AWS Managed Services (AMS) access change types (CTs) require the fully qualified domain name, or FQDN, of your AMS-trusted domain, in the form of
. To discover your AWS FQDN, do one of the following:
AWS Console: Look in the AWS Directory Service console in the Directory name column.
CLI: Use these commands while logged into your domain:
Windows (returns user and FQDN):
whoami /upn
whoami /fqdn
hostname --fqdn
The AMS API/CLI (amscm and amsskms) endpoints are in the AWS N. Virginia Region, us-east-1
. Depending on how your
authentication is set, and what AWS Region your account and resources are in, you may need to add --region us-east-1
when issuing commands. You may also need to add --profile saml
, if that is your authentication method.