Create embedded or object captions encodes - MediaLive

Create embedded or object captions encodes

Follow this procedure if the format of the captions asset that you want to add belongs to the category of embedded, burn-in, or object. You set up the captions and video and audio in the same MediaLive output.

  1. In the Create channel or Edit channel page for the channel, in the Channel panel, find the output group where you want to set up captions.

  2. If you have already set up outputs in this output group with video (and possibly audio), find the outputs where you want to add the captions. Or create a new output in this output group.

  3. In the output, go to the Stream settings and choose Add caption, then Create a new caption encode. Captions fields appear..

  4. Complete the following fields:

    • Captions description name: Enter a name that is unique in the channel, for example, Embedded.

    • Captions selector name: Select the captions selector that you created when you created the captions selectors in the input. Specify the selector that identifies the captions asset that is the source for the captions in this output.

    • Captions settings: Choose the captions format for the output captions. Depending on the format, more fields appear.

  5. Choose Additional settings. More fields appear. See the table after this procedure for information about which fields to complete for each format.

    Complete the fields that appear for the selected format. For details about a field, choose the Info link beside the field.

  6. You now have a captions encode that is fully defined. Repeat these steps to create more captions in this output or in another output, or in another output group.

Field Topic Applicable formats For more information, see this section
Font, Positioning, Font Style Captions style Burn-in, DVB-Sub Font styles for Burn-in or DVB-Sub
Language code, Language description Language information for this specific caption All formats Optional. For information, choose the Info link next to each field.
Accessibility, Caption DASH Roles, DVB DASH accessibility Accessibility data All formats Including accessibility data in captions in MediaLive
PIDs PID assignment ARIB, DVB-Sub PIDs for ARIB, PIDs for DVB-Sub

Captions language mappings

Tags in manifest HLS Language information in HLS manifests