How CloudWatch logging works for sensitive data discovery jobs - Amazon Macie

How CloudWatch logging works for sensitive data discovery jobs

When you start running sensitive data discovery jobs, Amazon Macie automatically creates and configures the appropriate resources in Amazon CloudWatch Logs to log events for all of your jobs. Macie then publishes event data to those resources automatically when your jobs run. The permissions policy for the Macie service-linked role for your account allows Macie to perform these tasks on your behalf. You don't need to take any steps to create or configure resources in CloudWatch Logs or log event data for your jobs.

In CloudWatch Logs, logs are organized into log groups. Each log group contains log streams. Each log stream contains log events. The general purpose of each of these resources is as follows:

  • A log group is a collection of log streams that share the same retention, monitoring, and access control settings—for example, the collection of logs for all of your sensitive data discovery jobs.

  • A log stream is a sequence of log events that share the same source—for example, an individual sensitive data discovery job.

  • A log event is a record of an activity that was recorded by an application or resource—for example, an individual event that Macie recorded and published for a particular sensitive data discovery job.

Macie publishes events for all of your sensitive data discovery jobs to one log group. Each job has a unique log stream in that log group. The log group has the following prefix and name:


If this log group already exists, Macie uses it to store log events for your jobs. This can be helpful if your organization uses automated configuration, such as AWS CloudFormation, to create log groups with predefined retention periods, encryption settings, tags, metric filters, and so on, for job events.

If this log group doesn't exist, Macie creates it with the default settings that CloudWatch Logs uses for new log groups. The settings include a log retention period of Never Expire, which means that CloudWatch Logs stores the logs indefinitely. You can change the retention period for the log group. To learn how, see Working with log groups and log streams in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

Within this log group, Macie creates a unique log stream for each job that you run, the first time that the job runs. The name of the log stream is the unique identifier for the job, such as 85a55dc0fa6ed0be5939d0408example, in the following format:


Each log stream contains all the log events that Macie recorded and published for the corresponding job. For periodic jobs, this includes events for all of the job's runs. If you delete the log stream for a periodic job, Macie creates the stream again the next time that the job runs. If you delete the log stream for a one-time job, you can't restore it.

Note that logging is enabled by default for all of your jobs. You can't disable it or otherwise prevent Macie from publishing job events to CloudWatch Logs. If you don't want to store the logs, you can reduce the retention period for the log group to as little as one day. At the end of the retention period, CloudWatch Logs automatically deletes expired event data from the log group.