How image overlay actions work - MediaLive

How image overlay actions work

You can set up an action to insert and remove an image overlay on the video:

  • The activate action inserts an image overlay and activates it so that it is superimposed on the underlying video. If the image overlay information includes a duration, then at the appropriate time the image overlay is removed.

  • The deactivate action removes an image overlay. You therefore use this action to remove a currently running image overlay before the specified duration, or remove it when no duration is specified.

Before you add image overlay actions to the schedule, read Working with image overlays.

Global or per-outputs insertion

There are two ways to insert image overlays:

  • Use the Static image activate feature to insert globally: You can create an action to insert an image overlay in every output in every output group in a channel.

  • Use the Static image output activate feature to insert per-output: You can create an action to insert an image overlay in specific outputs in specific output groups in a channel.

Activate or deactivate with fixed start

When you create the action, you include a start time. The start time for the action must be at least 15 seconds in the future but not more than 14 days in the future. After that cutoff, MediaLive rejects the request to create the action.

After you have created the action, the action sits in the schedule. Approximately 15 seconds before the start time, the schedule passes the action to the channel. At the start time, the channel inserts the image overlay or removes the image overlay from the video.

Activate or deactivate with immediate start

When you create the action, you set the start type to immediate.

The schedule immediately passes the action to the channel. The channel immediately inserts the image overlay or removes the image overlay.