The following is a list of code snippets for the AMS API ListChangeTypeClassificationSummaries
operation, in all available languages.
For the Python, Ruby, and Java SDKs, see Tools for Amazon Web Services
AMS API to CLI example
After you have installed the AMS CLI (requires the AWS CLI; see
Installing or upgrading the AMS CLI), you can run any
AMS API operation by reforming the call first specifying which AMS API, aws amscm
aws amsskms
, and
then giving the action with hyphens replacing camel case. Finally, provide credentials, such as SAML.
To learn more, see Using the AWS Command Line Interface.
amscm list-change-type-classification-summaries --query "ChangeTypeClassificationSummaries[*].[Category,Subcategory,Item,Operation,ChangeTypeId]" --output table
If you authenticate with SAML, add aws --profile saml
to the beginning of the
command. For example,
aws --profile saml amscm list-change-type-classification-summaries --query "ChangeTypeClassificationSummaries[*].[Category,Subcategory,Item,Operation,ChangeTypeId]" --output table
AMS API to Python example
In order to use the AMS API with Python, install the AMS CLI and install boto3. Follow these steps:
Install the AMS CLI. See Installing or upgrading the AMS CLI.
Install boto3, the AWS SDK for Python. For more information, see this blog post Now Available – AWS SDK For Python (Boto3)
. import boto3
Get the AMS Change Management client:
cm = boto3.client('amscm')
Get the AMS CTs:
cts = cm.list_change_type_classification_summaries()
Python examples
The following are some examples for using Python in AMS, to create EC2 instances, and/or use Lambda.
Python example to create an EC2
This example shows how you can use the amscm RESTFul API from within Python code to file and perform RFC processes.
Install the AMS CLI somewhere you have access to; you need the files it supplies.
Call Python libraries and create the EC2 instance:
import boto3 import json import time # Create the amscm client cm = boto3.client('amscm') # Define the execution parameters for EC2 Create AMSExecParams = { "Description": "
", "VpcId": "VPC_ID
", "Name": "My-EC2
", "TimeoutInMinutes": 60, "Parameters": { "InstanceAmiId": "INSTANCE_ID
", "InstanceSubnetId": "SUBNET_ID"
} } # Create the AMS RFC cts = cm.create_rfc( ChangeTypeId="ct-14027q0sjyt1h", ChangeTypeVersion="3.0", Title="Python Code RFC Create
", ExecutionParameters=json.dumps(AMSExecParams) ) # Extract the RFC ID from the response NewRfcID = cts['RfcId'] # Submit the RFC RFC_Submit_Return=cm.submit_rfc(RfcId=NewRfcID
) # Check the RFC status every 30 seconds RFC_Status = cm.get_rfc(RfcId=NewRfcID
) RFC_Status_Code = RFC_Status['Rfc']['Status']['Name'] while RFC_Status_Code != "Success": if RFC_Status_Code == "PendingApproval": print(RFC_Status_Code) time.sleep(30) elif RFC_Status_Code == "InProgress": print(RFC_Status_Code) time.sleep(30) elif RFC_Status_Code == "Failure": print(RFC_Status_Code) break else: print(RFC_Status_Code) RFC_Status = cm.get_rfc(RfcId=NewRfcID) RFC_Status_Code = RFC_Status['Rfc']['Status']['Name']
Python example with Lambda
This example shows how to bundle the AMS models with your code so you can use it with
Lambda, or EC2; places you won't, or can't, install amscli
AMS does not provide an importable AMS-specific Python SDK. The
install script installs the AMS service data models in the
CLI’s normal path. For CLI usage and system Python usage, that is fine, because both
and boto3
read their service models from the
same default locations (~/.aws/models
). However, when you want to use AMS services
via boto3 in Lambda (or any other non-local runtime), it breaks, because you no
longer have the data models. The following is a method to fix this by packaging the
data models with the function.
There are simple steps that you can take to run your AMS-integrated Python code in Lambda or another runtime like EC2, Fargate, etc. The following workflow shows the steps necessary for AMS-integrated Lambda functions.
By adding the data models to the code's deployment package and updating the SDK search path, you can simulate an SDK experience.
This example and all of the non-python commands shown were tested on a Mac computer.
Example Workflow:
Install the
. This creates a folder at~/.aws/models
on your computer (Mac).Copy the models to a local directory:
cp ~/.aws/models ./models
.Include the models into your code's deployment package.
