Output metrics
Output metrics relate to the video and audio assets that have been processed by MediaLive as an output.
Active outputs
The number of outputs that are being produced and successfully written to the destination.
Name: ActiveOutputs
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: None of the outputs are successfully being written to their destinations.
If the outputs are configured to pause on input loss (according to the Input loss action setting for the output group), that behavior might be intentional.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t generating output audio (it might still be starting or waiting for initial input).
Supported dimension sets: OutputGroupName, ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Minimum, which helps you identify situations when one or more outputs is not being produced.
Dropped frames
The number of input frames that MediaLive has dropped in the period. A value of 0 is expected and indicates that MediaLive is processing incoming frames in real time. A value other than 0 indicates that the encoder can't process the incoming video fast enough to keep up with real time.
Name: DroppedFrames
Units: Count
Meaning of zero: The encoder hasn't had to drop frames.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t producing output. This means that it isn’t running, or that it is running but it is initializing, or waiting for initial input, or paused.
Supported dimensions sets: Pipeline, Region
Recommended statistic: Sum.
Fill msec
The current length of time (the fill period) during which MediaLive has filled the video output with fill frames. The fill period starts when the pipeline does not receive content from the input within the expected time. The expected time is based on the input frame rate. The fine points of the fill frame behavior are controlled by the input loss behavior fields in the channel configuration. For information about these fields, see Global configuration – input loss behavior.
A value of 0 means that fill frames aren't being used. A non-zero value means that fill frames are being used and that the input is unhealthy.
The count is capped at 60,000 milliseconds (1 minute), which means that after the cap, the metric will be 60,000 until it drops to zero.
Use this metric as follows:
If you have automatic input failover enabled – This metric typically shows zero all the time, even when there is a failover. The channel fails over to the other input immediately, which means that there is no need for MediaLive to use fill frames.
If you don’t have automatic input failover enabled – A non-zero value indicates that the input has failed, has been disrupted, or isn't keeping up with real time.
Name: FillMsec
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: The input is healthy and the output contains the expected video (rather than fill frames).
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t producing output, which means that it isn’t running. Or that it is running but it is initializing, or waiting for initial input, or paused.
Supported dimension sets: ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Maximum, to capture the capped count when fill frames are being used.
Output audio level dBFS
The output audio level in decibels relative to full scale (dBFS).
Name: OutputAudioLevelDbfs
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: The output audio level is 0 dBFS.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t generating output audio (it might still be starting or waiting for initial input).
Supported dimension sets: AudioDescriptionName, ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Minimum or maximum, which identify the lowest and highest audio level during the period.
Output audio level LKFS
The output audio level in loudness, K-weighted, relative to full scale (LKFS).
Name: OutputAudioLevelLkfs
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: Output audio level is 0 LFKS.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t generating output audio (it might still be starting or waiting for initial input).
Supported dimension sets: AudioDescriptionName, ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Minimum or maximum, which identify the lowest and highest audio level during the period.
Network Out
The rate of traffic out of MediaLive. This number includes all traffic sent from MediaLive — the media output, HTTP GET requests for pull inputs, NTP traffic, and DNS traffic. Even when a channel is not delivering output, there will be some traffic.
Name: NetworkOut
Units: Megabits per second.
Meaning of zero: No traffic is being sent.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel is not running.
Supported dimension sets: ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Average.
Output 4xx errors
The number of 4xx HTTP errors that have been received from the destination while delivering output.
Name: Output4xxErrors
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: The output is being delivered over HTTP and there are no errors.
Meaning of no datapoints: The output is not being delivered to the destination over HTTP. Or the channel is not running.
Supported dimension sets: OutputGroupName, ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Sum.
Output 5xx errors
The number of 5xx HTTP errors that have been received from the destination while delivering output.
Name: Output5xxErrors
Units: Count.
Meaning of zero: The output is being delivered over HTTP and there are no errors.
Meaning of no datapoints: The output is not being delivered to the destination over HTTP. Or the channel is not running.
Supported dimension sets: OutputGroupName, ChannelId, Pipeline
Recommended statistic: Sum.
SVQ time
The percentage of time that MediaLive has had to reduce quality optimizations in order to emit output in real time. SVQ stands for speed versus quality. Any encoding task must balance emitting output in real time against a desire to produce the best quality possible. But sometimes MediaLive must reduce quality in order to encode fast enough to keep up with real time.
Name: SvqTime
Units: Percent
Meaning of zero: MediaLive hasn't had to reduce quality in order to produce output in real time.
Meaning of no datapoints: The channel isn’t producing output. This means that it isn’t running, or that it is running but it is initializing, or waiting for initial input, or paused.
Supported dimensions sets: Pipeline, Region
Recommended statistic: Max.