Troubleshooting playback errors returned by MediaTailor - AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Troubleshooting playback errors returned by MediaTailor

This section provides information about the HTTP error codes that you might receive while testing your player software and during the normal processing of player requests.


You might also receive errors from the AWS Elemental MediaTailor API, during configuration operations like PutPlaybackConfiguration and GetPlaybackConfiguration. For information about those types of errors, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor API Reference.

When your player sends a request to AWS Elemental MediaTailor, either directly or through a CDN, MediaTailor responds with a status code. If MediaTailor successfully handles the request, it returns the HTTP status code 200 OK, indicating success, along with the populated manifest. If the request is unsuccessful, MediaTailor returns an HTTP status code, an exception name, and an error message.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor returns two classes of errors:

  • Client errors – errors that are usually caused by a problem in the request itself, like an improperly formatted request, an invalid parameter, or a bad URL. These errors have an HTTP 4xx response code.

  • Server errors – errors that are usually caused by a problem with MediaTailor or one of its dependencies, like the ad decision server (ADS) or the origin server. These errors have an HTTP 5xx response code.

Client playback errors returned by AWS Elemental MediaTailor

General guidance:

  • You can find detailed information for most errors in the headers and body of the response.

  • For some errors, you need to check your configuration settings. You can retrieve the settings for your playback configuration from AWS Elemental MediaTailor. For the API, the resource is GetPlaybackConfiguration/Name. For details, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor API Reference.

The following table lists the client error codes that are returned by the manifest manipulation activities of AWS Elemental MediaTailor, probable causes, and actions you can take to resolve them.

Code Exception name Meaning What to do
400 BadRequestException MediaTailor is unable to service the request due to one or more errors in formatting or content. A parameter might be improperly formatted, or the request might contain an invalid playback configuration or session ID. Check that your request is properly formatted and contains accurate information. Make sure that the playback endpoint setting on the player matches the ManifestEndpointPrefix setting returned by GetPlaybackConfiguration. Retry your request.
403 AccessDeniedException The host header provided in the request doesn't match the manifest endpoint prefix that is configured in the MediaTailor playback URL. Your CDN might be misconfigured. Check your CDN settings and make sure that you are using the correct manifest endpoint prefix for MediaTailor. Retry your request.
404 NotFoundException MediaTailor is unable to find the information specified. Possible reasons include a URL that doesn't map to anything in the service, a configuration that isn't defined, or a session that is unavailable. Check your configuration and the validity of your request, and then reinitialize the session.
409 ConflictException A player tried to load multiple playlists simultaneously for a single session. As a result, MediaTailor detected a session consistency conflict. This problem occurs for HLS players. Make sure that your player requests playlists one at a time. This is in accordance with the HLS specification.
410 Gone An AWS Support operator has blocked a player session or customer configuration. AWS Support does this in rare circumstances when we detect a very high volume of 4xx requests coming from errant traffic for a single session or configuration. If you think that the request shouldn't be blocked, contact AWS Support. They can look into it and remove the blocking filter, if appropriate.

If you need further assistance, contact AWS Support.

Server playback errors returned by AWS Elemental MediaTailor

General guidance:

  • You can find detailed information for most errors in the headers and body of the response.

  • For some errors, you need to check your configuration settings. You can retrieve the settings for your playback configuration from AWS Elemental MediaTailor. For the API, the resource is GetPlaybackConfiguration/Name. For details, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor API Reference.

The following table lists the server error codes returned by the manifest manipulation activities of AWS Elemental MediaTailor, probable causes, and actions you can take to resolve them.

Code Exception name Meaning What to do
500 InternalServiceError Unhandled exception. Retry the request. If the problem persists, check the reported health of MediaTailor for your AWS Region at
502 BadGatewayException Either the origin server address or the ad decision server (ADS) address is invalid. Examples of invalid addresses are a private IP address and localhost. Make sure that your configuration has the correct settings for your ADS and origin server, and then retry the request.
502 UnsupportedManifestException Either the origin manifest has changed so that MediaTailor can't personalize it or MediaTailor doesn't support the origin's manifest format. This might affect only the individual session. Reinitialize the session. You can usually accomplish this by refreshing the page in the viewer. If the problem persists, verify that MediaTailor supports the origin's manifest format. For information, see Integrating a content source.
503 LoadShed MediaTailor experienced a resource constraint while servicing your request. Retry the request. If the problem persists, check the reported health of MediaTailor for your AWS Region at
503 ThrottlingException Your transactions per second have reached your quota, and MediaTailor is throttling your use. Retry the request. You can also check the reported health of MediaTailor for your AWS Region at You might want to increase the quota on your transactions per second. For more information, see Quotas on ad insertion.
504 GatewayTimeoutException A timeout occurred while MediaTailor was contacting the origin server. Retry the request. If the problem persists, check the health of the origin server and make sure the origin server is responding within the content origin server timeout that is listed at Quotas on ad insertion.

If you need further assistance, contact AWS Support.

Playback error examples

This section lists some examples of the playback errors that you might see in command line interactions with AWS Elemental MediaTailor.

The following example shows the result when a timeout occurs between AWS Elemental MediaTailor and either the ad decision server (ADS) or the origin server.

~[]> curl -vvv * Trying * Connected to (11.222.333.444) port 555 (#0) * TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 * Server certificate: * Server certificate: Amazon * Server certificate: Amazon Root CA 1 * Server certificate: Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2 > GET /v1/master/123456789012/Multiperiod_DASH_Demo/index.mpd HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.43.0 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout < Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:43:14 GMT < Content-Type: application/json < Content-Length: 338 < Connection: keep-alive < x-amzn-RequestId: 123456789012-123456789012 < x-amzn-ErrorType: GatewayTimeoutException: < * Connection #0 to host left intact {"message":"failed to generate manifest: Unable to obtain template playlist. origin URL:[], asset path: [index.mpd], sessionId:[123456789012123456789012] customerId:[123456789012]"}%