Update your function code to add the new models to the SDK path. Note that this code must run before boto3 or botocore are imported!
# Force Python to search local directory for boto3 data models
import os
os.environ['AWS_DATA_PATH'] = './models'
import boto3
import botocore
Because the example models are in a directory named models
, we add ./models
AWS_DATA_PATH. If the directory was named /ams/boto3models
, we would add the following code:
import os.environ['AWS_DATA_PATH'] = './ams/boto3models'
import boto3
import botocore
Your code should successfully find the AMS models. As a more specific example re: packaging, here's the Lambda specific workflow.
Example AMS Lambda Workflow:
These steps apply the preceding generic example to creating an AWS Lambda function.
Install the amscli. This creates a folder at
on your computer (Mac).Copy the models to a local directory:
cp ~/.aws/models ./models
Add the models to your function's deployment zip file:
zip -r9 ./models
Update your function code to add the new models to the SDK path. Note that this code must run before boto3 or botocore are imported!
# Force Python to search local directory for boto3 data models
import os
os.environ['AWS_DATA_PATH'] = './models'
import boto3
import botocore
Because the example models are in a directory named models
, We add ./models
AWS_DATA_PATH. If the directory was named /ams/boto3models
, we would add the
following code:
import os
os.environ['AWS_DATA_PATH'] = './ams/boto3models'
import boto3
import botocore
Now, deploy your function:
Add your function code to the deployment zip file (if you haven't done so already):
zip -g
Create or update your function with the zip file you created (console or CLI):
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name lambda-amscm-test --zip-file fileb:// --region us-east-1
Your AMS-integrated Python Lambda should now work.
Your function must have IAM permissions for amscm
or you get a permissions error.
Sample Lambda function code to test amscm (contents of
import json
# Force lambda to search local directory for boto3 data models
import os
os.environ['AWS_DATA_PATH'] = './models'
import boto3
import botocore
def lambda_handler(event, context):
use_session = boto3.session.Session(region_name="us-east-1")
cm = use_session.client("amscm")
cts = cm.list_change_type_categories()
except botocore.exceptions.UnknownServiceError:
print("amscm not found")
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')
Test outputs (success):
Function Response:
"statusCode": 200,
"body": "\"Hello from Lambda!\""
Request ID:
Function Logs:
START RequestId: 1cea13c0-ed46-43b1-b102-a8ea28529c27 Version: $LATEST
{'ChangeTypeCategories': ['Deployment', 'Internal Infrastructure Management', 'Management'], 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'e27276a0-e081-408d-bcc2-10cf0aa19ece', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amzn-requestid': 'e27276a0-e081-408d-bcc2-10cf0aa19ece', 'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1', 'content-length': '89', 'date': 'Sun, 10 May 2020 23:21:19 GMT'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}}
END RequestId: 1cea13c0-ed46-43b1-b102-a8ea28529c27
AMS API to Ruby example
In order to use the AMS API with Ruby, install the AWS Ruby SDK and AMS CLI. Follow these steps:
Install the AMS CLI. See Installing or upgrading the AMS CLI.
Install the AWS Ruby SDK. See Tools for Amazon Web Services
. Configure Ruby with these commands:
require 'aws-sdk'
config = {
region: '
Get the AMS CTs:
ams_cm =
cts = ams_cm.list_change_type_classification_summaries
AMS API to Java example
In order to use the AMS API with Java, install the AWS Java SDK and AMS CLI. Follow these steps:
Install the AMS CLI. See Installing or upgrading the AMS CLI.
Install the AWS Java SDK. See Tools for Amazon Web Services
. Configure Java with these commands:
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
public static void getChangeTypeClassificationSummaries() {
Set the credentials. We recommend that you do not hardcode this.
final BasicAWSCredentials awsCredsCm =
new BasicAWSCredentials("
");Create the AMS Change Management client:
final AWSManagedServicesCMClient cmClient =
new AWSManagedServicesCMClient(awsCredsCm);
Get the AMS CTs:
final ListChangeTypeClassificationSummariesRequest listCtsRequest = new ListChangeTypeClassification SummariesRequest();
final ListChangeTypeClassificationSummariesResult listCtsResult =
System.out.println("List of CTs");
.map(x -> x.getCategory() + "/" + x.getSubcategory() + "/" + x.getItem() + "/" + x.getOperation())