Step 2: Create an HLS input - MediaLive

Step 2: Create an HLS input

After you have obtained information from the upstream system, you can create an HLS input.

To create an HLS pull input
  1. Make sure that you have the information from step 1.

  2. Open the MediaLive console at

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Inputs. On the Inputs page, choose Create input.

  4. Complete the Input details section:

    • Input name – enter a name.

    • Input type – choose HLS.

  5. In the Input class section, choose the class for this input:



  6. In the Input sources section, enter the URLs you previously obtained:

    • If the input is a standard-class input, complete both fields, to provide two URLs.

    • If the input is a single-class input, complete the first field with the URL that you obtained and leave the second field empty.

  7. If the upstream system and/or the license server (if the HLS source is encrypted) requires that you provide user credentials, you must also enter the user name and password key for accessing the location. These credentials are stored on the Systems Manager Parameter Store. For more information, see About the feature for creating password parameters.

    If one of the servers (upstream system or license server) requires credentials and the other doesn't, MediaLive presents them to both. But the server that doesn't need them simply ignores them.

  8. In the Tags section, create tags if you want to associate tags with this input. For more information, see Tagging resources.

  9. Choose Create.

    MediaLive creates the input and adds it to the list of inputs. The input specifies either one or two sources. The sources don't appear in the list, but if you choose the Name link, the details page shows them.