Monitoring - AMS Accelerate User Guide


AMS Accelerate monitors supported resources for health, availability, and reliability. For more information about this service offering, see Monitoring and event management in AMS Accelerate.

AMS Accelerate periodically onboards additional AWS services to baseline monitoring. If you use the Resource Tagger default configuration, these updates are automatically deployed to your accounts, and changes are reflected to the supported resources.

To opt-in to have your Amazon EC2 instances managed by AMS Accelerate, you must apply the following tag via Customization profile in AppConfig; for more information, see Step 3: Creating a configuration and a configuration profile.

Apply the following tag to your resources:

Key Value



For example, you can create a Customized configuration document like this one to apply the tags to all your AMS-supported EC2 resources:

{ "AWS::EC2::Instance": { "AllEC2": { "Enabled": true, "Filter": { "Platform": "*" }, "Tags": [ { "Key": "ams:rt:ams-managed", "Value": "true" } ] } } }

Remember to deploy your configuration changes after you have made them. In SSM AppConfig, you must deploy a new version of the configuration after creating it.

Services other than Amazon EC2 will have default baseline monitoring. In order to *opt out* your resources to be monitored by AMS Accelerate, you can use the customization configuration profile to exclude specific resources or AWS services. This allows you to control which resources should have monitoring tags to deploy baseline alarm definitions. See Resource Tagger use cases in AMS Accelerate.

Using Resource Tagger

The AMS Accelerate Resource Tagger configuration in your account ensures that the following tags are deployed automatically, if you apply this one tag (ams:rt:ams-managed).

You will see the following tags being applied to your supported resources for baseline monitoring.

Key Value Rule



Applies to all EC2 resources supported by AMS



Applies to all Amazon EC2 instances running Linux OS



Applies to all Amazon EC2 instances running Windows OS

For other supported services

Apply the following tags to your resources, according to the given rules:

Key Value Rule



Applies to all resources supported by AMS Accelerate monitoring.



OpenSearch Domain with KMS



OpenSearch Domain with Dedicated Master Node

If you're not using Resource Tagger

See Tags without Resource Tagger for help on applying the correct monitoring tags using methods other than using AMS Resource Tagger.