Converting the frame rate of your video - MediaConvert

Converting the frame rate of your video

After you know how you want to specify the relevant settings, use one of the following procedures to set up your job. For conceptual information and guidance about choosing the right values for these settings, see Settings for frame rate conversion.


To set up your transcoding job with frame rate conversion using the MediaConvert console:

  1. Determine the values that you want to set for frame rate conversion. For more information, see Settings for frame rate conversion.

  2. Set up your job inputs and outputs as described in Tutorial: Configuring job settings.

  3. On the Create job page, in the Job pane on the left, choose the output that you want to use frame rate conversion with.


    To find a specific encoding setting on the MediaConvert console, use your browser's search function.

  4. In the Encoding settings section, for Frame rate, choose the frame rate that you want for your output. If the frame rate that you want isn't listed, choose Custom. Then specify your frame rate as a fraction in the fields to the right of Frame rate.

  5. For Framerate conversion algorithm, choose the algorithm most suited to your content.

    Framerate conversion algorithm isn't available on the MediaConvert console until you choose your output frame rate.

  6. Optional. If your output is 25 fps and you want to use Slow PAL, enable it.

  7. Optional. If you're converting from 23.976 fps to 29.97 fps and you want to do a telecine conversion, set Telecine to Hard or Soft.

    Telecine isn't available on the MediaConvert console until you set your output frame rate to 29.97.


If you use the API, CLI, or an SDK, specify the relevant settings in your JSON job specification and then submit it programmatically with your job. For more information about submitting your job programmatically, see one of the introductory topics of the AWS Elemental MediaConvert API Reference:

To set up your transcoding job with frame rate conversion using the API, SDK or AWS Command Line Interface (CLI):

  1. Determine the values you want to set for frame rate conversion. For more information, see Settings for frame rate conversion.

  2. Use the MediaConvert console to generate your JSON job specification. We recommend this approach, because the console functions as an interactive validator against the MediaConvert job schema. Follow these steps to generate your JSON job specification using the console:

    1. Follow the previous procedure for the console.

    2. In the Job pane on the left, under Job settings, choose Show job JSON.

Find additional information, including where each setting belongs in the job settings structure, in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert API Reference. Links in this list go to information about the setting in that document:

Common frame rate ratios
Frame rate common name Value for framerateNumerator Value for framerateDenominator
23.976 24,000 1,001
29.97 30,000 1,001
59.94 60,000 1,001