Setting up your MediaConvert job for PCM to ID3 metadata - MediaConvert

Setting up your MediaConvert job for PCM to ID3 metadata

To use this feature, your input must have PCM audio that contains Nielsen watermarks. You provide your Nielsen distributor ID to MediaConvert and then, during the transcode, MediaConvert inserts the watermark information into the ID3 metadata of your output.

Feature restriction

You can put Nielsen watermarking information into the ID3 metadata of outputs in the following output groups only:

  • Apple HLS

  • File group, when your output container is MPEG-2 Transport Stream

To enable PCM to ID3 metadata (console)
  1. Set up your job inputs and outputs as described in Configuring jobs in MediaConvert.

  2. Enable PCM to ID3 metadata in the job-wide settings.

    1. On the Create job page, in the Job pane on the left, under Job settings choose Settings.

    2. In the Partner integrations section on the right, choose Nielsen PCM to ID3 metadata.

    3. For Distributor ID, provide the ID that Nielsen assigned to your organization.

  3. Enable PCM to ID3 metadata in the outputs where you want it. Do these steps for each Apple HLS output that you want to have ID3 metadata.

    1. In the Job pane on the left, choose the output.

    2. In the Output settings section on the right, expand the section Transport stream settings.

    3. For Nielsen ID3, choose Insert.

  4. Do these steps for each File group output that you want to have ID3 metadata.

    1. In the Job pane on the left, choose the output.

    2. In the Output settings section on the right, expand the section Container settings.

    3. Scroll to the section PID controls.

    4. For Nielsen ID3, choose Insert.

To enable PCM to ID3 metadata (API, CLI, and SDK)

If you use the API, CLI, or an SDK, specify the relevant settings in your JSON job specification and then submit it programmatically with your job. For more information about submitting your job programmatically, see one of the introductory topics of the AWS Elemental MediaConvert API Reference:

  • Use the MediaConvert console to generate your JSON job specification. We recommend this approach, because the console functions as an interactive validator against the MediaConvert job schema. Follow these steps to generate your JSON job specification using the console:

    1. Follow the previous procedure for the console.

    2. In the Job pane on the left, under Job settings, choose Show job JSON.

Find additional information, including where each setting belongs in the job settings structure, in the AWS Elemental MediaConvert API Reference. Links in this list go to information about the setting in that document: