Access log format - AWS Elemental MediaStore

Access log format

The access log files consist of a sequence of JSON-formatted log records, where each log record represents one request. The order of the fields within the log can vary. The following is an example log that consists of two log records:

{ "Path": "/FootballMatch/West", "Requester": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/maria-garcia", "AWSAccountId": "111122223333", "RequestID": "aaaAAA111bbbBBB222cccCCC333dddDDD444eeeEEE555fffFFF666gggGGG777hhhHHH888iiiIII999jjjJJJ", "ContainerName": "LiveEvents", "TotalTime": 147, "BytesReceived": 1572864, "BytesSent": 184, "ReceivedTime": "2018-12-13T12:22:06.245Z", "Operation": "PutObject", "ErrorCode": null, "Source": "", "HTTPStatus": 200, "TurnAroundTime': 7, "ExpiresAt": "2018-12-13T12:22:36Z" } { "Path": "/FootballMatch/West", "Requester": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/maria-garcia", "AWSAccountId": "111122223333", "RequestID": "dddDDD444eeeEEE555fffFFF666gggGGG777hhhHHH888iiiIII999jjjJJJ000cccCCC333bbbBBB222aaaAAA", "ContainerName": "LiveEvents", "TotalTime": 3, "BytesReceived": 641354, "BytesSent": 163, "ReceivedTime": "2018-12-13T12:22:51.779Z", "Operation": "PutObject", "ErrorCode": "ValidationException", "Source": "", "HTTPStatus": 400, "TurnAroundTime": 1, "ExpiresAt": null }

The following list describes the log record fields:


The AWS account ID of the account that was used to make the request.


The number of bytes in the request body that the MediaStore server receives.


The number of bytes in the response body that the MediaStore server sends. This value often is the same as the value of the Content-Length header included with server responses.


The name of the container that received the request.


The MediaStore error code (such as InternalServerError). If no error occurred, the - character appears. An error code might appear even if the status code is 200 (indicating a closed connection or an error after the server started streaming the response).


The object's expiration date and time. This value is based on the expiration age set by a transient data rule in the lifecycle policy that is applied to the container. The value is ISO-8601 date time and is based on the system clock of the host that served the request. If the lifecycle policy doesn't have a transient data rule that applies to the object, or if there is no lifecylce policy applied to the container, the value of this field is null. This field applies only to the following operations: PutObject, GetObject, DescribeObject, and DeleteObject.


The numeric HTTP status code of the response.


The operation that was performed, such as PutObject or ListItems.


The path within the container where the object is stored. If the operation does not take a path parameter, the - character appears.


The time of day when the request was received. The value is ISO-8601 date time and is based on the system clock of the host that served the request.


The user Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the account that was used to make the request. For unauthenticated requests, this value is anonymous. If the request fails before authentication is complete, this field might be missing from the log. For such requests, the ErrorCode might identify the authorization issue.


A string that is generated by AWS Elemental MediaStore to uniquely identify each request.


The apparent internet address of the requester or the service principal of the AWS service making the call. If intermediate proxies and firewalls obscure the address of the machine making the request, the value is set to null.


The number of milliseconds (ms) that the request was in flight from the server's perspective. This value is measured beginning with the time that your request is received by the service and ending with the time that the last byte of the response is sent. This value is measured from the server's perspective because measurements made from the client's perspective are affected by network latency.


The number of milliseconds that MediaStore spent processing your request. This value is measured from the time the last byte of your request was received until the time the first byte of the response was sent.

The order of the fields in the log can vary.