Container products with contract pricing - AWS Marketplace

Container products with contract pricing

Some sellers offer public container-based software products with a contract pricing model, in which you agree to make a one-time upfront payment for discrete quantities of licenses to access the software product for a duration of your choice, have are billed, in advance, through your AWS account.

Example of purchasing different types of licenses in different quantities

For example, you might purchase 10 user access licenses and 5 administrative licenses for a year. You can choose to automatically renew the licenses.

In addition, some companies offer private container-based software products with a contract pricing model. A private offer typically has a fixed duration that you can't change.

You can purchase a container-based software product contract using the product’s detail page on AWS Marketplace. If this option is available, AMI with contract pricing appears for Delivery Method on the product’s detail page. When you make the purchase, you will be directed to the product’s website for account setup and configuration. The usage charges will then appear on your regular AWS account billing report.

Subscribing to a container product with contract pricing public offer in AWS Marketplace

To subscribe to a public offer container-based product with a contract pricing model

For information about subscribing using Amazon EKS, see Managing Amazon EKS add-ons.

  1. Sign in to AWS Marketplace and find a container-based software product with a contract pricing model.

  2. On the Procurement page, view the Pricing Information.

    You can see the Units and the rate against each duration (in months).

  3. To start the subscription, choose Continue to Subscribe.

    To save this product without subscribing, choose Save to List.

  4. Create an agreement by reviewing the pricing information and configuring the terms for the software product.

    1. Choose the duration of the contract: 1 month, 12 months, 24 months, or 36 months.

    2. Under Renewal Settings, choose whether to automatically renew the contract.

    3. Under Contract options, choose a quantity for each unit.

    The total contract price is displayed under Pricing details.

  5. After you've made your selections, choose Create Contract.

The Total contract price is charged to your AWS account and a license is generated in AWS License Manager.


It can take up to 10 minutes for the subscription to process and a license to be generated in your License Manager account for the software product.

Subscribing to a container product with contract pricing private offer in AWS Marketplace

To subscribe to a private offer container-based product with a contract pricing model

For information about subscribing using Amazon EKS, see Managing Amazon EKS add-ons.

  1. Sign in to AWS Marketplace with your Buyer account.

  2. View the private offer.

  3. On the Procurement page, view the Pricing Information.

    You can see the Units and the rate for each duration (in months).

  4. Choose Continue to Subscribe to start the subscription.

  5. Create an agreement by reviewing the pricing information and configuring the terms for the software product.

    The duration of the contract is already set by the Seller and can't be modified.

  6. Under Contract options, choose a quantity for each unit.

  7. View the total contract price under Pricing details.

    You can also see the public offer by choosing View Offer under Other Available Offers.

  8. After you've made your selections, choose Create Contract.


It can take up to 10 minutes for the subscription to process and a license to be generated in your License Manager account for the software product.

Accessing the software

To access the container-based software product
  1. On the AWS Marketplace console, navigate to View Subscription and view the license for the software product.

  2. On the Procurement page:

    1. Choose Manage License to view, grant access, and track usage of your entitlements in AWS License Manager.

    2. Choose Continue to Configuration.

  3. On the Launch page, view the container image details and follow the provided directions.

    While creating an Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) cluster, you must add the following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to your IAM policy.

    { "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Sid":"VisualEditorO", "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "license-manager:CheckoutLicense", "license-manager:GetLicense", "license-manager:CheckInLicense", "license-manager:ExtendLicenseConsumption", "license-manager:ListReceivedLicenses" ], "Resource":"*" } ] }

Viewing a generated license

To view a generated license
  1. Sign in to AWS License Manager with your AWS account.

  2. Under Granted licenses, view all of your granted licenses.

  3. Search licenses by entering a product SKU, recipient, or status in the Search bar.

  4. Choose the License ID and view the License details.

  5. You can view the Issuer (AWS/Marketplace) and the Entitlements (the units that the license grants the right to use, access, or consume an application or resource).

Modifying an existing contract

If they have an existing upfront commitment for a Container product, AWS Marketplace buyers can modify some aspects of a contract. A Container contract is supported through contract terms based offers as opposed to hourly or annual flexible consumption pricing (FCP) offers. This feature is available only to applications that are integrated with AWS License Manager. Buyers can purchase additional licenses within the entitlement of the same offer in the current contract. However, buyers can't reduce the entitlement counts purchased in the contract. Buyers can also cancel the automatic subscription renewal if the option is enabled by the Seller.


A flexible payment schedule (FPS) contract offer can't be modified. There are no entitlement changes available to the buyer for an FPS purchased contract. An entitlement is a right to use, access, or consume an application or resource. FPS offers are not changeable.

Manage your subscription
  1. On the AWS Marketplace console, navigate to View Subscription and view the license for the software product.

  2. On the Procurement page, select Manage License.

  3. From the list, select View Terms.

  4. In the Contract options section, increase your entitlements using the arrows. You can't reduce the entitlement counts below the entitlements purchased.

  5. The contract details and total price displays in the Pricing details section.

To cancel your automatic subscription renewal
  1. On the AWS Marketplace console, navigate to View Subscription and view the license for the software product.

  2. On the Procurement page, select Manage License.

  3. On the Subscription page, locate the Renewal Settings section.

  4. Make sure that you understand the terms and conditions with cancellation.

  5. Select the check box to cancel the automatic renewal option.