Including SCTE-35 markers - MediaConvert

Including SCTE-35 markers

SCTE-35 markers indicate where downstream systems can insert other content (usually advertisements or local programs). You can include SCTE-35 markers in transport stream (TS), DASH, HLS, and CMAF outputs.

AWS Elemental MediaConvert puts SCTE-35 markers into your outputs in one of two ways:

Regardless of which way you put in the SCTE-35 markers, for outputs that have them, you can optionally do the following:

  • You can have the service blank out audio and video during the ad avails indicated by the SCTE-35 markers. For more information, see Configuring ad avail blanking.

  • For HLS outputs, you can have the service include SCTE-35 information in your output HLS manifest. For more information, see Including SCTE-35 information in your HLS manifest. MediaConvert doesn't write SCTE-35 information to DASH manifests.


    MediaConvert does not process information from input manifests.

By default, the service doesn't pass through SCTE-35 markers from your input. When you set up your job to pass through markers from the input or from an ESAM document, by default, the service doesn't include SCTE-35 information in HLS manifests or do ad avail blanking.