Changing the Accelerate alarm configuration - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Changing the Accelerate alarm configuration

To add or update new alarm definitions, you can either deploy configuration document Using AWS CloudFormation to deploy configuration changes, or invoke the CreateHostedConfigurationVersion API.

This is a Linux command line command that generates the parameter value in base64, which is what the AppConfig CLI command expects. For information, see the AWS CLI documentation, Binary/Blob (binary large object).

As an example:

aws appconfig create-hosted-configuration-version --application-id application-id --configuration-profile-id configuration-profile-id --content base64-string --content-type application/json
  • Application ID: ID of the application AMS AlarmManager; you can find this out with the ListApplications API call.

  • Configuration Profile ID: ID of the configuration CustomerManagedAlarms; you can find this out with the ListConfigurationProfiles API call.

  • Content: Base64 string of the content, to be created by creating a document and encoding it in base64: cat alarms-v2.json | base64 (see Binary/Blob (binary large object)).

    Content Type: MIME type, application/json because alarm definitions are written in JSON.


Restrict access to the StartDeployment and StopDeployment API actions to trusted users who understand the responsibilities and consequences of deploying a new configuration to your targets.

To learn more about how to use AWS AppConfig features to create and deploy a configuration, see Working with AWS AppConfig.