types in the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket, use the UpdateResourceProfileDetections operation. When you use this operation, you overwrite the current inclusion and exclusion settings for a bucket's score. Therefore, it's a good idea to first retrieve the current settings and determine which ones you want to keep. To retrieve the current settings, use the ListResourceProfileDetections operation.

When you're ready to update the settings, use the resourceArn parameter to specify the ARN of the S3 bucket. For the suppressDataIdentifiers parameter, do one of the following:

  • To exclude a sensitive data type from the bucket's score, use the type parameter to specify the type of data identifier that detected the data, a managed data identifier (MANAGED) or a custom data identifier (CUSTOM). Use the id parameter to specify the unique identifier for the managed or custom data identifier that detected the data.

  • To include a sensitive data type in the bucket's score, don't specify any details for the managed or custom data identifier that detected the data.

  • To include all sensitive data types in the bucket's score, don't specify any values. If the value for the suppressDataIdentifiers parameter is null (empty), Macie includes all types of detections when it calculates the score.

If you're using the AWS CLI, run the update-resource-profile-detections command to exclude or include sensitive data types in the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket. Use the resource-arn parameter to specify the ARN of the bucket. Use the suppress-data-identifiers parameter to specify which sensitive data types to exclude or include in the bucket's score. To first retrieve and review the current settings for the bucket, run the list-resource-profile-detections command.

If your request succeeds, Macie updates the settings and returns an empty response.

Exclude or include an S3 bucket in analyses

To exclude or subsequently include an S3 bucket in analyses, use the UpdateClassificationScope operation. Or, if you're using the AWS CLI, run the update-classification-scope command. For additional details and examples, see Excluding or including S3 buckets in automated sensitive data discovery.

The following examples show how to use the AWS CLI to adjust individual settings for an S3 bucket. This first example manually assigns the maximum sensitivity score (100) to a bucket. It overrides the bucket's calculated score.

$ aws macie2 update-resource-profile --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket --sensitivity-score-override 100

Where arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the ARN of the S3 bucket.

The next example changes the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket to a score that Macie calculates automatically. The bucket currently has a manually assigned score that overrides the calculated score. This example removes that override by omitting the sensitivity-score-override parameter from the request.

$ aws macie2 update-resource-profile --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket2

Where arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket2 is the ARN of the S3 bucket.

The following examples exclude particular types of sensitive data from the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket. This example is formatted for Linux, macOS, or Unix, and it uses the backslash (\) line-continuation character to improve readability.

$ aws macie2 update-resource-profile-detections \ --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 \ --suppress-data-identifiers '[{"type":"MANAGED","id":"ADDRESS"},{"type":"CUSTOM","id":"3293a69d-4a1e-4a07-8715-208ddexample"}]'

This example is formatted for Microsoft Windows and it uses the caret (^) line-continuation character to improve readability.

C:\> aws macie2 update-resource-profile-detections ^ --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 ^ --suppress-data-identifiers=[{\"type\":\"MANAGED\",\"id\":\"ADDRESS\"},{\"type\":\"CUSTOM\",\"id\":\"3293a69d-4a1e-4a07-8715-208ddexample\"}]


  • arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 is the ARN of the S3 bucket.

  • ADDRESS is the unique identifier for the managed data identifier that detected a type of sensitive data to exclude (mailing addresses).

  • 3293a69d-4a1e-4a07-8715-208ddexample is the unique identifier for the custom data identifier that detected a type of sensitive data to exclude.

This next set of examples later includes all types of sensitive data in the sensitivity score for the S3 bucket. It overwrites the current exclusion settings for the bucket by specifying an empty (null) value for the suppress-data-identifiers parameter. For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

$ aws macie2 update-resource-profile-detections --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 --suppress-data-identifiers '[]'

For Microsoft Windows:

C:\> aws macie2 update-resource-profile-detections --resource-arn arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 --suppress-data-identifiers=[]

Where arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-bucket3 is the ARN of the S3 bucket.