AMS reserved prefixes - AMS Advanced User Guide

AMS reserved prefixes

AMS resource attributes must comply with certain patterns; for example, IAM instance profile names, BackupVault names, tag names, and so forth, must not start with AMS reserved prefixes. Those reserved prefixes are:

*/aws_reserved/* ams-* /ams/* ams* AMS* Ams* aws* AWS* AWS_* AWSManagedServices* codedeploy_service_role CloudTrail* Cloudtrail* customer-mc-* eps EPSDB* IAMPolicy* INGEST* LandingZone* Managed_Services* managementhost mc* MC* Mc* MMS* ms- NewAMS* Root* sentinel* Sentinel* StackSet-ams* StackSet-AWS-Landing-Zone StateMachine* TemplateId* VPC_* UnhealthyInServiceBastion