Input - Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (formerly Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink)


When you configure the application input for a SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application, you specify the streaming source, the in-application stream name that is created, and the mapping between the two.



Describes the format of the data in the streaming source, and how each data element maps to corresponding columns in the in-application stream that is being created.

Also used to describe the format of the reference data source.

Type: SourceSchema object

Required: Yes


The name prefix to use when creating an in-application stream. Suppose that you specify a prefix "MyInApplicationStream." Kinesis Data Analytics then creates one or more (as per the InputParallelism count you specified) in-application streams with the names "MyInApplicationStream_001," "MyInApplicationStream_002," and so on.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [^-\s<>&]*

Required: Yes


Describes the number of in-application streams to create.

Type: InputParallelism object

Required: No


The InputProcessingConfiguration for the input. An input processor transforms records as they are received from the stream, before the application's SQL code executes. Currently, the only input processing configuration available is InputLambdaProcessor.

Type: InputProcessingConfiguration object

Required: No


If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, identifies the delivery stream's ARN.

Type: KinesisFirehoseInput object

Required: No


If the streaming source is an Amazon Kinesis data stream, identifies the stream's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Type: KinesisStreamsInput object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: