You can use your software as a service (SaaS) application metadata to create an initial SaaS product page in the AWS Marketplace catalog, using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal. You can then also add product information, product deployment details, and public offer details. Optionally, you can add accounts to the allowlist to test the product. For more information see the following procedure.
To create an initial SaaS product page
Sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal
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Choose Create SaaS product, and then choose SaaS product.
Generate a SaaS product ID and code. You can also add optional tags to support tag-based authorization.
For information about tag-based authorization, see Controlling access to AWS resources using tags in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.
Use the self-service experience to create the AWS Marketplace listing. Add product information, product deployment details, and public offer details. Optionally, you can also add accounts to the allowlist to test the product.
If you need to end your session before finishing the steps, choose the Save and exit option to save your current selections to the staging area. This option creates a request to validate the information that you provided. While your request is being validated, you can't edit the product. If your request is successful, you can continue creating your product by choosing Resume product creation.
If your request isn't successful, it's because of a validation error, which is visible on the product request log. Select the request to view the error, and choose Copy to new under Actions to correct the error and resubmit the request. To update previous steps, open the product detail page and submit a change request.
Your price will default to $0.01 per dimension during testing. This price allows you to test your product in the Limited state without incurring a large bill. You'll provide your actual price when making your product public.
Choose Submit. Then, AWS Marketplace validates the information. If the validation succeeds, AWS Marketplace releases the product in a Limited status. After the validation succeeds, you can preview, integrate, and test your product.
While the validation is in progress, you can't edit the product. When your product is initially published, it's only accessible for the AWS account used to create the product and the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team's test account. If you view the product from the SaaS products page, you can choose View on AWS Marketplace to view the product details as they will appear in AWS Marketplace for buyers. This detail listing isn't visible to other AWS Marketplace users.