AMS can tag all resources created by AMS for management purposes, in your multi-account landing zone (MALZ) and single-account landing zone (SALZ) accounts through a request for change (RFC) with the Management | Other | Other | Create change type (ct-1e1xtak34nx76). This can help you in identifying resources created by AMS for management purposes.
AMS can automatically identify AMS-created resources based on the naming standards and check if the resource has the following tag keys and values - "AppName", "AppId", "AMSResource", and "EnvironmentType". If the tag key does not exist, or the value is empty, those tag-keys can be created automatically by AMS with tag-value "AMSInfrastructure".
You can customize the tags you want on AMS-created resources based on your organization's tagging
standards. You can include your own tag-keys and tag-values when
you submit the request to AMS. Follow these AWS tag naming standards:
Tagging Best Practices
For MALZ accounts, custom tagging of AMS infrastructure is supported on Application accounts only. Custom tagging on core accounts is currently not supported.
If the tag-key name you provide in your RFC, already exists on the resource, then the tag-value gets replaced with the new tag-value that you provided in the RFC.
Total length of tag key:value pairs must not exceed 256 characters.
Include the following information in your RFC with the Management | Other | Other | Create change type (ct-1e1xtak34nx76) for tagging AMS-created resources.
List of multi-account landing zone or single-account landing zone accounts where you would like to tag AMS-created resources for management purposes.
Required tag-key name and tag-value (if needed). By default, AMS can tag with tag-key name as "EnvironmentType" and tag-value as "AMSInfrastructure". If you need a custom tag-key name and tag-value, follow AWS tag naming standards: Tagging Best Practices
These resources are currently supported by AMS infrastructure tagging:
API Gateway
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon EBS
Amazon EC2
Amazon OpenSearch Service
Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)
Amazon Redshift
Amazon RDS
Amazon S3 (specific buckets only*)
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Amazon VPC
AWS Certificate Manager
AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudTrail
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodePipeline
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Lambda
AWS Secrets Manager
AWS Service Catalog
AWS Systems Manager
AWS WAF Regional
Elastic Load Balancing
* "arn:aws:s3:::awsms-a*-patch-data-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-log-management-*", "arn:aws:s3:::cf-templates-*", "arn:aws:s3:::mc-a*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-backup-reports-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-patch-data-customer-reports-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-patch-data-raw-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-patch-data-reporting-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-a*-release-assets-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-cfn-drift-remediation-*", "arn:aws:s3:::ams-reporting-data-a*"